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6th grade . REWRITE Task 1.

Complete the sentences using SHOULD or SHOULDN’T.

1. Children __________ eat too many sweets because they are bad for their teeth.

2. People __________ eat fresh fruit and vegetables every day.

3. You __________ exercise 2-3 times a week.

4. You __________ eat takeaways and fast food a lot.

5. You __________ brush your teeth twice a day.

6. Elderly people __________ do some exercise to keep them healthy.

7. We __________ eat a lot of salt in our diet.

8. You _____________ go to the doctor if you break your leg.

9. You ___________ go to sleep if you are tired.

10. You ___________ be late to an important meeting.

Task 2.
Complete these sentences in the PAST SIMPLE TENSE, using the correct verb.
* play * enjoy * watch * listen * talk * phone * stop * walk * travel * like * stay

1. We really ………………….. the concert last night. It was great! 2. She ………………… with friends in Brighton

last summer. 3. Italy ………………… very well in the last World Cup. 4. Her parents ………………….. by train

from Kiev to Moscow. 5. I ………………….. you four times last night but you were sleeping. 6. We

…………………. along the beach yesterday. It was lovely. 7. She …………………. the film but she didn’t like the

main hero. 8. The men ………………….. work at six o’clock. 9. I ……………………. to the new Shakira’s album

yesterday. It’s great. 10. They ………………… to us about their trip to India. It was very interesting.

Task 3.
Make negative sentences (x) or questions (?) using the PAST TENSE:
1. she / like (x) the film
2. I / use (x) the school computer yesterday
3. they / arrive (?) home late yesterday
4. you / ask (?) her for Jane’s address
5. he / enjoy (x) the concert in the park

Task 4.

Write the second (past simple) and third (past participle) form of these irregular verbs:

Example: be-was/were-been

1. BEGIN- _____________-______________

2. PAY-______________-_____________

3. UNDERSTAND-_______________-______________

4. SELL-______________-______________

5. LOSE-____________-_______________


TOTAL ______/30

GRADE ______

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