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Almost everyone has heard of the world famous scientist, Albert Einstein.

created the famous equations that people
see everywhere, E=mc2. When he let that equation out to the world, he became what
he is known for now, science and he was also a professor.
Since he is so famous, he has many famous quotes such as one I am going to talk
about. He said "Imagination is more important that intelligence."
I disagree with his quote because you need intelligence to survive, intelligence
helps you understand what life really
is, and intelligence helps people find the difference between right, wrong, true,
and false.

Intelligence is more important that imagination because you need it to live.

Famous psychologist, Douglas K. Detterman
said "intelligence is out major adaptive notation and only by optimizing it will we
be able to save ourselves"
(Sight-Blocked). Douglas had many achievements such as founding the scientific
journal Intelligence in 1977, and was editor
in chief from 1977 to 2016. His main priority was the Scientific Journal
Intelligence. This proves how intelligence lets
us live a life that is fulfilling and enough to be lived again.

Intelligence is more important than imagination because it means you can

understand things better like why to appreciate
life, what good things you can do, and what bad things can hurt others. Studies
have shown that people with a higher IQ
appreciate the things in life and life its self more (Scientific America). This
means that it is possible that IQ could be
equipped to happiness. They also concluded that happiness is not the only thing
different. Since the studies prove that
higher IQ has a better understanding of like, then my statement is true and still
stands that intelligence is more
important than imagination because it means you can understand things better like
why to appreciate life and what is a
part of it.

Intelligence is more important than imagination because it helps people know the
difference between right, wrong,
good, and evil. The definition of intelligence is "the ability to acquire and apply
knowledge and skills." Synonyms to that
is reasoning and so forth. Intelligence also means it is the key to the heart it
metaphorical senses. Since the definition
relates to what I state, therefore intelligence helps you know the difference
between right wrong, good, and evil.

Now then, I am not saying Einstein is incorrect or correct. He is a smart

scientists and I love his work for it. I am saying
I disagree with him because people need intelligence to survive, it helps people
have a better understanding of life, and helps people
know what is right, wrong, good, and bad.

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