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An undergraduate Thesis Presented to the Members of the Faculty of the

College of Business Education
Divine Word College of Legazpi
Legazpi City

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree of
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy


ALVARADO, Raxielle Marie B.

CAMU, Ma. Theresa S.


December 2023
Synthesis of the state-of-the-art

As a result of the fast-paced lifestyle of today's consumers, the food

service business in the nation has improved over the past few years. In response

to the increased desire for convenience among Filipinos, food service businesses

are growing their networks. Due to more consumer options, restaurants have re -

designed and highlighted the unique environment associated with their brand.

  The literature and studies that were thoroughly selected from different

works of local and foreign authors have added significance and have agreed and

paralleled with the primary objectives of the present study that is to be conducted

by the researchers. However, with a profound examination of the gathered

literature and studies, the researchers have found out that they were mostly

concentrated on the financial performance and the implementation phases of

other industries. In addition, some of them have tackled the BPR’s impact on cost


In the related studies that were collected, the works of Golchini,

demonstrate that organizations must clearly identify their objectives and

stakeholders in order to apply BPR strategies.  If they fail to develop such a

strategic map, their competence would be significantly harmed. Deploying BPR-

oriented systems would not be a logical strategy in that scenario. Companies

must make sufficient investments in their IT infrastructures, precisely design their

buildings, and carefully choose the systems they use for their operations

because the costs of errors may greatly outweigh the advantages of the BPR

project's initial benefits.

The research work done by Fasna & Gunatilake disclosed that Business

Process Reengineering is comprised of the pre-implementation, during-

implementation, and post-implementation phases. In their study, Alverina et al.

also came to the conclusion that technology is now advancing at a rapid pace

and can aid in the creation of new enterprises and employment prospects.

Modern technology now makes it easier, more comfortable, more efficient, and

more affordable for anyone who desires to conduct business, especially young


The related literature states why customer satisfaction is very crucial to

the success of the industry. The success of a business depends heavily on its

ability to satisfy its customers, and doing so also helps to increase the market

value of the company. A company's output and sales will rise as a result of

improved business procedures, which will also assist productivity levels to rise.

Effective resource management reduces the amount of money the company

must spend on production costs. Customers that are happier likely to make larger

product purchases and bring in more money for the business. A culture that

encourages innovation and growth is created by efficient business processes.

Gap to be bridged by the study

There was an array of literature and studies on Business Process

Reengineering, what it is, its impacts, and its importance. There had been

various studies also conducted regarding BPR but they were on the international

scene. It has been noted that because of the uniqueness of Business Process

Reengineering, only a few have dared to conduct a study about it locally. Most of
the related studies regarding BPR are not local but by international researchers.

Similar studies conducted focused on the same field yet different industries.

Another study was made with the same industry but it was focused on other

business aspects.

After examining and evaluating the related studies that were presented,

none of them has attempted to conduct a study about certain impacts and effects

of Business Process Reengineering on the operational performance of food

industries situated in the City of Legazpi. Thus, the gap has been bridged by the

current study.

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