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Unsolved questions part III

Is there life on other planets? Despite extensive searches and recent discoveries of
exoplanets, the question of whether life exists beyond Earth remains unanswered,
posing fascinating questions about the origin and diversity of life in the universe.

What causes aging? Despite significant progress in understanding the aging

process, the exact mechanisms that drive this fundamental biological process
remain poorly understood, leaving many questions about the potential for slowing,
reversing, or even preventing the aging process.

Can we achieve sustainable energy? As concerns about climate change and

energy security grow, the question of whether we can develop clean and
renewable sources of energy that meet global demand remains one of the most
pressing scientific questions of our time.

What is the role of the microbiome in health and disease? Although recent
research has shown that the microbes that live in and on our bodies play a critical
role in human health and disease, the exact mechanisms and implications of this
complex interaction remain a topic of ongoing investigation.

What is the origin of the universe? The question of how the universe began, and
what triggered the Big Bang, remains one of the most fundamental and fascinating
questions in physics and cosmology.

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