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Syllabus and Assignments

ESOL 100 FALL 2021

Instructor: Jelena Ristic

Because the course readings and materials for this course are going to
depend largely on CERTAIN of the Learning Materials already orga-
nized week by week on Blackboard (I’ll tell you which week by week via
your ‘to do lists’), the readings are not listed here.

Also, because readings will be presented, and decided upon both by all
of us as a group for source materials and I will be introducing supple-
mentary readings along the semester, the readings are not listed in the

Below please find the assignments that will be completed for the semes-
ter and the weekly due dates and weighted value for achieving 100% in
the course.

Assignments are always due on SUNDAYS BY 11:59 pm unless other-

wise updated.

Please see the detailed descriptions of each assignment below.

***VITAL INFORMATION*** Every single assignment will come

with an exemplar. An exemplar is an exact example(s) of what the fin-
ished product should look like - EXACTLY - to help make sure you know
in fine detail what makes an excellent assignment!
AssigNments ESOL 100 FALL SEMESTER 2021

Reflection Assignment 10% - Due End of Week 3

This assignment will consist of the following.

• Identifying your conscious bias on a topic

• Rating the source material by using the CRAAP protocol - Poor,
Passable, Good - Excellent
• Identifying how and why your conscious bias was affected after read-
ing the material. In other words, was your first opinion reinforced,
challenged or changed?

Outcomes of Assignment:
• practicing exploring and expressing unconscious bias
• becoming familiar with how to effectively use the CRAPP protocol
when doing any research and vetting a source.
• practicing reflection on the critical thinking process and how it may
affect your perspective on various media (mainstream, independent,
and direct source) represented ‘truths'

Summary Assignment (10%) - Due end of Week 6

Using a source of your choosing different from the Reflection Assign-
ment, you will write a summary of that source to illustrate your sum-
mary and citation skills.

Outcomes of Assignment:
• Learning the ‘Who, what, when, where, why, how and who cares?’
methodology for summarizing.
• Learning how to use plain language to paraphrase and reach an audi-
• Becoming skilled at APA citation
• Differentiating summarization from commentary and analysis.
Analysis Assignment: (15%) - Due end of Week 8/9
You will be given the ability to choose one of a range of source materi-
als to critical analyze.

The Assignment will have two parts worth 7.5% each.

Part 1: 7.5%
This will be a test on Ethos, Logos and Pathos as well as Logical Falla-
cies. You will be asked to identify passages by their rhetorical form and
also other passages for the type of logical fallacy they contain. This will
be a matching exercise that consists of identification - not multiple
choice, and not long answer.

Part 2: 7.5%
You will choose a source of a range of sources and fill in an Analysis
Form consisting of the following.

1. Identification of the topic and thesis/position of the source.

2. How does the source rate using the CRAAP protocol and Why?
Fails, Passable, Good - Excellent.
3. What mode of Rhetoric is predominantly used throughout the
source? Are there any other modes used? Provide one example of all
the modes identified with a quote and explanation for why you be-
lieve it is either Ethos, Logos, or Pathos.
4. Identify 2 logical fallacies or excellent consistencies in the source
material and argue your case for them.

This assignment will be in sentence format and not paragraph or long

answer (essay) format.

Final Critical Paper: 20% - Due Week 13

This is the actual LAST assignment you will hand in. Prior to it you will
be completing and handing in the assignments below. The Final Critical
Paper will be an amalgamation (joining) of the finished work of the 3 as-
signments below. The source material for the Final Critical Paper and
the 3 assignments leading up to it will be the same, so choose something
you are profoundly interested in and that moves you. The more involved
and engaged you are, the better job you will do.

Reflection Scaffolding Assignment for Final Critical Paper: 5% -

Due Week 9
• Identify your source and create a reference using APA guidelines
• Identify you conscious bias on the topic
• Rate the source material by using the CRAAP protocol. Poor, Pass-
able, Good - Excellent. Include your rational.
• Identify how and why your conscious bias was affected after reading
the material. In other words, was your first opinion reinforced, chal-
lenged or changed?

This assignment will be done via a form format in full sentences and
short paragraphs.

Summary Scaffolding Assignment for Final Critical Paper - 5% -

Due Week 10
Using the same source you chose for your Final Critical Paper you will
write a summary OUTLINE of that source.

Pre-writing Scaffolding Assignment for Final Critical Paper - 20% -

Due Week 11
This assignment will consist of the following parts:

1. Writing an introduction including the topic, thesis/position of the au-

thor and your critical position in reference to the author’s position.
Are you in full agreement, partial agreement or opposed to the au-
thor’s thesis? (Hint - you can use your reflection assignment to help
you decide and make this statement)
2. Write a full summary of the source that will be included in your Fi-
nal Critical Paper.

3. Identify the mode of rhetoric the author used to persuade the reader;
Ethos, Logos or Pathos and argue for why you believe so.
4. Identify 2-3 logical fallacies or consistencies, or a combination for a
total of 3 items and explain your choices and evaluations. Include a
quote for each example and deconstruct the quote.

5. Write a conclusion.
Final Critical Summary: - 20% - Due Week 12 - 13.

This will be your final paper where you can display all the skills you
learned in this course by combing all your scaffolding assignments into
one coherent Critical Analysis Paper.

Revision Assignment - 10%

This is a floating assignment that you may call upon at any time in the
semester to revise any assignment and replace both it’s grade and in-
crease your overall grade. Choose when you use it wisely - you may use
it up to WEEK 14 IF you hand in your Final Critical Summary by
WEEK 12 so that I have enough time to grade your Final Critical As-
signment, give you feedback and you can use that feedback to improve
your work!
A final note on GRAMMAR…

Grammar will be graded according to the effectiveness of your commu-

nication. Grades will only be removed when comprehension is not possi-
ble due to serious grammar or sentence structure issues. Feedback will
be given on the nature of your errors and resources on how to improve
will be provided.
Grammar will not hold you back from achieving an excellent grade, but
lack of comprehensibility will.

Please speak to me individually if you have any particular areas of con-

cern in your English Language abilities that you would like guidance

Please note: your best source of regular grammar and writing support is
Humber College’s Award Winning Writing Centre.

Please visit it here asap to become familiar with what it offers and how
to book meetings / visits.

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