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(12) Small
Unitedet al.
States Design Patent (10) Patent No.: US D776,713 S
(45) Date of Patent: Jan. 17, 2017
Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 Tutorial: Basic Editing, posted at
(71) Applicant: RGI Informatics, LLC, Cornwallville, by Uwwltc, posted Mar. 12, 2013, site visited Mar.
NY (US) 29, 2016). Available from internet:<
(72) Inventors: David Small, Cambridge, MA (US); (Continued)
Michael A. McKenna, Cambridge, MA
(US) Primary Examiner — Cathron Brooks
Assistant Examiner — Christian P McLean
(73) Assignee: RGI Informatics, LLC, Cornwallville, (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Law Office of Karen
NY (US) Dana Oster, LLC
(**) Term: 14 Years (57) CLAM
We claim the ornamental design for a display device with a
(21) Appl. No.: 29/512,262 timeline graphical user interface, as shown and described.
(22) Filed: Dec. 17, 2014 DESCRIPTION
(51) LOC (10) Cl. FIG. 1 is a front view of a first image in a sequence for a
(52) U.S. C. display device with a timeline graphical user interface
USPC ......................................................... D14/491
showing our new design.
(58) Field of Classification Search
FIG. 2 is a front view of a second image thereof.
USPC ..... D14/485-495; 345/1.1, 1.2, 2.1-2.3, 3.1, FIG. 3 is a front view of a third image thereof.
345/902; 715/763, 810, 836, 837, 846, FIG. 4 is a front view of the design of FIG. 1, showing the
715/847, 977 display device with a timeline graphical user interface
CPC ............. A63F 2300/5553; G11B 27/06; G11B separate from the display device for clarity of illustration.
27/022; G11B 27/031: G06F FIG. 5 is a front view of the design of FIG. 2, showing the
3/04815; G06F 3/04845; G06F display device with a timeline graphical user interface
2203/04802; G06F 3/048; G06F 3/0481; separate from the display device for clarity of illustration;
G06F 3/04812: G06F 3/04817; and,
(Continued) FIG. 6 is a front view of the design of FIG. 3, showing the
display device with a timeline graphical user interface
(56) References Cited separate from the display device for clarity of illustration.
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS The outermost broken-line in the figures shows a display
device and forms no part of the claimed design. The other
4,912,657 A * 3, 1990 Saxton ................ G06F 3/04845 broken lines in the figures illustrate portions of the display
71.5/853 device with a timeline graphical user interface and form no
5,169,342 A * 12/1992 Steele ................... G06F 3.0481 part of the claimed design.
(Continued) 1 Claim, 4 Drawing Sheets
US D776,713 S
Page 2

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G06N 3/006; G06Q 30/00 2008.0034324 A1 2/2008 Lehman .............. G06F 3/04845
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U.S. Patent Jan. 17, 2017 Sheet 1 of 4 US D776,713 S
U.S. Patent Jan. 17, 2017 Sheet 2 of 4 US D776,713 S
U.S. Patent Jan. 17, 2017 Sheet 3 of 4 US D776,713 S
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U.S. Patent Jan. 17, 2017 Sheet 4 of 4 US D776,713 S
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