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electromagnetic (EM) spectrum is
the range of all types of EM radiation.
A Gamma Ray is a type of penetrating
electromagnetic raditaion which is created by
the radioactive decay of an atoms nucleus.

Microwaves are a type of electromagnetic
radiation that is generally harmless to humans,
as a result they are used for communication for
example phones.

Electromagnetic waves are oscillations of electric
and magnetic fields. if the frequency of a wave is
low then the wavelength will be longer whereas a
higher frequency wave will result in a shorter
wave length. Radiation is the emission or
transmission of energy in the
form of waves or particles
through space or through a
material medium. A known
property of Radiation is the
ability of penetration of
objects, generally radiation
with a higher frequency, low
wavelength and high energy
has a higher degree of
penetration. Waves like this
for example Gamma rays can
be used for chemotherapy as it
kills cells, therefore killing
cancer cells as well. Waves that
are low frequency, longer
wavelength and low energy
have a lower degree of
penetration, which therefore
makes them less dangerous, for
example microwaves which as
stated above are used in

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