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General Knowledge (6)

Able to seek information to improve one's reasoning, social, and analytical skills.

Has the extensive practical knowledge.

Demonstrates professional self-awareness.

Organizational and Business Knowledge (4)

Has knowledge concerning macro-environment, economic and industrial issues.

Possesses knowledge in business process structures.

Demonstrates knowledge in functions and practices

Able to participate actively in discussions.

Information technology Knowledge (6)

Able to execute development standards and practices for business system.

Able to implement and use information technology for internal control

Proficient in accounting software and computer skills

Contributes in managing information technology.

Contributes in assessing associated risk of information technology and systems in the workplace

Deals with business and accounting issues using information technology systems and tools.

Accounting and Finance Knowledge (4)

Possesses theoretical knowledge in the field of study.

Translates theory into practice

Able to understand accounting standards and principles

Able perform accounting analysis and prepare financial reports.

Analysis (2)

Evaluates information against set criteria

Makes decision based on the information gathered, ideas generated and evaluation performed.

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