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Maintaining Weight – A Challenge

Direction: Answer the following: (5 points each)

1. Discuss how physical activity is an important part of effective weight loss and weight

-When losing weight, more physical activity increases the calories your body uses for energy
or “burns off.” Burning calories through physical activity, combined with reducing the number
of calories you eat, creates a “calorie deficit” that results in weight loss. Physical activity
increases people's total energy expenditure, which can help them stay in energy balance or
even lose weight, as long as they don't eat more to compensate for the extra calories they
burn. Physical activity decreases fat around the waist and total body fat, slowing the
development of abdominal obesity.

2. What among the recommended weight maintenance activities have you tried? Where are
they effective? Why?
-I tried once a beauty product that they said will help release toxins in my body that will make
my skin lighter and also will help to lose weight. It is effective I think, after consuming 30
sachets of the product I noticed having my Collar bones were visible more than before which
means I lose Weight. but I start palpitating, The product is coffee based, and My heart feels
like beating faster than it is, I started having insomnia and am always distracted and I found
out it is because it was too strong, It was an appetite suppressant that's why I am always
distracted and feeling out of my self because I don't eat enough food and I am losing weight
but also losing the will to move with that I stopped using the Product and Everything went
back to how it is before, I become active again, energetic and Feel so light and excited in
everything I do.

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