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Socialism is a political philosophy and movement encompassing a range of economic and social

systems, which are characterized by social ownership of the means of production, with an
emphasis on democratic control, such as workers' self-management, as opposed to private
ownership. Philippine socialism means the creation of a society where the people, not a few
property owners, own and manage the affairs of the country. In such a society, production would
be basically oriented to need, not to market demand.
Capitalism has altered the economic, political, and cultural terrains of the Philippine society, in
education, capitalism is what made the Philippines a leading educational force in Southeast Asia

The rise of China is powerful proof of the power of capitalism to transform societies. That is why
if I have to choose Capitalism is the best way, with this we have more opportunity to decide on
our own. We have freedom to improve our way of living, we can work the way we want and we
can go push until we want to reach our dream and live the very best we can. Capitalism will give
us the freedom to choose o how the Government will run, We have the right to Choose who we
want to lead us and who we can tell will eventually give us their very best to live more than
average, we people always want to go for higher level in life, we all want to live comfortably in
our own zone, we have newly improved technologies because of capitalism, iPhone, gadgets and
anything we are now using are part of the proof that capitalism is a very best way for a country to
compete or to be on other country’s level.

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