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“When students are involved in collecting evidence of their achievement, charting their

growth, and setting goals for future learning, students develop insight into themselves
as learners. In addition, both the achievement and their commitment to learning
increase” (Stiggens & Chappuis, 2004, in Condition #4 section).

In order to begin to set personal learning goals, Chappuis suggests having students ask
themselves, “Where am I going? Where am I now? and How can I close the gap?”
(Chappuis, 2005, p39). Chappuis (2005) suggests seven strategies to help teachers
create assessments that help students learn:

1. "Provide a clear and understandable vision of the learning target.

2. Use examples of strong and weak work.
3. Offer regular descriptive feedback.
4. Teach students to self-assess and set goals.
5. Design lessons to focus on one aspect or quality at a time.
6. Teach students focused revision.
7. Engage students in self-reflection and let them document and share their

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