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4 Disciplines of Execution, Week 100!

by Jessica Cox | Aqua Vita News | 0 comments

Celebrating 100 Weeks of 4DX!

As an agency, we’re committed to constant improvement and a focus on results. So we took on the 4DX system to
help us keep our eye on the most important goals, with weekly accountability on progress towards those goals.

“4DX is an excellent system for getting a team to work collaboratively towards a common goal over time.”
– Jonathan Cox, owner, and creative director.

What is 4DX?
4DX stands for the 4 Disciplines of Execution, a system developed by McChesney, Covey, and Huling. The system
narrows focus to one or two wildly important goals that will most positively affect your business or even your personal

“Over time, goals tend to multiply, diluting team efforts across multiple fronts. 4DX forces focus on 1 or 2
targets to deliver maximum impact.” – Jessica Cox, VP & Marketing Director

What are the 4 Disciplines of Execution?

1. Focus on the Wildly Important
2. Act on Lead Measures
3. Keep a Compelling Scoreboard
4. Create a Cadence of Accountability

“I like how this system keeps us focused and keeps us accountable. It’s hard to find a system that works
for everybody, but 4DX is adaptable enough to fit everyone on our team.” – Michelle Pierce, COO & editor-in-

Wildly Important Goals: Setting Focus & Accountability

Initially, we struggled to narrow our focus to only two Wildly Important Goals (WIGs). But with offices and team
members in different states, limiting the goals helped keep everyone on the same page. Weekly accountability
meetings measure our progress overall as well as spotlight individual contributions towards the WIGs.

“Setting weekly, achievable goals in the form of lead measures has improved our focus and helped us
achieve our team WIGs. 4DX has taught me what it means to focus on one goal and how to implement
sub-goals to get there. I’ve really enjoyed the constant reminder of what it means to strive toward a
worthy goal as a team rather than individuals.” – Faith Blick, associate creative director

Lead Measures
Our lead measures continue to evolve over the year, as each department sets their own. But we keep one idea in mind
as we do: “the fewest battles required to win the war.”

“4DX forces you to separate what you have to do (the whirlwind) from what you should do in order to
make progress (lead measures). Regardless of whirlwind chaos, we focus on achieving lead measures.” –
Cindi Runyon, social media manager

“4DX is a great method of accomplishing tasks towards your goal, even when life gets hectic. By setting a
priority goal, and making your weekly mission to accomplish something to help complete that goal, you
can make serious progress.” – James Runyon, copywriter

So proud of our team for making this happen every week for the last 100 weeks!

Learn more about the 4 Disciplines of Execution.

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