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Assignment # 2

Course Title: Personality Theories 1

Course Instructor: Ms. Jannat Mehboob

Student name: Muhammad Naeem

Roll number: FA20-BPY-055

Semester: 4th

Section: (B)

Submission date: 24nd February, 2022

Department of Humanities


Types of Birth order:

These are the types of birth order.

• First Child

• Second Child

• Middle Child

• Youngest Child

• Only Child

First born traits

• Reliable

• Conscientious

• Structured

• Cautious

• Controlling

• Achievers

Second born or mild child traits

• People-pleasers

• Somewhat rebellious

• Thrives on friendships

• Has large social circle

• Peacemaker

Last born

• Fun-loving

• Uncomplicated

• Manipulative
• Outgoing

• Attention-seeker

• Self-centered

Only child

• Mature for their age

• Perfectionists

• Conscientious

• Diligent

• Leaders

Importance of birth order

 Birth order affects jobs and roles one takes on in family such as helper or confident. The most
responsibility is given to the oldest and then chronologically dispersed after that. If that oldest
child is a daughter, she is often viewed prematurely by her mother as a little grown-up.
 The first child is theorized to develop natural leadership qualities.
 The oldest daughter is frequently her mother's angel, a loving position full of glory, devotion,
and attention. She also, however, gets the brunt of strong parental supervision. Generally
firstborns are reprimanded or punished earlier and more severely than their younger siblings.
 The second child is supposed to benefit from older sibling's mistakes, and, therefore, be more
adept in handling family dynamics and parents.
 The middle child some say is lost in the shuffle. Others identify the middle child as the
peacemaker and no confrontational member of the tribe.
 The youngest child is usually babied longer and may maintain a position of dependency.
 The birth order plays significant role in the process of the development of the self-concept,
which means that it has also a lot to do with the further social status. As a child who is neglected
and criticized at home may develop a negative self-concept, and the same with other
approaches from the family.
The problem with these generalizations is that we all know tons of exceptions to these supposed

Comparison of yourself with a Birth order

I am a first born child. According to Alder study of birth order, the same characteristics are:
Firstborn children capture all of their parent’s initial attention. I as first born child am
responsible and learn at an early age to take care of younger siblings and perform tasks that will
help parents out. This responsibility makes them want to be the best at everything they do.
Like first born child, compliant, conformist, Very organized, detail, goal oriented, responsibility
taken, traits found in myself

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