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SorcEROUS ORIGIN: DREAMER You exist partially in the dreaming world as well 2s the ‘waking one. Maybe one of your ancestors was imaginary or ‘maybe you were born from a dream itself You can pull dreams into the waking world manifesting as ‘magie and spell. You also have inordinate control over the reaming world and are able to pull others into it with great effect. The only limi is your imagination, Font or MorrHEus Starting at Istlevel you learn additional spells when you reach certain levels ia this class, as shown on the Fout Spells table, Bach ofthese spells counts as a sorcerer spel fr you, but it doesn't count against the number of sorcerer spells you know. Font SPeLis Sorcerer Level Spells ast Sleep ard Phantasmal Force sth Catnap 7th Phantasmal Killer 9th Dream Hansrnozz oF Dezas ‘At Ist level, you can't be put into magical sleep against your will You are also capable of sleep ifyou are a ereature ype that can't normally sleep. Tn addition, when you cast Sleep, you may choose to instead only target a single creature in range. If'you do this, ‘you may add your Charisma modifier tothe number of hitpoints the spell ean affect. Dream READER Starting at 6th level you may east Detect Thoughts at will without expending a spell slot. Ifyou cast Detect Thoughts in this way, you ean only detect the thoughts of unconcious creatures, Ifyou probe deeper into an unconcious: creature can only detect your intrusion wisdom saving throw, at which point it awal ‘ponmagical slumber. You may cast this spell in this way without breaking concentration on a Sleep spell you have cast creatures mind, the weoeeds on i's ns iin SLUMBER OF THE SANDMAN A 6th level when you cast Sleep, you may expend sorcery points equal tothe level it was cast at. The umber of hitpoints it can affect by increases by 5 for every sorcery poiat sp lk Crepits Made with Homebrewery ‘Arty 8. Bolland. Copyright DC and Variant Comies ————_——_—— Concrous DREAMER At 4th level you've learned to sleep while stil concious, existing halfway between the dreaming and waking world You are able to seep and awaken at will asa bonus action. While sleeping, you gain the following effects, + You do not gain the unconeious condition and are able to take actions and reactions while asleep. + You gain 40ft of blindsight immune to being frightened or charmed lucid dream, and are able to control when you dream and what appears in your dreams at will. + Your dreams manifest in a 40ft radius as illusory images and sounds. These illusions are slightly translucent and ‘obviously not real to those who view them, but illusory ‘constructs can grant half cover to creatures of your choice. ‘DREAM To REALITY At 18th level your lucid dreaming has become so powerful ‘your dreams can briefly become real As an action, while you are asleep, manifested dream constructs ean briefly gain physical form. Choose a number of ereatures within your 4Oft radius your dream constructs altempt to harm, Make a spell attack on each chasen creature. On a bit, they take 348 damage. You may choose the damage type for each individ attack, Once you use this feature, you eant do so again until you finish a long rest, unless you spend 5 sorcery points to use it again

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