Brainstorming Galaxy Crawler

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Cada Héroe tiene una hoja de habilidades iniciales que se seleccionan al azar, y son secretas. Máx. 4
Habilidades por Ronda. (nombre: Heroísmo Irracional, Instinto Heroico, Habilidades Heroicas)

Disponer de un Reino Galáctico que proteger. Moral? Estructuras?

Cooperación: Si otro Héroe contiguo también usa esta habilidad simultáneamente ambos ganas +2 a
todas las tiradas durante este turno.

Arma de desplazamiento y derribo: Si la casilla posterior al Enemigo está vacía desplázalo a ella.

¡Qué suerte!: Gasta 2AP para repetir una tirada de dados.

Drogas de Combate: Añade 1d6 a tu movimiento. Con un resultado de 6 sufres 1 Herida.

Líder Inspirador: 1 vez por misión añade 1d6 AP a todos los Héroes

Hive Mind Control (psíquica): Tú escoges la reacción del enemigo esta ronda.

Poeta Guerrero: Si al atacar a un enemigo le amenazas con una rima, recibes +1 a ese ataque. Cada rima
debe ser original. Puedes repetir esta habilidad cada turno. Ejemplos:

Habilidades que interacciones con mobiliario

Si realizas 3 acciones consecutivas de disparar/combatir, puedes realizar inmeidatamente una cuarta sin
gastar AP.

Gasta 3 Habilidades ara recuperar 1 Habilidad

Heroismo: Al derrotar a 1 Enemigo gana 1 dado de heroísmo. A gastar en cualquier tirada.

Reflejos Evasivos: Cuando fueras a recibir un ataque en CC muévete 1 casille en cualquier dirección.

Empuja 1 casilla un Enemigo

Intercambio: Reemplaza tu posición con la de un Enemigo contiguo

Ataca en CC a un Enemigo que acabe de entrar en tu casilla frontal

Orden Rabiosa: Gasta 2 AP para dar 2 AP a otro Héroe.

Distracción: Da +2 al ataque de un Héroe en LDV

Esquiva Asombrosa: Tras mover 5 casillas, gana un +1 Arm hasta final de turno.

Respuesta: Cuando un Enemigo falle ataque CC contraatacas con +2


moverte 2 casillas
recibir herida

recibir ataque cc


Sneak Attack: Si atacas a un Enemigo en contacto con otro Héroe, recibes X.


FOUR-ARMED Kasathas have four arms, which allows them to wield and hold up to four hands’ worth of
weapons and equipment. While their multiple arms increase the number of items they can have at the
ready, it doesn't increase the number of attacks they can make during combat.

Get ’Em: You can choose one enemy. Until the start of your next turn, you and your allies gain a +1
bonus to attack rolls made against that enemy.

Hurry (Ex) As a standard action, you can grant a single move action to an ally within 60 feet. The ally can
use that move action during her next turn to take a guarded step, move up to her speed, or draw or
sheathe a weapon.

Escudo de Gravedad: Hasta el inicio de tu próximo turno, los Enemigos deberán gastar 2AP para avanzar
1 casilla hacia ti.

Wormholes: you can create two linked wormholes as a standard action. One wormhole must be
adjacent to you, and the other appears anywhere in line of sight within medium range (100 feet + 10
feet per solarian level). Each wormhole is 5 feet across and appears at an intersection between two
squares. Entering a wormhole instantly transports a creature to a square adjacent to the other
wormhole’s intersection, where the creature can continue its movement.

Rune of the Eldritch Knight (Su) 1st Level D You can imbue a weapon with a magic sigil, the rune of the
eldritch knight, allowing the weapon to act as a magic weapon for the purposes of bypassing DR and
affecting incorporeal creatures.

Charge Attack: e, you can make two attacks instead of one at the end of your charge, both with a –
4 penalty.

Bodyguard* — Add a +2 bonus to an adjacent ally’s AC as a reaction


+1 al Combate a todos los Héroes en casillas adyacentes

Si sobrevive a un combate, puede empujar a un Enemigo una casilla directamente hacia atrás si ésta está

y avanzar para ocupar la casilla previa del Enemigo empujado.

Francotirador: si dispara sin haberse movido este turno, +1

Flesh Hooks: The genestealer's tongue has been upgraded into a mass of hooks, designed to snare their
prey, and drag

them near, to their doom. A genestealer with the flesh hooks upgrade may spend 3 AP to target a
marine with in 3 spaces that

is within line of sight. The genestealer rolls 2 dice. If either of the dice is a 5+, the flesh hooks have
ensnared the marine,

who is pulled to the square directly in front of the stealer, without changing facing. If the marine is
facing the hooking

stealer, the use of the hooks DOES count as an action, and the marine may react as per normal rules.

+1 al Combate a todos los Héroes en casillas adyacentes

Si sobrevive a un combate, puede empujar a un Enemigo una casilla directamente hacia atrás si ésta está

y avanzar para ocupar la casilla previa del Enemigo empujado.

Francotirador: si dispara sin haberse movido este turno, +1

Flesh Hooks: The genestealer's tongue has been upgraded into a mass of hooks, designed to snare their
prey, and drag them near, to their doom. A genestealer with the flesh hooks upgrade may spend 3 AP to
target a marine with in 3 spaces that is within line of sight. The genestealer rolls 2 dice. If either of the
dice is a 5+, the flesh hooks have ensnared the marine, who is pulled to the square directly in front of
the stealer, without changing facing. If the marine is facing the hooking stealer, the use of the hooks
DOES count as an action, and the marine may react as per normal rules.

2AP: Overwatch and WARS

2AP: Sella una puerta cerrada. Enemigos -2 a atacarla

Advances Scanner 2AP: Look at any bleep on the board.

2AP: Self destructs, destroying anything on tile.

LIDER: Permite relanzar los AP de mando

PLEGARIAS: Los Héroes en su misma seccion ganan los CC en caso de empate

STASIS: models in adjacent squares must spend 2ap for 1 ap

SWITCH: Swap blip with random blip from used pile

FALSA SEÑAL: Cambio el despliegue d eun blip a otro punto de entrada

FULL SCAN: Look at any blup value

VIGILANT: If win side/rear CC Enemy takes 1 wound

ADVANCE: After killing an enemy in CC can advance into the square of opponent for free.
COMUNICADOR: 2AP adicionales en cada fase de mando



» Archaelogy: Ancient cultures and their artifacts

» Art: The expression or application of a species’ creative ability and imagination

» Athletics: Physical sports and games

» Biology: Study of life

» Chemistry: The identification of the substances of which matter is composed

» Computers: Fluent use of computers and networks

» Driving: Operation and control of motor vehicles

» First Aid: Emergency medical care and treatment

» Geology: The solid features of any terrestrial planet or natural satellite

» Heavy Machinery: Operation and use of large pieces of equipment (cranes, exosuits, forklifts, etc.)

» Hydroponics: Growing plants in nutrient solutions without soil (farming in space)

» Linguistics: Study of language

» Mathematics: The science of numbers, quantity, and space.

» Mechanical Repair: Fixing broken machines

» Military Training: Standard basic training given to all military personnel

» Piloting: Operation and control of air and spacecraft

» Rimwise: Outer rim colonies and seedy parts of the galaxy

» Scavenging: Searching discarded waste for useful items

» Theology: Study of religion

» Zero-G: Working in a vaccuum, vaccsuits, etc.


» Asteroid Mining: Training in the tools and procedures used in mining asteroids

» Astrogation: Navigation in outer space

» Botany: The study of plant life

» Close-Quarters Combat: Hand to-hand, melee fighting

» Engineering: design, building, and use of engines, machines, and structures

» Explosives: Bombs and incendiary devices

» Firearms: Guns and their use

» Genetics: Heredity and the variation of inherited characteristics

» Gunnery: Starship weaponry

» Hacking: Unauthorized access to computer systemsJury-Rigging: Makeshift repairs

» Mysticism: Spiritual apprehension of hidden knowledge

» Pathology: Study of the cause and effect of disease

» Physics: Study of nature and properties of matter and energy

» Planetology: Study of planets and other celestial bodies

» Psychology: The study of behavior and the human mind

» Tactics: Manuevering millitary forces in battle

» Vehicle Specialization: Specific vehicle class


» Artificial Intelligence: Knowledge of simulacrum of human consciousness

» Command: Leadership and authority

» Cybernetics: Interface between man and machine

» Hyperspace: Faster-than-light travel

» Robotics: Design and operation of robots, drones, and androids

» Sophontology: Alien psychology

» Weapon Specialization:

Proficiency with a specific weapon

» Xenobiology: Alien biology

» Xenoesotericism: Obscure alien mysticism, religion, and belief.


The Genestealer player may spend experience points at the beginning of a mission for the powers below
by paying the cost.
Experience spent is subtracted from the total. The Genestealer player is, of course, allowed to collect
experience for multiple missions before spending it.

Cost 1: Player receives one free genestealer piece at the start of the mission.

Cost 2: Player receives one free blip at the start of the mission.

Cost 3: Player receives one free blip at the start of the mission. They may choose this blip before
shuffling the stack at the

start of the game.

Cost 4: The genestealer player may use the Broodlord on this map.

Cost 5: Begin game at the Genestealer reinforcement phase. After it is done, the mission status phase
will be done. Then play

will continue as normal, beginning with Round 2 Space Marine command phase. (More simply, skip first
marine turn.)

The Genestealer may also spend experience during gameplay, for the following:

Cost of 1:

A) One shooting attack that hit a model misses instead (does not break sustained fire),

B) If spent before a melee attack, the Genestealer enjoys a +2 on its rolls,

C) One model gains +1 AP for this round.

Cost of 2:

A) For the remainder of the round, adjacent Genestealers may move simultaneously as a group. (Two
pieces are adjacent if one

could reach the other in only 1 AP).

B) One model shoots spines for 1 AP. This attack is LOS with range of 12. The attacking model rolls 2
dice. If either is a 6,

the target marine is killed. Each spine shot costs 2 xp and 1 AP. The sergeant with the Storm Shield can
not be targetted unless this attack comes from his back or side.

Cost of 3:

A) For the remainder of the round, Genestealers may enter flamed halls. They are only killed on a 5+

Cost of 4

A) When revealing a blip as 3, pay this XP cost to place the Broodlord (even if the mission does not allow
the broodlord or if the broodlord has previously died).
Las criaturas alienígenas pueblan el alcantarillado de la ciudad. Son utilizadas por un ambicioso ladrón
que ha conseguido, así, tejer una red de espías que le informan de todos los movimientos de la ciudad.

Asteroid miners having claim disputes

Crashed colony ship - Is anyone still alive? In cryo?

Freelance bounty hunting work

Salvage a derelict freighter - what happened?

It's a trap

I'ts a dead spacer who's crash pod is swarming with hostile aliens.

It's a Child who tells a really strange story of why only he was saved

Its a corporations research probe beaming back a warning of unstable environment - cue "Dune Worm"

Ships have been disappearing in a sector

Some high official has gone missing during travel

A drug cartel has recently moved some drugs to a less secure facility

Someone is wanted for murder and needs to be apprehended

An imprisoned man contacts the party and says he will lead them to a treasure if he is freed.

Someone the party knows has been arrested.

Guarida disputada entre 2 razas aliens distintas

No se puede cambiar de encaramiento a no ser que se especifique en las reglas.

Incinerar Estancia Objetivo

Durmientes: Todos los Genestealers y los Blips tienen sólo 3 PA durante los dos primeros turnos.

El jugador Marine Espacial tampoco tendrá límite de tiempo para esos dos primeros turnos.

Rescate del CAT

salir del mapa


coger artefacto y devolverlo + ruta de escape

activar barrera de energía

restablecer comunicaciones

estacion destruyendose

extraer la muestra

capsula salvamento

soltar carga explosiva en agujero

matar a la bestia








Exterminio, matar x enemigos


SALVAMENTO – Todos en la estancia objetivo. Turbolift



Carga explosiva en el pozo

Brecha en el Casco: La destrucción del Space Hulk se simula retirando secciones de tablero, empezando
por la habitación de la brecha en el casco y retirando todas las secciones de tablero adyacentes a la
ultima retirada en cada turno.

Al final del turno seis del jugador Genestealer, este retirará la habitación de la brecha en el casco. Al
final del siguiente turno del jugador Genestealer, este retirará todas las secciones adyacentes a la
habitación de la brecha en el casco. Al final del siguiente turno del jugador Genestealer este irá
retirando todas las secciones de tablero adyacentes a la ultima retirada en cada turno. Cualquier
miniatura o blip que hubiera en una sección retirada será destruida. Si estas jugando esta misión como
parte de una campaña y el jugador Marine Espacial no pudo acceder al Cogitador en la misión 1, el
jugador Genestealer empezará a retirar secciones al final del turno 5, en vez del turno 6.

Vacio absorbente: Todas las casillas de la habitación de la brecha en el casco, asi como todas las
secciones adyacentes a una sección de tablero retirada, se consideran en vacío. Además, todas las
casillas que puedan enlazar con una sección que este en vacío a través de una ruta de casillas enlazadas
que no atraviesen una puerta cerrada se considerarán también en vacío. Esto no tiene efecto sobre los
Marines Espaciales, por los Genestealers que se encuentren en una casilla que se encuentre en vacío
tirarán un dado menos de lo habitual cuando resuelvan un combate cuerpo a cuerpo. Esto es
acumulativo a cualquier otra penalización.

El Tutbo-ascensor: Un Marine Espacial puede gastar 1 PA mientras permanezca en la habitación del

Turbo-ascensor y no haya Genestealers en la habitación del Turbo-ascensor para activar el Turbo-

Move to the BRIDGE and secure the command codes to gain control of the ship by spending one

Interact Action.

Move to the ENGINE ROOM and disable it by destroying vital components. Use the Damaging a

Room Mission Special Rules

Prevent escape by ejecting the ESCAPE POD. Spend 1 Interact Action on the tile adjacent to the ESCAPE

Move to the ARMOURY. Get enough ammo for the men by spending four Interact Actions while

in the ARMOURY.

• Attempt to restart the ship’s reactor by spending two Interact Actions while in the ENGINE ROOM.

• Investigate the spreading Alien threat by entering an Infested Tile and spending one Interact Action

Put the hapless victims out of their misery by shooting them in the HIBERNATION ROOM (use

the DAMAGING A ROOM Special Rules) Capture any three Models. Capturing Models

follows the TROPHY COLLECTION Special Rules. Move all Trophy Tokens to the Air Vent Tiles

(use the CARRYING A TOKEN Special Rules).

Once all three Trophy Tokens are moved onto the Air Vent Tiles, the Mission is complete. Tokens

trapped in a sealed Air Vent Tile are lost.

Locate the lost Predator and give him an honorable death. Retrieve his mask (using the CARRYING

A TOKEN Special Rules) and return it to the PREDATOR POD Tile.

Any Marine Model can spend an Interact Action to lay down a Mission Token (Explosive Charges) in

any of the four Tiles marked on the map. Mission Tokens may only be placed on the Tile occupied

by the Model performing an Interact Action. Once three out of four tokens are placed on designated

Tiles, the Mission is complete.

Locate and carry Egg Tokens (using the CARRYING A TOKEN Special Rule) to the

ENGINE ROOM. Once three out of four eggs are in the ENGINE ROOM, the Mission is complete

TROPHY COLLECTION – Trophies can only be collected from Models killed in Close Combat. Instead of

the Model from the game, put it on its side on the Tile on which it died. In any of the following turns, a
Model can spend an Interact Action to remove one of the Models viable for TROPHY COLLECTION that is
already on its side from the board and take one Trophy Token. TROPHY COLLECTION cannot take place
on Engaged Tiles.

Move to the BRIDGE and secure the command codes to gain control of the ship by spending one

Interact Action.

Move to the ENGINE ROOM and disable it by destroying vital components. Use the Damaging a

Room Mission Special Rules

Prevent escape by ejecting the ESCAPE POD. Spend 1 Interact Action on the tile adjacent

to the ESCAPE POD.

Move to the ARMOURY. Get enough ammo for the men by spending four Interact Actions while

in the ARMOURY.

• Attempt to restart the ship’s reactor by spending two Interact Actions while in the ENGINE ROOM.

• Investigate the spreading Alien threat by entering an Infested Tile and spending one Interact Action

Put the hapless victims out of their misery by shooting them in the HIBERNATION ROOM (use the
DAMAGING A ROOM Special Rules)

Capture any three Models. Capturing Models follows the TROPHY COLLECTION Special Rules. Move all
Trophy Tokens to the Air Vent Tiles (use the CARRYING A TOKEN Special Rules). Once all three Trophy
Tokens are moved onto the Air Vent Tiles, the Mission is complete. Tokens trapped in a sealed Air Vent
Tile are lost.

Locate the lost Predator and give him an honorable death. Retrieve his mask (using the CARRYING

A TOKEN Special Rules) and return it to the PREDATOR POD Tile.

Any Marine Model can spend an Interact Action to lay down a Mission Token (Explosive Charges) in

any of the four Tiles marked on the map. Mission Tokens may only be placed on the Tile occupied

by the Model performing an Interact Action. Once three out of four tokens are placed on designated

Tiles, the Mission is complete.

Locate and carry Egg Tokens (using the CARRYING A TOKEN Special Rule) to the ENGINE ROOM. Once
three out of four eggs are in the ENGINE ROOM, the Mission is complete


TROPHY COLLECTION – Trophies can only be collected from Models killed in Close Combat. Instead of

the Model from the game, put it on its side on the Tile on which it died. In any of the following turns, a
Model can spend

an Interact Action to remove one of the Models viable for TROPHY COLLECTION that is already on its
side from the

board and take one Trophy Token. TROPHY COLLECTION cannot take place on Engaged Tiles.



Logros: Investigar los secretos de la No Muerte

Salvar la Estación Científica, Envenenar los respiradores, Reconocimiento, Fuego y Maniobra, Señuelo,
Patrulla, Mantener la Posición, Ataque en Pinzas, Defensa en Profundidad, Emboscada, Infiltración,
Investigar la Señal, Cabeza de Puente, Derrumbar Sección
Puntos de Suministro, Inteligencia


Logros: Investigar los secretos de la No Muerte


Beneficios victoria: Más menos refuerzos, clase 3 debilitado, Clase 1 con un PA menos


Generador de historias aleatorio

Generador de campaña aleatorio

 Acción
 Adyacente
 Antihéroe
 Arma
 Armadura
 Arquetipo
 Campaña
 Clase
 Corredor
 Crítico
 Diagonal
 Encaramiento
 Enemigo
 Equipo
 Especie
 Estancia
 Estancia Objetivo
 Experiencia
 Fase
 Frontal
 Fuera de Combate
 Guarida
 Habilidad
 Herida
 Herir
 Héroe
 Historia
 Incursión
 Flanco
 Línea de Visión (LDV)
 Mazo de Exploración
 Misión
 Pifia
 Puerta
 Puntos de Acción (PA)
 Poder Psíquico
 Rasgo: Armas, Armaduras, Equipo, Enemigos, Héroes
 Raza
 Retaguardia
 Salvación
 Sección de Tablero
 Turno


This means that after every time you fire a fully automatic weapon you have to reload unless you have
the Military Training or Firearms skills, in which case you can fire it three times before reloading.

APUNTAR 1AP: +2 al siguiente disparo

LANZAGRANADAS ACOPLADO: Permite lanzar granadas en LDV

ESCOPETA: Knockback on hit


Target must make a Body save at Advantage or fall unconscious for 1d10 rounds (secret roll). 6 shots
per magazine

ARMA POTENTE DE FUSION: 2AP para disparar y max. 1 por turno


Excessive use of Pain Pills or Stimpaks requires a Body save to prevent addiction. Once addicted, make a
daily Body save, or gain 1d10 Stress every day you go without. If used once per day for a week, you’ll
need to take twice the amount of pills to gain the same effect. Whenever you take more than one pill
at a time, roll 1d10. If you roll equal to or under the number taken, make a Body save. Failure means
you fall unconscious and the Warden rolls on the table on page 10.4. You can cure an addiction through
in-game treatment or leveling up.
Aliens Activation Order
Once the blips are placed, the Genestealers phase is activated. Each of the Genestealer miniatures are
activated, starting with the closest one to a Space Marine. See Genestealers to know how to activate
them). Once all the Genestealers are activated, all the blips on the board are activated. The order of
activation starts with the blips that are the closest to the Space Marines. If a blip reveals itself on
purpose during this phase, the resulting Genestealers are immediately activated, before the next blip.
Finally, the blips lurking at the entry-points are activated.

Aliens Activation Order

1 Genestealers, from the closest to the farest

2 Blips on board. Any Genestealer revealed is immediately activated.

3 Lurking Blips

The Genestealer may also spend experience during gameplay, for the following:

Cost of 1:

A) One shooting attack that hit a model misses instead (does not break sustained fire),

B) If spent before a melee attack, the Genestealer enjoys a +2 on its rolls,

C) One model gains +1 AP for this round.

Cost of 2:

A) For the remainder of the round, adjacent Genestealers may move simultaneously as a group. (Two
pieces are adjacent if one could reach the other in only 1 AP).

B) One model shoots spines for 1 AP. This attack is LOS with range of 12. The attacking model rolls 2
dice. If either is a 6, the target marine is killed. Each spine shot costs 2 xp and 1 AP. The sergeant with
the Storm Shield can not be targetted unless this attack comes from his back or side.

Cost of 3:

A) For the remainder of the round, Genestealers may enter flamed halls. They are only killed on a 5+

Cost of 4

A) When revealing a blip as 3, pay this XP cost to place the Broodlord (even if the mission does not allow
the broodlord or if the broodlord has previously died).

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