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Personal hygiene:

 Washing hands
 Apron
 Tying hair up
 Taking off jewelry
 Cover mouth with sneeze or cough

Food safety

 Wash food
 Danger zone – 5* -60*
 Avoid cross contamination red board meat green veg and fruit
 Don’t wash chicken
 Store food properly

Working safe

 Spider grip when cutting

 Knifes - Hold down no running keep in sight walk pointing down
 Frypan handle away from edge
 Clean up spills
 No running fighting

Food poisoning

 Food that is contaminated with harmful bacteria

 Salmonella, listeria, bacillus cereals
 - vomiting, nausea, diarrhea

Food spoilage

 When food does not taste as it is intended

 EG- apple gaining brown, sour milk
 Sensory propites demonetized

Sensory Porites

 Smell
 Taste

 When you eat food that can cause illness
 Epi pen is the treatment for allergic reaction
 Prevent with labels
 Life threatening
 Anaphylaxis


 Chemical reaction
 Occurs in stomach
 Not life threatening
 Intolerance to a specific component not whole food

Chemical processes

 Aeration
 Coagulation
 Caramelisation sugar + heat = browning
 Dexterisation
 Scientific reaction that happens when we prepare or cook food

Aus guide to healthy eating

 Commonwealth Gov publication

 5 food groups
 Diagram wthat is what we should be eating –Veg, lean, meats, dairy, grains, fruit
 Based off macronuteient needs

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