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English presentation notes 04/05/2022

1. What does it mean to belong or have sense of belonging?

Family social

Cultural connection emotional

Connectedness country

Friends include

Be a part of fit in

Acceptance wanted

Kinship comfort

Sense of loyalty associate

Union attachment

2. What is it not to belong

Isolation rejection

Un-attachment disconnection

Non-cultural connection separation

Alienation un-wanted

Betrayal seclusion

3. What does a sense of belonging provide an individual?

- Physically

Posture confidence

Body language diseases

- Emotionally

Confidence mental illness

Depression personality disorder

Suicide ideology

- Emotionally

Friendship relationship

Bonds human contact

Community support
4. What examples of racism are presented in the film?

Verbal physical

The talent show during the war

Looks the girls get catching a ride to town

Segregation American soldier

Rigged talent show discrimination

Derogatory terms stolen generation scene

Systemic racism institutional racism

Dave sees past color

Dave’s response to judge decision of talent show

Flashback shows impact on Gail

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