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Biology Name :

BIS 148 ID:

Sheet 2
Choose the best answer:
1. Cytology is the study of:
A- normal cell structure.
B- diseased tissues.
C- functions of human organs.
D- chemical changes of the tissues.

2. Main contents of human cell are:

A- plastids and one strand of DNA.
B- glycogen and melanin pigments.
C- nucleus and cytoplasm.
D- flagella and cilia.

3. Nucleus is:
A-having motor protein C- the power houses of the cell
B- the site of packing molecules D- carrying the hereditary characters.

4. Ribosomes:
A- membranous organelle
B- made of DNA and RNA
C- non membranous organelles
D- main source of energy in the cell

5. Ribosomes are the site of

A- protein synthesis C- lipid synthesis
B- glycogen synthesis D- melanin synthesis

6. Lysosome’s function is.

A- hydrolysis and destruction of Bacteria
B- protein synthesis
C- lipid synthesis
D- energy production

7. The structure that gives the shape of the cell is:

A- cell membrane
B- nucleus
C- ribosomes
D- lysosomes
Biology Name :
BIS 148 ID:

8. Transport between cells is the function of

A- Mitochondria
B- Lysosomes
C- Microtubules
D- Cell membrane

9. Receptors are:
A- Glycolipids or glycoproteins on the surface of the cell.
B- Motor proteins
C- Tubulin polymers
D- Hormones and enzymes of the cell

10. Cell membrane structure by E.M is

A- Bilaminar
B- Trilaminar
C- Monolaminar
D- Pale

11. Proteins of the cell membrane are

A- Integral and peripheral
B- Integral
C- Peripheral
D- Secreted outside the cell.

12. Phagocytosis is
A- Expel materials outside the cell.
B- Ingestion of fluid particles
C- Ingestion of large particles
D- Separation of two daughter cells

13. Mitochondria is
A- Non membranous organelle
B- The powerhouse of the cell
C- The site of the protein synthesis
D- The site of lipid synthesis
Biology Name :
BIS 148 ID:

14. Mitochondria divided by

A- Meiosis
B- Mitosis
C- Budding
D- Binary fission

15. Krebs cycle is present in

A- Ribosomes
B- Centrioles
C- Lysosomes
D- Mitochondria

16. The only cell organelle in following structures which has DNA is
A- Mitochondria
B- Ribosomes
C- Lysosomes
D- Golgi apparatus

17. Cristae is the name of

A- Glycogen particles
B- Melanin pigments
C- Inner membrane of mitochondria
D- Outer membrane of mitochondria

18. Ribosomes are made up of

A- Polysaccharides
B- Glycoprotein
C- large subunit and small subunit
D- lipid molecules

19. cisternae are the name of

A- tubules and vesicles of endoplasmic reticulum
B- parts of mitochondria
C- parts of nucleolus
D- parts of nucleus

20. Golgi apparatus function is

A- Packaging of proteins C- Transportation of proteins
B- Synthesis of proteins D- Production of energy

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