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12/1/22, 7:30 AM Parts of a Cell

Parts of a Cell
25 Questions DATE  : 

1. The jelly-like fluid inside of the cell. It holds the organelles in place.

A chloroplasts B cell membrane

C cytoplasm D mitochondria

2. Responsible for packaging, modifying, and moving substances from the cell.

A nucleolus B mitochondria

C rough E.R. D Golgi apparatus

3. The control center of the cell. It houses DNA.

A nucleus B nucleolus

C cell membrane D mitochondria

4. These are round organelles that digest waste, old cell parts and food.

A lysosomes B vacuoles

C ribosomes D chloroplasts

5. This is a rigid structure that provides support to plant cells.

A cell membrane B cell wall

C central vacuole D cytoplasm

6. These organelles contain green chlorophyll. They make food for plants.

A vacuoles B lysosmes

C chloroplasts D ribosomes 1/4
12/1/22, 7:30 AM Parts of a Cell

7. This stores water in plant cells.

A central vacuole B chloroplasts

C vacuoles D cell wall

8. The Outer Covering Of The Cell

A Cell Membrane B Nucleus

9. The Substance That Surrounds The Nucleus

A Mitochondria B Cytoplasm

10. These Are Small, Sausage-Shape Bodies That Are The “power Plants” Of The Cell

A Mitochondria B Nucleus

11. They Are Small Granules That Help The Cell Make Proteins

A Ribosomes B Lysosomes

12. Which organelle allows the cell to obtain items from outside the cell?

A Vacuole B Nuclear membrane

C Cell Wall D Cell Membrane 2/4
12/1/22, 7:30 AM Parts of a Cell

13. Which organelle releases the energy stored inside food

A Mitochondria B Chloroplast

C Lysosomes D Nucleus

14. Which organelle takes sunlight and turns it into food?

A Mitochondria B Lysosome

C Chloroplast D Cell membrane

15. Which statement is part of the cell theory?

A All cells grow and develop B All cells come from existing cells

C All cells can make a tissue D All cells are prokaryotic or eukaryotic

16. In what organelle is the genetic material found inside?

A Golgi Complex B Nucleus

C Endoplasmic Reticulum D Nucleolus

17. I store water in both plant and animal cells. What am I?

A lysosomes B vacuole

C ribosomes D cytoplasm

18. What can only be found in plant cells?

A Cell membrane B Mitochondrion

C Vacuole D Chloroplast 3/4
12/1/22, 7:30 AM Parts of a Cell

19. Which organelle is the command center for eukaryotic (plant and animal) cells and is
referred to as the "brain"?

A Cell wall B Nucleus

C Lysosome D Mitochondria

20. These are the basic building blocks of all living things.

A Tissues B Organs

C Cells D Organ System

21. A type of eukaryotic cell that lacks a cell wall and has a true, membrane-bound nucleus
along with other cellular organelles.

A Animal Cell B Bacteria

C Prokaryotes D Plant Cell

22. packages proteins for delivery

A golgi apparatus B cell membrane

C ribosomes D cell wall

23. smallest unit of life

A nuclear membrane B cell

C smooth er D er

24. a tiny cell structure that carries out a specific function within the cell

A nucleus B cell

C organelle D cell membrane

25. makes sugars and starches through photosynthesis

A chloroplast B cytoplasm

C organelle D chlorophyll 4/4

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