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Republic of the Philippines


Tagudin Campus, Tagudin, Ilocos Sur
Tel. No.: (077)-748-71-77
A vibrant and nurturing Polytechnic Service College
Student: Judy Mae U. Riconose
Course/Program/Year level: BSED1A-English
Subject: Arts Appreciation
Instructor: Shaira Ritz Asuncion-Incillo


1. Is dancing significant in your life? Why or why not?
- Yes, even if another professional route is ultimately selected, children learn
the joint effort required to make a high quality work of art via dance, and every
kid benefits from great dance instruction. Long-term learning extends much
beyond practical dance applications. Dancers join society with the capacity to
uphold the unwavering high standards instilled in them during their dance
training. Dance fosters creative thinking skills while also teaching the
importance of discipline, dedication, and work ethic. Self-confidence grows
when young people overcome obstacles to achieve new goals, learning to
apply themselves and complete each work assigned to them. Children learn
about music, rhythm, and beat through dance. Students also learn to think on
both sides of their brain and have a greater knowledge of spatial
relationships. All of these abilities improve a child's academic success as well
as physical well-being. Dance keeps you in shape! Dance, in its various
disciplines, promotes the significance of movement and health in a number of
ways. Dancers also learn to coordinate their muscles in order to move
through correct postures. Dance is a terrific pastime to pursue at practically
any age, as long as you are in good enough health to face the rigors of
dancing for the rest of your life. Overall, dance is an excellent approach to
develop vital social skills. More significantly, it is an opportunity to educate
your children the value of belonging to something bigger than themselves. As
they work in a group, dancers learn to take turns, share attention, and interact
with others.

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