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Subject name:
Submitted to:
Submitted by:

Abubakar Bilal,Touseef, Rizwan Ali

Registration No:

Date of Submission: 13-03-2023 CONTENT
01. Introduction
02. Why we choose this idea?
03. Newness in our idea
03. Business Canvas Model
04. Industry Environment
05. Compitition
06. Technological Advancement
07. Legal and regulatory requirements
06. Problems
08. Our strategies

The better buyers revolves around a marketplace where buyers can bid on
items or purchase them directly from sellers. Better buyers is an online marketplace
that allows people to buy and sell goods. Better buyers has a diverse customer base,
including individuals and businesses of all sizes. In addition to its marketplace, better
buyers also offers other services to its users, such as payment processing, financing,
and advertising.

 Why we choose this idea?

Online business is very common in every country. In Pakistan there are many online
markets. But most of the people faced very bad experience by these online markets. They get
the late delievries. They received the wrong parcels some times. Some people face money
transactions problems.So due to these problems we decided to make an online market website
to fulfill these problems.

 Newness in our idea:

 Offering new products:

Keeping our customers interested by introducing new products or services. Regularly
adding new items to our online store will give customers a reason to keep coming back.

 Refreshing our website design:

A fresh and modern website design can make a big difference in how customers perceive
your business. We will update our website's layout, color scheme, and graphics to make it feel
new and engaging.
 Sales or Discounts:
Offering discounts is a great way to get customers excited products and services. We will
provide limited-time sales or offering special deals to new customers.

 Creating engaging content:

Content marketing can help attract new customers and keep existing ones engaged. We will
create blog posts, videos, or social media content that highlights our products and tells our brand

 Collaborating with influencers:

Influencer marketing is a great way to reach new audiences and create buzz around any
brand. We will Identify influencers who align with our brand values and collaborate with them to
promote our products or services.


 Key Partners
Our key partners are sales persons , owners,delivery boys
Our Interior designers read blueprint and must be aware of building codes and inspection
regulations. Are sales persons , owners,delivery boys,

 Key Resources
Our key resources can be owned or leased by the company, or acquired from key
Physical assets such as manufacturing facilities, buildings, vehicles, machines, systems,
point-of-sales systems, and distribution networks come into this
 Value Proposition
Our proposition will be an easy-to-understand reason why a customer should buy a
product or service from our particular business.Our value proposition will clearly explain how
a product fills a need, communicate the specifics of its added benefit, and state the reason why
it's better than similar products on the market.
 Customer Relationship
Our strategies to build better customer relationship will be:
We will build an enduring relationship of confidence with the client.
We will make respectful relationship which will make the design process feel smooth and
creates a bond that will last for many years through many more projects.
When we will work closely with our clients, paying detailed attention to their needs, we
will create an inviting environment where ideas can be exchanged.
A good working relationship will allow us for the creation of the unexpected and for
sophisticated spaces.

 Custom Segment
Our onlineMarket will mainly segmented for middle class and :
We will spend less money on resources.Audience segmentation will allow us to avoid
spending money and time on generic campaigns that don’t speak to our target market.
If we know the particular motivations of our audience group, we are more likely to support
them in achieving their aspirations. As such, we lower the risk of our marketing efforts failing.

 Key Activities
Our key activities will be these
We will offer a value proposition .We will reach markets build and maintain
customer relationships.We will generate revenues
 Industry Environment:

The industrial environment for Better Buyers, an online ecommerce website, is influenced
by various factors that impact its operations and performance within the industry. Some of the
key aspects of the industrial environment that can affect Better Buyers include competition,
technological advancements, legal and regulatory requirements, and economic conditions.

 Competition:

Competition is a significant factor in the industrial environment of Better Buyers. The

online retail industry is highly competitive, with numerous players vying for market share. Major
players such as Amazon, Walmart, and eBay have significant resources and dominate the
market, making it challenging for smaller ecommerce websites like Better Buyers to compete.
Therefore, it is essential to differentiate the website from competitors through unique product
offerings, competitive pricing, excellent customer service, and other value- added services.

 Technological Advancements:

Technological advancements have transformed the ecommerce industry, making it easier for
Better Buyers to operate and reach customers. The widespread use of mobile devices and social
media has opened up new channels for Better Buyers to interact with customers and market its
products. Ecommerce platforms such as Shopify and WooCommerce have also made it easier to
set up and operate online stores. However, Better Buyers needs to stay abreast of emerging
technologies to remain competitive and provide customers with a seamless shopping experience.

 Legal and Regulatory Requirements:

Better Buyers is subject to various legal and regulatory requirements, including consumer
protection laws, data protection regulations, and tax laws. Failure to comply with these
requirements can lead to legal penalties and damage to the company's reputation. Therefore,
Better Buyers needs to ensure that it operates in compliance with all applicable laws and
 Economic Conditions:

Economic conditions, such as inflation, consumer confidence, and GDP growth, can impact
the performance of Better Buyers. In times of economic downturns, consumers may be more
cautious with their spending, which could affect the website's revenue. Better Buyers needs to
monitor economic conditions and adapt its operations and marketing strategies to remain
In summary, the industrial environment for Better Buyers is shaped by competition,
technological advancements, legal and regulatory requirements, and economic conditions.
Staying on top of these factors and adapting to changes is critical to Better Buyers' success in the
online ecommerce industry.
Here are some common problems that new startups in the ecommerce industry face:
Lack of Traffic and Visibility:
One of the main challenges for new ecommerce startups is generating traffic to their website
and getting noticed by potential customers. Without sufficient traffic and visibility, it can be
challenging to generate sales and revenue.

Limited Resources:
New startups often have limited resources, which can make it difficult to invest in
advertising, marketing, and website development. It may take time to build a strong customer
base and generate enough revenue to reinvest in the business.

Fierce Competition:
As mentioned earlier, the ecommerce industry is highly competitive, with established
players dominating the market. New startups may struggle to compete with these established
players, who have already built a strong reputation and loyal customer base.

Customer Retention:
Acquiring new customers can be costly, and retaining existing customers is essential
for long-term success. New startups may struggle to retain customers if they do not provide
excellent customer service, high-quality products, and a seamless shopping experience.

Cybersecurity and Data Privacy:

Ecommerce websites collect sensitive customer information, such as credit card details and
personal information, making them vulnerable to cyber-attacks and data breaches. New startups
may not have the resources to invest in robust cybersecurity measures, which could put customer
data at risk.

Supply Chain Management:

Managing the supply chain, including inventory management and order fulfillment,
is critical for ecommerce startups. Poor supply chain management can lead to stockouts,
delayed deliveries, and dissatisfied customers.

In summary, starting an ecommerce website can be challenging, and new startups may
face various problems, including lack of traffic, limited resources, fierce competition, customer
retention, cybersecurity, and supply chain management. Overcoming these challenges requires
careful planning, execution, and ongoing monitoring to ensure long-term success.
Laws and Regulations
Here are some general laws and regulations that apply to most online ecommerce

Consumer Protection Laws:

Consumer protection laws are designed to ensure that consumers are treated fairly and
protected from fraudulent or deceptive business practices. These laws apply to ecommerce
businesses and cover issues such as product safety, advertising, and pricing transparency.

Data Protection Regulations:

Data protection regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in
the European Union and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) in the United States,
require ecommerce businesses to protect customer data and provide transparency about how it is
collected, stored, and used.

Tax Laws:
Ecommerce businesses are subject to tax laws, which vary depending on the location of
the business and the customer. In the United States, ecommerce businesses are required to
collect and remit sales tax based on the customer's location. International ecommerce businesses
may be subject to value-added tax (VAT) or other taxes.

Intellectual Property Laws:

Intellectual property laws protect the creative works of individuals and businesses, such as
trademarks, copyrights, and patents. Ecommerce businesses must ensure that they are not
infringing on the intellectual property rights of others and take steps to protect their own
intellectual property.

Shipping Regulations:
Ecommerce businesses must comply with shipping regulations, including labeling
requirements, documentation, and customs regulations for international shipments
Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS):
The PCI DSS is a set of security standards designed to protect payment card data from
theft or fraud. Ecommerce businesses that accept credit card payments must comply with the

In summary, ecommerce businesses like Better Buyers must comply with various laws and
regulations related to consumer protection, data protection, tax, intellectual property, shipping,
and payment card security. It is essential to stay up to date with the relevant regulations and
ensure compliance to avoid legal and financial penalties.
My Strategies
Here are some general strategies that could help our new ecommerce startup succeed:

Develop a Strong Brand Identity:

A strong brand identity can differentiate your ecommerce website from the competition
and build trust with customers. Develop a consistent brand voice, visual identity, and
messaging that resonates with your target audience.

Focus on Customer Experience:

Providing a positive customer experience is critical for retaining customers and
generating repeat business. Invest in a user-friendly website design, fast and reliable shipping,
responsive customer service, and easy returns to make the shopping experience as seamless
and enjoyable as possible.

Invest in Marketing:
Marketing is essential for generating traffic to your ecommerce website and increasing
brand awareness. Consider investing in social media advertising, email marketing, search
engine optimization (SEO), and influencer marketing to reach potential customers and build
your brand.

Embrace Data-Driven Decision Making:

Use analytics and data to make informed decisions about your ecommerce business.
Track key performance indicators (KPIs), such as conversion rate, customer acquisition cost,
and average order value, and use this data to optimize your website and marketing

Build a Strong Supply Chain:

A strong supply chain is essential for efficient inventory management and timely order
fulfillment. Work with reliable suppliers and shipping partners to ensure that products are
delivered on time and in good condition.

Adapt to Changing Market Conditions:

The ecommerce industry is constantly evolving, and successful businesses must adapt to
changing market conditions. Keep an eye on emerging trends and technologies and be willing
to pivot your business strategy when necessary.
In summary, building a successful ecommerce business requires a combination of
strategies, including developing a strong brand identity, focusing on customer experience,
investing in marketing, embracing data-driven decision making, building a strong supply
chain, and adapting to changing market conditions. By implementing these strategies and
continuously monitoring performance, you can position your new ecommerce startup for
long-term success.

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