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Tugas Bahasa Inggris

Wanti Nuraini Linda Putri L

Tugas 1

Last year holiday of eid two years ago i went to Lombok visiting my grandmother and
grandfather. I had to go there because the previous holiday i wasnt there.
Lombok is the place of my in laws. Usually once a year i visit them and at the same time
on vacation. The journey from Temanggung to Lombok only takes four hours, from
Temanggug to Semarang two hours, then take a plane from Semarang to Lombok 45
minutes. Many beautiful beaches that must be visited. Every day we take the time to go the
beach and lots of delicious Lombok specialties, there are plecing, beberok, bebalung and
It doesnt feel like a week has passed with my grandparents. They were looked old i was
so happy knowing them in healthy condition.

Tugas 2
Translate into indonesian languange

1. The market is in front of the City Hall

Pasar di depan balai kota .
2. Go up the hill and you’ll find the bus stop.
Pergi ke atas bukit dan anda akan menemukan halte bus
3. Take a shortcut to the school going through the park.
Ambil jalan pintas ke sekolah melalui taman.
4. To get to the building, you have to go over the walkway.
Untuk sampai kegedung , anda harus melewati jalan setapak
5. Go down the hill and you’ll find the entrance to the park.
Turuni bukit dan anda akan menemukan pintu masuk ke taman
6. If you get to the bridge, you went to far, you’ll have to turn back.
Jika anda sampai dijembatan , anda pergi jauh , anda harus berbalik
7. Go along the main road until you find the gas station
Ikuti jalan utama sampai anda menemukan pom bensin
8. Go past the cinema and you’ll find the library
Lewati bioskop dan anda akan menemukan perpustakaan.
Translate into english

1. Belok kanan di belokan selanjutnya

Turn right at the next turn

2. Belok kiri di supermarket.

Turn left at the supermarket

3. Lurus terus hingga Anda melihat rumah sakit kemudian belok kiri.

Keep going straight until you see the hospital then turn left

4. Ambil jalan ketiga di sebelah kanan dan Anda akan melihat kantornya di
sebelah kanan.

Take the third path on the right and you will see the office on the right

5. Rumah sakit berada di seberang stasiun kereta.

The hospital is opposite the train station

6. Tokonya berada di dekat rumah sakit.

His shop is near the hospital

7. Di ujung jalan, Anda akan melihat bundaran.

At the end of the road , you will see a round about

8. Di pojokan jalan, Anda akan melihat gedung merah.

At the corner of the street, you will see a red building
Fill in the words below correctly. Gunakan Denah dibawah ini sbagai
panduan mu

continue, end, excuse, get, left (2x), next, opposite, right, second, straight on,
thank, turn, welcome

1. excuse me , how do I get to the cinema?

2. Go straight on
3. Turn left at the corner.
4. Then take the right road on your opposite
5. continue to the end of the road.
6. Turn left there.
7. The cinema is on your left the castle.
8. Thank you very much.
9. You’re welcome

Tugas 3

Resepsionis : Selamat sore, dengan San Felice hotel, ada yang bisa
dibantu ?

Nn. Rysfield : Iya, saya mau memesan kamar.

Resepsionis : Baik Bu, untuk tanggal berapa Ibu ?

Nn. Rysfield : Maret tanggal 23.

Resepsionis : Berapa lama Ibu akan menetap?

Nn. Rysfield : Tiga malam.

Resepsionis : Mau kamar tipe seperti apa Bu ?

Nn. Rysfield : Kamar ganda jadi satu dengan kamar mandi dalam, dan saya
akan sangat berterimakasih jika anda dapat membrikan ruangan dengan
pemandangan danau.

Resepsionis : Baik Bu, saya akan cek apakah tersedia atau tidaknya Bu
….., ya kami punya kamar hotel pada lantai empat dengan pemandangan
yang begitu megah.

Nn. Rysfield : Baik , berapa tagihanya per malam ?

Resepsionis : Apakah mau sekalian dengan sarapannya Ibu ? ?

Nn. Rysfield : Tidak, terimkasih.

Resepsionis : Harganya delapan puluh empat euro permalam tidak

termasuk PPN(Pajak).

Nn. Rysfield : Baiklah

Resepsionis : Mohon maaf untuk pemesanannya atas nama siapa ya Ibu ?

Nn. Rysfield : Tuan dan Nyonya Ryefield , ejaaanya R-Y-E-F-I-E-L-D.

Resepsionis : Oke, biarkan saya pastikan kembali Ibu : Tuan dan Nyonya
Ryefield. Double dengan bak mandi untuk tanggal 23, 24 dan
25 Maret. Apakah itu benar?

Nn. Rysfield : Ya itu. Terima kasih.

Resepsionis : Biarkan saya memberikan nomor konfirmasinya. Ini

nomornya 7576385. Saya ulangi 7576385. Terima kasih telah
memilih San Felice Hotel dan semoga hariAnda
menyenangkan. Selamat tinggal.Nn. Rysfield: Selamat tinggal.

Tugas 4

Temanggung, 19 Desember 2020

Dear Maria

How are you there? I’m really glad to read your last letter. It so amazing to hear you
after along time we never meet again. You look so happy in your new house in
Thank you for having sent me the photos, Samarinda looks so beautiful. Someday, I
would definitely like to visit you in Samarinda.
Here I was busy with my routine activities like my part time job, my college and spent
time with my little family
Anyway, would you coming to Temanggung in anytime soon? If you are, please let
me know the dates and I can pick you up at the bus station.

Best regards,

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