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Saturday 25th 2023

8Cc Getting Oxygen


1. Iodine
2. Enzyme
3. Protein, Plant, Fungi, Prokaryote, Protoctista
4. Pollen
5. When a seed opens to release a root or a shoot

The circulatory system is made up of the Heart and blood vessels

These work together to carry blood around the body, delivering substance that body cells need

The blood removes waste substances from cells so they can be removed from body.

Arteries carry blood away from the heart and all the organs in the body.

Capillaries are the smallest blood vessels. They are found in every organ of the body.

Capillaries have thin walls to allow substances like oxygen and carbon dioxide to be exchanged
between the blood cells

Veins carry blood back to the hear from the organs.

When organs get into the blood it enters reed blood cells where it sticks to the molecules of the
haemoglobin this makes the cells change colour from dark brown red to bright red

From the lungs blood enters the heart to be pumped out to the rest of the body through blood
vessels called arteries these divides into capillaries

In the capillaries oxygen gradually leaves the red blood cells and dissolves in the plasma this
leaks out through minute holes in the capillaries and forms tissue fluid which carries the oxygen
to the cells. Plasma has glucose and other nutrients dissolved in it and so these are also in the
tissue fluid

Waste products from cell dissolve in the tissue fluid and return to other capillaries which like up
into veins. Veins carry blood back towards the heart.

During exercise breathing rate Increases

Breathing volume increases

Heart rate increases

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