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Site Selection

Minimizing potential production problems is essential to all farming operations.

This is especially true for organic producers. One of the most effective means of
reducing potential problems is through proper field site selection. Three points
should be considered when selecting a field to produce vegetables: field
topography, soil type, and water availability and quality.

Field Topography –

Topography refers to the physical characteristics of the overall field site and
includes such conditions as; contour, soil depth, water and air drainage, and, the
presence of rock out cropping and trees. These characteristics can have a
significant influence on crop production and management. Poorly drained fields or
those with low areas can become water logged during periods of excessive rain.
Such conditions can enhance the incidence of diseases, reduce plant vigor and
yield, and, under excessive conditions, cause plant death. Brush areas or
abandoned fields and pastures can harbor insects and severe as host for plant
diseases, some of which can be vectored by insects. Rock out cropping and trees
within a field can become impedance to farm implements and increase difficulty of
land preparation and crop establishment. . Sites with slopes of 1.5 % (18″ elevation
change per 100′) or more should be avoided to prevent excessive erosion problems.
An ideal topography for vegetable production is one that is nearly flat to slightly
sloping, well drained, and, free of trees, rocks and low areas. Efficiency of crop
maintenance, irrigation and harvest operations is greatly enhanced in fields with
this type topography (6).

Soil type and quality –

Soil type refers to the physical composition or properties of the soil. Soils basically
consist of decomposed mineral matter (sand, silt, and clay) and decomposed
organic matter. Optimum vegetable production is achieved on well-drained sandy
loam soils. Although vegetables can be grown on a wide range of soil types, most
vegetables are not well adapted to heavy clay soil types. Soils of this type tend to
have poor aeration and drainage and can restrict root growth. Consequently, these
soils should be avoided (6). Soil is the fundamental resource base for all
agricultural production systems. Unfortunately, too often, too little time is spent in
selecting soil type and soil management practices. In organic production, soil
health is essential. Soil quality influences its ability to provide an optimum media

for growth, sustain crop productivity, maintain environmental quality, and, provide
for plant and animal health (17). Therefore, soil quality and soil health is viewed as
the foundation to successful organic production. Consequently, the primary
management goal of an organic producer should be sustaining and improving soil
quality or health over the long term. Table 1 presents important soil properties
influencing soil productivity. The USDA is currently developing test kits to
evaluate soil quality indicator properties. Contact your local USDA-NRCS field
office to obtain a test kit.

Table 1. Soil Quality Indicator Properties

Physical properties Chemical properties Biological properties

Bulk density electrical conductivity
Microbial biomass carbon
Rooting depth cation exchange capacity
Water infiltration rate organic matter
Water holding capacity mineralizable nitrogen
disease suppressiveness
Aggregate stability exchangeable K
exchangeable Ca

Water –

Water is the life-blood of vegetable production. Vegetable crops generally require

more total water and more frequent irrigation than most other agronomic crops.
Few vegetables can be grown successfully under dryland conditions in most areas
of Texas. Even in East Texas where 45 + ” of rainfall occurs annually, crops can
experience period of drought stress. Therefore, only fields that have easy access to
an abundant water source should be considered for vegetable production. The
water source should have the capability to provide the volume required for the
maximum needs of the highest water-using crop to be planted. Water needs for
selected vegetables grown in Texas are listed in Table 1 of the appendix.

Water quality is equally as important as water volume in selecting a field site water
source. Water source for vegetable irrigation should contain less than 400 ppm
soluble salts. Therefore, avoid water sources containing high levels of toxic
elements such as Sodium, Boron or Aluminum. Tables 2 and 3 are helpful in
evaluating suitability of water for irrigation. The absence of an adequate supply of
high quality water cannot be offset with an ideal field site having a desirable soil
type. Knowledge of crop tolerance to salinity is essential if marginal quality water
is to be used (6).

Table 2. Permissible Salinity Limits for Classes of Irrigation Water.

Gravimetric % Chlorides Sulfates
Water Classed conductivity
Ppm Sodium (Cl) (SO4)
Class 2=(good) 250 175 20 4 4
Class 250-750 175-525 20-40 4-7 4-7
3=(permissible) 750-2000 525-1400 40-50 7-12 7-12
Class 2000-3000 1400-2100 60-80 12-20 12-20
4=(doubtful) 3000+ 2100+ 80+ 20+ 20+

Table 3. Classification of Sodium Hazard of Water Based on SAR Values.

SAR Sodium Hazard of

Values Water
Use on sodium sensitive crop such as avocados
1-10 Low
must be cautioned.
10-18 Medium Gypsum and leaching needed.
18-26 High Generally unsuitable for continuous use.
26 Very High Generally unsuitable for use.

Crop and Variety Selection –

A factor equal to the importance of good soil health to successful implementation

of the organic production concept is crop and variety selection. Pest of all types
occurs in abundance in most areas of Texas. However, the greatest limiting factor
to successful vegetable production from a pest stand-point is the high incidence of
disease outbreaks. With the reduced number of tools to combat pests available in
the organic production arsenal, as compared to conventional production, even
greater importance is placed on the use of resistant crops and varieties as the
primary means of pest control. Table 2 of the appendix list vegetable varieties
recommended for Texas. Most of the varieties listed were selected partly because
they possess as high a level of resistance as available to as many diseases as
possible. Therefore, organic producers who use varieties or grow species with

resistance to as many diseases as available greatly increase their chances for

Market development –

The fact that most vegetable crops are highly perishable, the need to develop
markets for produce should be established prior to planting the crop. This even
more important for organically produced vegetables due to their limited or niche
market status. For whatever reason one chooses to commercially produce
vegetables organically, profitability is the driving force that keeps him in business.
To achieve profitability, a producer must have a well thought out production and
marketing plan based on sound scientific and business principles. Most startup
vegetable operations generally fail due to the lack of market development or
marketing skills.

Consequently, a potential grower cannot spend too much time in a developing

production and marketing plan. Commercial vegetable production should always
be viewed as a business first and as a farming enterprise secondly. Personnel views
or beliefs are fine but establishing a business based on consumer preferences and
demands make for a more successful undertaking.

In developing a sound marketing plan the following questions should be answered:

-What crops should I grow?
– How much of these crops should I produce?
– To whom or where shall I sell the produce that I will grow?
– How much real demand is there for the crops I am considering
– How much will it cost me to produce and market these crops?
– What if any are the sizes of the market windows for these crops?
– What are the risks associated with the production of these crops?

In order to effectively answer these questions one must be willing to invest

considerable time conducting market research. It should be stressed that in order to
market produce as organically grown, a farming operation must be “Certified
Organic” by the Texas Department of Agriculture. The following (used with
permission from TDA) describes the requirements of the Texas Department of
Agriculture Organic Certification Program (16).

The Texas Department of Agriculture’s Organic Certification Program certifies

crops produced under an organic farming system. That is, a system of ecological
soil management that relies on building humus levels through crop rotations,
recycling organic wastes, and applying balanced mineral amendments. When
necessary, this system uses mechanical, botanical, or biological controls that have
minimum adverse effects on health and the environment. In addition, organic crops
are produced without the use of synthetic pesticides, synthetic fertilizers and
synthetic herbicides. Upon demonstrating compliances with the Organic Standards
and Certification, Texas Administrative Code, Title 4, Part I, Chapter 18,
participants are entitled to use a marketing logo identifying their products as state
certified. TDA inspects and certifies producers, processors, handlers (warehouses,
distributors, brokers) and retailers of organic products.

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