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The Critic

Critic – a person who says what is good or bad

perplexed – confused
aware – to know or realize something
wink – to close one or two eyes suddenly and open
recall – to remember
do sight – see

Word Bank
1. remember -recall
2. A person who gives judgement
on literature, art or music - critic
3. see, look at -sight
4. anything -abcdefxyz (ee)
5. angry - cross

C. Groups of words according to the silent letter.

Silent letter words

L should, could, calm, palm, calf,

T castle, hasten, fasten
B thumb, dumb
C muscle, scene, scenery, science

Answer the following questions

1. What is the profession of the father in the poem?

Ans: The father in the poem is a writer.

2. Who is the critic? Is he very young, young or grown up?

Ans: The critic is a little boy who is very young.
3. “Writes books by himself” means:
Ans: (a) when he is alone.

4. In the second stanza, the child seems to resent the fact that he is
scolded for certain things, but everyone allows his father to do them.
Make a list of those things.
Ans: 1. When the boy goes in the room of father
2. When the boy sees notebook of father
3. When the boy makes paper boat.

5. Explain the simile in the last two lines of the poem.

Ans: The dark colour of night is compared with the black colour of
written paper with the help of word “as”.

6. Which lines rhyme in the poem?

Ans: Every first line rhyme with the second line throughout the
poem hence the rhyme scheme is – aa,bb,cc,dd, and so on.

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