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Ontology: Darimana asal pengetahuan??

Epistemology = bagaimana manusia mengetahui

Pra historis = nature is god hermeneutika+fenomenologi

Pra Socrates = nature and god observasi

Socrates & Plato = man and god (soul) meutika tekne – dialektika + anamnesis (academia)

Sophist = only man rhetoric

Aristotles = man and nature logic – qbstraksi - observasi (lychee)

Stoic = man is nature logic

Medieval = God skolastik

Renaissance = science observasi

Modern = man induktif deduktif - fisika matematika, rasional+empiris

Positivism = social experimentation - reduksi

Contemporary = man and machine analitik

Postmodern = man as machine Google

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