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Dear Admissions Committee

It is a pleasure to have a student who is interested in learning and focuses on

success. Such a student is Fatima, and it is an honor to recommend her to your university.
I have known Fatima for more than 2 years and have taught her computer sciences and
Management systems (MIS). Her performance in these subjects has been outstanding.

Fatima is one of the respectful, hardworking, and excellent students. She has impressed
me with her ability to comprehend, analyze and assimilate various computer concepts and
skills. She is a quick learner. Her ability to grasp things conceptually and implement them
practically is worth taking cognizance of. These qualities would be worthwhile assets in
her endeavor to pursue higher studies. Fatima’s questions in the class are smart and deep.
She is a student who desires to learn and can inspire the teacher through her curiosity and
inquiry. She gains high grades in all assignments and exams and has an excellent time
and self-management skills.

Her desire for excellence has led her to pick up a challenging project and that is to study
the timeline for computer history and development. As her course project mentor, I have
closely supervised Fatima’s work. In her project for computer science, she used the
Canva application to make another project to design a poster about how to buy
computers. She worked with total dedication and professionalism on this project and
documented the project with proper citations. She is a very mature person who has
excellent interpersonal skills. Whenever I assign her as a group leader in group work, she
exhibits noteworthy leadership qualities.

She has incredible creative energies and a refreshing idealism. That was very clear when
she discussed her SWOT analyses for her college preparation plan in the MIS subject.

I am expecting big things from Fatima in the years to come. Fatima’s personality traits
are excellent, she has the passion and the drive to do wonders in whichever area she is
placed. I recommend her wholeheartedly and wish her all the best.

My best regards,
Suha AL Shaikh
Technology Facilitator

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