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To whom it may concern,

Thank you for giving me the time to read my recommendation letter for Maria Al

I had the pleasure of teaching Maria Computer science and MIS. Maria was her
commitment to learning and academic achievement. Maria has creative thinking
skills, I remember in grade 9 when she did her course project about Network
Topologies and how it works she proved high skills for using drawing applications
and was a very well-planned project also she did well in communicating with her
group members. Outside the classroom environment, Maria is a social, polite
student. She participated in all school events dealing with volunteer work and
international events representing her country in a way that makes her a role model
for her friends.

She projects in design to present how she can use recycled Items to create
beautiful prototypes to show how we can transfer Items from ‘waste to beauty”
which was the theme of the project .and another project is to design a shelter to
show a global issue cause, effect, and solution. She participated with her ideas
about management skills and administrative tools by using SWOT analysis for
planning and entrepreneurship projects. In this subject, she was able to use the
organizing and self-controlling skills during her work and systematic thinking
efficiently and effectively. She also participated in two projects about how to sell a
computer by designing a computer advertisement and a report about the timeline of
computer history.

Maria is an active participant in classroom discussions, and she always supported

her peers. Her calm nature, excellent communication skills, and personality allow
her to work well with others in a team setting, as she always respects others'
opinions even when they differ from her own. When we held a class debate about
the impact of technology, she viewed the issues from a new perspective, and gain a
clearer sense of the issue from all angles. Throughout the years, Maria
demonstrated her open mind and acceptance of the different perspectives of
others. Maria is going to continue to be a great model for other students. I highly
recommend her for her outstanding charisma, and academic and life skills. She is
talented, focused, hard worker and has a clear vision of what she wants to do and
to be.

My best regards

MS. Suha Al-Shaikh / Technology Facilitator

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