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TIME CLAUSES (Present – Future)

 Time clauses begin with when, before, after, as soon as, until, etc.
When: cuando
Before: antes que
After: después que
As soon as: tan pronto como
Until: hasta

 When the sentence refers to the present or future, we usually use the PRESENT
SIMPLE in the time clause and the FUTURE (will) in the main clause.

Present Simple  Future WILL

(When, before, after, as soon as,
As soon as I know, I’ll tell you.
Before I leave, I’ll help you with your project.

NOTA: When the time clause comes before the main clause, the two clauses are separated by a

1) When the manager _______________, they ___________________ the meeting. (arrive / start)
2) We ______________________ the construction of a shopping center as soon as the government
___________________ us to begin. (start / allow)
3) After she _____________________ a good house in California, she ____________________
some new furniture. (find / buy)
4) She ___________________________ anything until the doctor _________________ her to eat.
(not eat – tell)
5) I ______________________ to finish my homework before my mom ___________________.
(have - arrive)
6) We ______________________ the house when the party _______________ over. (clean - be)
7) Before I ___________________ to London, I ___________________ a room. (go – book)
8) My father ______________________ a new car after he __________________ enough money.
(buy – save)
9) Don’t worry mom. I ______________________ you as soon as I ___________________ to Paris.
(phone – arrive)
10) They _____________________ the match until the rain __________________. (not start – stop)

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