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By Quratulain Altaf Husain

The Intimacy Coach

All of us have conversations with ourselves either verbally or in our heads. These conversations
that we have with ourselves are called incantations. Incantations are highly powerful and that is

Perception is projection

What we perceive, tell ourselves, repeat it and we see all of that happening. The example of
incantation verbal or non-verbal being powerful is that some of us can change our states readily
from that of being happy to that being sad and tearful within moments just with what we tell
ourselves in that moment. It could this be inferred out that incantations program, wire and rewire
our brains.

LiDonnici (2004) explain that mind, body and incantations are directly related with each other
and together they have the power to change physiology and minds in a particular moment.
Incantations are literally magic spells, words, or phrases that cast a spell on the person. In
context of NLP incantations empower individuals, help achieve change of state and get what
they want. Verbal incantations generate commitment which in turn has to reflect in actions
according to Tony Robbins because commitment without action is of no use. If an incantation
cannot give you desired results that incantation and the reason behind it is not powerful enough.

How incantations can help in intimacy

Major incantations that lead to loss of intimacy in lives

“Not again! Why the hell he wants it now when I am so tired!!”

“Gosh! Why can’t she see I am so worked up!”

“Please just get done with it”

When we repeat these phrases in our heads time and time again, we lose interest in our spouses
and eventually in intimacy. We perceive it to be boring, unwanted or a chore, we talk about
intimacy with ourselves in a way that are reflective of it being a chore and eventually see it
translating into practicality. We commit to never view it as amazing therefore we refrain from
putting any effort in giving our intimacy new turns. How we can change it through constant
effort, deliberately?

1- Speak and repeat new, empowering phrases to yourself deliberately. These phrases may
“I want to revive the spark in my intimate relationship with my husband.”
“If I experiment with this new fragrance that he likes, I am sure it will work its magic.”
“Being with him is not just routine, it is our rejuvenating time that I want to make the
best time of my day.”

Repeating such statements to yourself several times a day or whenever you think of intimacy
would reinforce the idea of your desire to never view intimacy as a chore, rather your “me time”
or the time that “should be the best time of your day.” Every time you think about intimacy and
your mind automatically reminds you of what you want to achieve in intimacy you would be
motivated and compelled to work towards making it the best time you spend during your day.

You can use incantations to change any limiting belief and attain anything you want to attain or
put your mind to. Learn the art of incantations with me to connect with yourself, your partner
and empower yourselves. Connect with me and message me either on Instagram or Facebook.

INSTA/FB: Get Fit With Qurat


LiDonnici, L. (2004). A Sourcebook on Magic. The Classical Review, 54(2), 441-443.

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