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The society influenced how I came to be the person that I am today.

It has a significant influence to

my personality, beliefs, values, etc.

The society, specifically my family, friends, peers, and other people around me helped mold my
personality. My family is the first group of people I know. My core values, religious beliefs and behaviors
are heavily influenced by them. For example, my parents are Seventh Day Adventists and they believe
that eating pork is a sin, therefore, I also thought of pork that way and avoid eating it at all cost. As for
my friends, they helped me discover the things that I want and also the fun/goofy side of my
personality. Through them, I was able to add dimensions to myself. Lastly, other people like my peers,
authorities, celebrities, et cetera, shaped my personality by setting up these norms and standards. These
said norms influences my perspective in life and my actions.

In conclusion, the society has a large influence to the way that I am today and also to the person I
will become tomorrow. Just like what Theodore Adorno said, ”Not only is the self-entwined in society; it
owes society its existence in the most literal sense.”

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