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Statement of the Problem

Popular floor wax is harmful to health. According to studies, inhalation of cleaning solutions
odors, especially floor wax, harms the respiratory system. Floor wax is applied to the floor
surface to make it slip-resistant, water-resistant, slip-resistant, and glossy. It is applied to
surfaces and forms thin, protective, and hard layers. The main ingredients of conventional floor
wax are five, each which has harmful effects on the environment, and the chemical waste
generated by continuous maintenance is also harmful. The cumulative effects of these
ingredients on human health make their harmful effects more powerful and difficult to reverse
(Lim, 2016-2017). From asthma to reproductive diseases and cancer, it is also an important
ingredient of the floor wax that should be avoided as far as possible (Montgomery, 2018)
Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the quality of 4 cups of water, 1/16 teaspoon of carnauba wax, and 4 teaspoons of
canola oil in 2 different set-ups of the production of alternative floor wax in the following:
a. 100g watermelon rind
b. 200g watermelon rind
2. What is the type of floor in terms of the friction and shininess requirements:
a. Ceramic floor
b. Wooden floor
3. What are the results after producing the alternative floor wax by the two following setups in
terms of the following:
a. Odor d. chemical free
b. Shininess
c. Friction
4. Is there a significant difference between the 2 different setups after it was tested?
5. Is there a significant relationship between the proportion of 100g or 200g watermelon rind
used and the efficacy of the production of each floor wax to the Odor, Shininess, and Friction
that will be applied on the floor?
6. Based on the findings of the study, should watermelon rind be used as an alternative floor
wax to clean and wholesome floors?
Sample Survey
(For odour testing)

Check the following boxes. Your answers may.

1. Do you use floor wax in your house, school and offices that has a chemical substances?

Yes No

2. Does the pungent odor of commercial floor wax affect most people in a room?

Yes No

3. If yes, do you not dislike the odor that is excreted in a specified room?

Yes No

4. When you inhale the odor of the commercial floor wax applied in a room, do you feel nauseous
and uncomfortable?

Yes No

5. Do you have any disease that may trigger when you inhale chemical substances especially
commercial floor wax? If you have, kindly write it down below.

Yes No

6. Do you prefer a floor wax that has a smell or one that does not smell at all?

Yes No

7. Is the commercial floor wax have stronger odor than alternative floor wax?

Yes No

8. Do you recommend to the people to use the alternative floorwax instead of commercial floor

Yes No

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