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Benchmarking progress
of ICMM members in 2019

Safety Data: Benchmarking progress of ICMM members in 2019 i

Although reasonable precautions have been taken to verify the information
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prepared with the input of various International Council on Mining and Metals
(“ICMM”) members and other parties.

At no stage does ICMM or any individual company accept responsibility for the
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the same. Each ICMM member company is responsible for determining
and implementing management practices at its facility, and ICMM expressly
disclaims any responsibility related to determination or implementation of
any management practice. Moreover, although ICMM and its members are
committed to an aspirational goal of zero fatalities at any mine site or facility,
mining is an inherently hazardous industry, and this goal unfortunately has yet to
be achieved.

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This disclaimer should be construed in accordance with the laws of England.

Publication: ©ICMM 2020. All rights reserved.

Cover image: ©Anglo American

ii Safety Data: Benchmarking progress of ICMM members in 2019


ICMM’s vision is for mining and metals to be a respected

industry, trusted to operate responsibly and contribute
to sustainable development. Our members share an
unwavering commitment to improving health and
safety performance, towards a goal of zero harm.

To support this commitment, ICMM compiles and analyses the safety data
provided annually by members and discloses this information publicly
to share progress and accelerate industry-wide learning. Over time,
this data has informed leadership discussions about the step change
required to eliminate fatalities and supports an evidence-based approach
to ICMM’s work on health and safety. No fatality is acceptable.

As a commitment of membership, companies are required to report safety data

in their annual sustainability reports in line with GRI reporting requirements.
However, often small differences arise between company reports due to
government reporting requirements, reporting periods and differences in the
criteria through which injuries are classified. As a result, we have developed a
common approach for ICMM member companies to share their information.
The data in this report uses the definitions provided in ICMM’s ‘Health and
Safety Performance Indicators’ publication. We make every effort to ensure the
data submitted aligns with the definitions, however, some minor differences
between companies may still exist. Acknowledging this, we include notes
(see page 8) and are continuously looking at ways to improve this report.


On 25 January 2019, a tailings storage dam at Vale’s Córrego do Feijão mine

in Brumadinho, Brazil, collapsed. As of 20 May 2020, 259 fatalities have been
confirmed and 11 people are still missing. In total, 270 lost their lives as a result
of this accident. This is a stark reminder that, while the mining and metals
industry has come a long way in improving how it operates, there is still much to
be done to safeguard lives, improve performance and demonstrate transparency.

Of these 270 people who lost their lives, 250 are considered occupational fatalities,
meaning they were part of Vale’s workforce. To date, 10 of these occupational
fatalities are still unaccounted for but are being considered as fatalities in
this report. The remaining 20 fatalities (of the 270) were members of the local
community, of which, one is still unaccounted for. Year on year, this report focuses on
occupational fatalities only.

In response to this tragedy, ICMM, together with the United Nations Environment
Programme (UNEP) and the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) have
co-convened a global tailings review to establish an international standard for safe
management of tailings storage facilities. The review is in its final stage, with the
publication of the Global Tailings Standard expected later in 2020.

Safety Data: Benchmarking progress of ICMM members in 2019 1

2019 DATA

Regrettably, 287 fatalities occurred across ICMM company members in 2019

(Graph 1). This is an increase from 2018, when there were 50 fatalities. Of the 287
fatalities recorded, 250 occurred as a result of the Brumadinho dam collapse.

This is viewed in relation to a 6.9 per cent increase in the total hours worked by
companies and an overall decrease (19 per cent) in the number of incidents that
resulted in a fatality.

Graph 1: ICMM total fatalities and fatality frequency rate (2012-2019)

300 0.150

250 0.125

(per 1 million hours worked)

Fatality frequency rate
200 0.100

150 0.075

100 0.050

50 0.025

0 0.000
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019


Fatalities Number of fatal incidents Fatality frequency rate

There were six incidents which resulted in more than one fatality, which is double the
number of multiple fatality incidents in 2018. There was a 0.3 per cent increase in
the number of total recordable injuries from 7,751 in 2018 to 7,771 in 2019 (Table 1).

The fatality rate (calculated per one million hours worked) shows an increase
from 0.022 in 2018 to 0.118 in 2019. The overall injury rate decreased from 3.41
in 2018 to 3.20 in 2019.

Graph 2: ICMM total recordable injuries and frequency rate (2012-2019)

14000 6.00
(TRIFR per 1 million hours worked)

12000 5.00
Total Recordable Injuries (TRI)

TRI Frequency Rate


2000 1.00

0 0.00
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019


TRI Total recordable injury frequency rate (TRIFR)

2 Safety Data: Benchmarking progress of ICMM members in 2019

Table 1: ICMM safety performance data (2012-2019)

Total recordable Fatality Total recordable TRI frequency Total hours

fatalities (TRF) frequency rate2 injuries (TRI) rate2 worked

2019 287 0.118 7,771 3.20 2,432,053,536

2018 50 0.022 7,751 3.41 2,275,510,188
2017 51 0.027 7,515 3.94 1,906,708,433
2016 63 0.032 8,445 4.26 1,981,148,588
2015 60 0.027 10,494 4.70 2,231,437,832
2014 56 0.024 10,455 4.50 2,324,525,784
2013 91 0.035 11,636 4.52 2,571,500,557
2012 90 0.033 13,895 5.07 2,738,579,590

Graph 3 shows that the highest number of fatalities in 2019 occurred

through ‘structural failure’. All of these fatalities were as a result of the
Brumadinho tailings dam collapse.

Graph 3: Associated hazards attributed to fatalities in 2015-2019

The graph is shown using a binary logarithmic scale. This is to assist with showing the detail in the graph across all hazard classifications.


Number of fatalities



Structural failure

Fall of ground



Energy Isolation

Falling objects

Working at height

Fires and explosions

Confined spaces

Abnormal weather

Pressurised systems


Inrush and outburst

Hazadous material


Hazard classification

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 *Mobile equipment and transportation

The second highest cause of fatalities was from mobile equipment and
transportation. In 2018, for the first time, mobile equipment and transportation
surpassed ‘fall of ground’ as the biggest cause of fatalities amongst company
members. In 2019, there was also a marked increase in the number of fatalities
from fires and explosions with seven occurring. This is over double the number
recorded in the previous four years. It also shows a significant reduction in
fatalities attributed to mobile equipment and transportation (a 46.7 per cent
reduction) and fall of ground related fatalities from a high of 18 in 2015 and
2016, to six in 2019 – a reduction of 66.7 per cent.

Safety Data: Benchmarking progress of ICMM members in 2019 3

The data in Table 2 and Graph 4 shows that the country with the highest
number of fatalities was Brazil, accounting for 88 per cent of the total fatalities
across ICMM members in 2019, with 250 of the fatalities being caused by the
Brumadinho dam collapse. The fatality rate for the Netherlands is high due to
the relatively low number of hours worked in the country.

Table 2: 2019 fatalities per country of ICMM members

Total hours
% of total hours Total recordable Fatality % fatalities per
Country worked per
per country fatalities (TRF) frequency rate2 country
Brazil 303,639,774 12% 252 0.830 88%

South Africa 392,993,713 16% 10 0.025 3%

Zambia 46,811,686 2% 6 0.128 2%

Chile 324,980,742 13% 3 0.009 1%

DRC 64,368,084 3% 3 0.047 1%

Kazakhstan 52,516,825 2% 3 0.057 1%

Peru 170,562,569 7% 2 0.012 1%

Indonesia 97,649,247 4% 2 0.020 1%

Australia 271,110,352 11% 1 0.004 <1%

USA 100,650,454 4% 1 0.010 <1%

Bolivia 10,495,121 <1% 1 0.095 <1%

Netherlands 1,690,917 <1% 1 0.591 <1%

Russia 53,400,377 2% 1 0.019 <1%

Japan 22,433,885 1% 1 0.045 <1%

Sub-total 1,913,303,745 79% 287 0.150 100%

Rest of world 518,749,792 21% 0 0 -

Total 2,432,053,536 100% 287 0.118 100%

4 Safety Data: Benchmarking progress of ICMM members in 2019

Graph 4: Number of fatalities per country in 2019
The graph is shown using a binary logarithmic scale. This is to assist with showing the detail in the graph across all countries.

320 1.600


(per 1 million hours worked)


Fatality frequency rate

Number of fatalities




0 0.000

South Africa








United States





Number of fatalities Fatality frequency rate

2019 company benchmark

Following are two graphs that show a more detailed analysis of data for calendar
year3 2019 per company member. Graph 5 shows the fatality rate for each company
for 2019. Graph 6 shows the injury rate for companies in 2019. The total number of
fatalities per company is shown in Table 3.

Graph 5: Fatality frequency rate² for ICMM member companies across calendar year 2019




(per 1 million hours worked)
Fatalaity frequency rate






Gold Fields
Anglo American
AngloGold Ashanti
Antofagasta Minerals
JX Nippon
Minera San Cristobal
Mitsubishi Materials
Rio Tinto

Average Company

Safety Data: Benchmarking progress of ICMM members in 2019 5

Graph 6: Total recordable injury frequency rate² for ICMM member companies across calendar year 2019

Total recoradable injury case rate
(per 1 million hours worked)

Mitsubishi Materials
Minera San Cristobal
AngloGold Ashanti
JX Nippon
Antofagasta Minerals
Anglo American
Gold Fields
Rio Tinto
Average Company

Connection to ICMM’s strategy and action plan

This annual safety data motivates company members to continue their drive
towards zero harm and provides an indication of their safety performance
for stakeholders.

In 2020, ICMM will continue to focus on the sharing and learning between
company members by taking a holistic look at trends and lessons drawn from
this data as well as continuing to reflect back on the learnings published in the
2019 ICMM publication ‘Fatality Prevention: Eight lessons learned’.

This benchmarking data also informs ICMM’s focus areas. Specifically,

our action on tailings and the Innovation for Cleaner, Safety Vehicles (ICSV)
programme which aims to accelerate the availability and uptake of collision
avoidance technology by 2025.
Knowledge sharing

ICMM began collating and publishing company members’ safety data in 2012 with
the aim of encouraging information and knowledge-sharing among members, and
catalysing learning across the industry.

Additionally, we bring members together to accelerate learning on health and

safety issues. We use these conversations, alongside the data in this report to
drive our strategic focus for our health and safety programme on the areas where
most improvement is needed.

At the time of publication, the world is facing unprecedented challenges arising

from the COVID-19 pandemic. This platform of information sharing and learning
has continued to support members through the unprecedented challenges arising
from the COVID-19 pandemic where the health and safety of workers and local
communities is paramount.

6 Safety Data: Benchmarking progress of ICMM members in 2019

Table 3: All data for ICMM company members in 20194

Total recordable Fatality Total recordable TRI frequency Total hours

fatalities (TRF) frequency rate2 injuries (TRI) rate2 worked

Africa Rainbow
3 0.071 224 5.26 42,550,749
Anglo American6 4 0.017 528 2.21 239,351,163
0 0.000 283 3.31 85,503,963
0 0.000 134 2.71 49,371,505
Barrick7 0 0.000 219 2.24 97,908,552
BHP 0 0.000 769 4.39 175,094,394
Codelco 1 0.006 847 5.42 156,417,073
3 0.021 526 3.69 142,653,670
Glencore8 17 0.046 1,055 2.86 368,547,117
Goldcorp 0 0.000 28 2.83 9,885,645
Gold Fields 1 0.021 104 2.19 47,401,516
Hydro 0 0.000 280 3.06 91,595,757
JX Nippon9 0 0.000 11 2.86 3,845,363
Lonmin4,10 3 0.042 568 7.97 71,282,919
Minera San
0 0.000 26 4.96 5,237,913
Minsur11 0 0.000 51 1.61 31,715,220
0 0.000 5 5.09 982,574
MMG 0 0.000 42 1.58 26,625,421
Newcrest 0 0.000 74 2.35 31,477,554
Newmont 0 0.000 154 2.04 75,539,274
Orano 0 0.000 56 4.16 13,460,938
Polyus 1 0.019 125 2.34 53,400,377
Rio Tinto 0 0.000 354 2.09 169,290,339
South3213 0 0.000 232 3.96 58,593,181
Sumitomo9 1 0.038 32 1.23 26,050,729
Teck14 1 0.022 201 4.40 45,655,289
Vale 252 0.806 843 2.70 312,615,343

TOTAL 287 0.118 7,771 3.20 2,432,053,536

Safety Data: Benchmarking progress of ICMM members in 2019 7


While all effort is made to ensure the data complies with the definitions, it
should be noted that some minor differences still exist between companies.
Acknowledging this, we are continuously looking at ways to improve the
consistency of data.

1. ICMM (2014), Health and Safety: Performance indicators [PDF]. Available at
2. Rates are per 1 million hours worked (calculated by dividing the total number of fatalities
or TRIs by the hours worked at the companies, and then multiplied by 1 million). Fatality
rate is shown at 3 decimal places, injury rate shown at 2 decimal places.
3. Data is provided per calendar year. This is opposed to financial year which is often
how data is reported by companies in their individual reports. Providing the data by
calendar year provides a additional level of comparability between datasets.
4. Data for Alcoa and Sibanye Stillwater – both new members of ICMM – are not
included in this report. Data for these companies will be included in the 2020
Report and onwards. The data for former ICMM member Lonmin, which was
acquired by Sibanye Stillwater in June 2019, has been included in this report.
5. African Rainbow Minerals boundary for reporting: includes joint venture operations
where the company has management or joint management control.
6. Anglo American experienced one loss of life in a FoG incident at a non-managed JV
- Modikwa (ARM) in South Africa in 2019. The Group has logged over 365 consecutive
days Fall of Ground fatality free for the first time. The data is compliant in terms of
injury severity classification, however the scope of reporting excludes those off-site
work-related incidents that are not within Anglo American management control and
where there is no clear evidence of negligence (for example a lost time injury due to
an incident on a public road in company provided transportation) or in cases resulting
from criminal activity (eg violent crime, assault, etc).
7. Employee/contractor split not available for Barrick’s Senegal exploration property.
8. Glencore marketing offices are excluded. A few specific exclusions exist in
Glencore’s classification guidelines that apply in the determination of whether
incidents are workplace related to assist in the decision-making process.
9. Does not provide contractor hours worked as it is not a requirement as per the
Japanese “Industrial Safety and Health Act” and therefore not regularly collected.
The onus is on the contracting company to provide this data to the regulator. This
does not remove the responsibility of the company to manage H&S for contractors
such as establishing a safe working environment, provision of safety training etc,
and that companies must investigate and keep records if fatality or injury cases
happen. In addition for Sumitomo, the data includes contractor hours worked (that
is) estimated based on the number of workers as of May 2019.
10. The report contains data for all Lonmin operations – both pre- and post-acquisition by
Sibanye Stillwater. Full data for Sibanye Stillwater will be included in the 2020 report.
11. Includes the safety data of Minsur’s Joint Venture Project of Mina Justa (Marcobre: 60
per cent belongs to Minsur and 40 per cent belongs to COPEC), Sillustani and Barbastro.
12. The data represents sites directly controlled by Mitsubishi Materials. These sites
are: Akita Smelter, Ikuno business facilities and Naoshima Smelter and Refinery in
Japan. Mitsubishi Materials do not operate a mine as a main shareholder.
13. South32 has a few specific exclusions defined in their reporting guidelines. South32
use Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) definitions for Injuries
and Disease classification.
14. For 2019, Teck is reporting on the activities that it directly manages. The data
does not include JV Partnerships. Teck reports on both a Teck Operated and Teck
Total basis. Teck Operated - those activities that Teck manages. Teck Total - Teck
Operated plus JV partnerships (on a weighted basis).

8 Safety Data: Benchmarking progress of ICMM members in 2019

©Norsk Hydro

Safety Data: Benchmarking progress of ICMM members in 2019 9

ICMM is an international organisation
dedicated to a safe, fair, and
sustainable mining and metals industry.
Bringing together 27 companies –
and over 35 regional, national, and
commodities associations – we support
mining with principles to sustainably
manage the natural resources of our
planet, and enhance the wellbeing of
local communities.

35/38 Portman Sq.

London W1H 6LR
United Kingdom
+44 (0) 20 7467 5070

Follow us:
@ICMM_com Published June 2020

10 Safety Data: Benchmarking progress of ICMM members in 2019

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