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T : Hi Farhan, you were born in Bekasi right?

F : Not true Tsab, in fact i was born in Sragen.

T : Woaahh.. Were you?

F : Yeahh.. I was born and raised in Sragen, and now i moved out to Sragen to study here.

T : So you went to study here?

F : Yeah, that’s right. we’re in the same major right?

T : Yeah you’re right, will you stay in semarang after college?

F : Nah, I’ll come back to sragen after college because i have family there.

T : So after graduated and then coming back to your hometown, what’s your plan?

F : I’ll stay there for a while and then I’ll leave Sragen to get a decent job.

T : Ahhh i see, where would you travel to then?

F : maybe in Jakarta

T : wow that’s cool, i also lived there han.

F : Really!?

T : Yeah i lived there since i was born.

F : aaahhh i see, btw see you Tsab, i need to go

T : See ya!

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