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Bài 6

F: hello, are you free?

X: yes, I'm free. Wazzup

F: hmm, I want to buy a novel, but I don't know where to buy it, can you give me some suggestions?

X: Well, I know a lot of websites to buy books. But to buy a good novel, you should choose

F: how did you know that website?

X: My nerdy sister introduced me

F: ohh, is that website easy to use?

X: of course, not only is it easy to use but it also has many different types of books. In particular, the
website interface is very beautiful

F: Thank you for introducing me to a great website to buy books

X: It's nothing

Bài 7

F: did you have close friends during school days?

X: Of course there is. I think everyone will have close friends during their school days

F: what that person looks like

X: she has a slightly chubby body. Her chubby face is very cute with long black hair

F: oh, she seems really cute, what kind of person is she?

X: hmm, she is a highly ambitious person, that's why she scores high on every test

F: oh, so why is she one of your best friends

X: because she's funny and kind, especially always showing me exercises that I don't know how to do.
Thanks to her, my academic performance also improved.

F: wow, it's so good to have such a friend for company. Thank you for answering my question
Bài 8

F: What school are you attending?

X: I am studying at university of economics and finance. It is located at 141 Dien Bien Phu, Binh Thanh

F: oh, I know this school, a friend of mine also studied there. How long have you been studying at uef?

X: I've been studying here for two years now

F: After two years studying at uef, do you find anything interesting?

X: of course yes. The equipment here is very modern, the friends are friendly. it facilitates me to study

F: wow. it is extremely important when studying at such a school. Hope you study well

X: Thank you very much

Bài 9

F: Are you currently working on anything?

X: Yes. Currently I am working as a tutor

F: Oh, why did you choose that?

X: Because I was introduced by a friend, after I did it for a while I found it interesting.

F: It sounds great, so what skills do you need to do this job?

X: hmm, I think the most important skill to be a tutor is teaching skill

F: why do you think like that?

X: because I think without teaching skills, it is impossible to convey knowledge to students

F: oh. It is truly an important skill to become a tutor. Hope you do well in your work
Bài 10

F: Have you ever participated in or done any project at uef school?

X: yes. I did a project. That project is to build a nail salon website

F: wow, that sounds really interesting, when did you do that project?

X: I did it earlier this year

F: So what did you do for that project?

X: I came up with an idea with my friend, then built a website on wix and made powerpoint for a

F: So was that project successful?

X: ohhh, it was more successful than I expected

F: Glad to hear that

F: did you have close friends during school days?

X: Of course there is. I think everyone will have close friends during their school days
F: what that person looks like
X: she has a slightly chubby body. Her chubby face is very cute with long black hair
F: oh, she seems really cute, what kind of person is she?
X: hmm, she is a highly ambitious person, that's why she scores high on every test
F: oh, so why is she one of your best friends
X: because she's funny and kind, especially always showing me exercises that I don't know how to
do. Thanks to her, my academic performance also improved.
F: wow, it's so good to have such a friend for company. Thank you for answering my questionF: did
you have close friends during school days?
X: Of course there is. I think everyone will have close friends during their school days
F: what that person looks like
X: she has a slightly chubby body. Her chubby face is very cute with long black hair
F: oh, she seems really cute, what kind of person is she?
X: hmm, she is a highly ambitious person, that's why she scores high on every test
F: oh, so why is she one of your best friends
X: because she's funny and kind, especially always showing me exercises that I don't know how to
do. Thanks to her, my academic performance also improved.
F: wow, it's so good to have such a friend for company. Thank you for answering my questionF: bạn
có bạn thân vào thời đi học không X: dĩ nhiên là có. Tôi nghĩ ai cũng sẽ có bạn thân vào thơi đi học
F: người đó trông như thế nào X: cô ấy có một thân hình hơi mũm mĩm. Mặt cô ấy bầu bỉnh rất là
dễ thương cùng với mái tóc dài màu đen F: oh, có vẻ như cô ấy trông rất dễ thương nhỉ, cô ấy là
người như thế nào vậy? X: hmm, cô ấy là một người có tham vọng cao, chính vì thế mà bài kiểm tra
nào cũng đạt điểm cao F: oh, vậy tại sao cô ấy là một trong những người bạn thân nhất của bạn X:
bởi vì cô ấy vui tính và tốt bụng, đặc biệt lúc nào cũng chỉ cho tôi những bài mà tôi không biết làm.
Nhờ cô ấy mà thành tích học tập của tôi cũng tốt lên. F: wow , nó thì vô cùng tốt khi có một người
bạn như vậy đồng hành. Cảm ơn bạn vì đã trả lời câu hỏi của tôi

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