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Awalan a day in my life dulu sebelum pergi pagi”buat podcast terus berangkat ke kost vetra buat

podcast di rekam juga video perjalanan nya sampai ke kost vetra

v:morningg gaiss

all:morningg vett

v:come in gaiss,sorry, it's a mess, I just woke up

p:its ok vet we're same

c:So, are we going to do a podcast?

m:Yes, we want to be content creators,So, that's the first video on our YouTube channel, so we're
making a podcast

n:OK, that's a great idea

v:OK guys, let's start now, First, putri and I did the podcast

all:ok vet

m: So what is our job, vet?

V: Just help us to take a video

M,n,c:ok vet

Podcast pertama putri and vetra

podcast pertama

v:morning putri

p:morning vetra

v:how good right?

p:duhh, hahaha(ketawa) very very good not yet stressed

v:hahahah(ketawa)It's okay,not stressed yet, still want to

What do you think you're stressed about?

p:Why else do I want it? It's clear because of my campus assignments

v:Oh yeah, it's campus work,what task do you mean put

p:there's a lot of task(murung)

v:Oh, it's okay, it's okay, that's the daily food for technical children

p:yeah that's for sure

v:OK, OK, what do we want to discuss?emm(berpikir)

p:You're the host, so you decide(senyum)

v:Confused(ketawa),OK, let's talk about your campus life for one semester

p:wow,so scary

v:OKAY OKAY, can you tell me why you majored in shipping

p:Wow, the question is getting scarier

v:just relax

p:(tarik nafas)OK, at first I was still unsure about my major,but when I registered yesterday I saw on this
campus all the majors and I was interested in this shipping major and I'm looking to find out what this
shipping department is all about

v:Oh, I see, so why don't you take electrical engineering or informatics?

p:Yes, I'm interested in shipping

v:were you in high school?

p:No, I'm vocational

v:What major

p:I major in modeling design and development information

v:Oh, there's no connection there

p:Yes, exactly

v: Isn't it very difficult to understand the lesson?

P: You don't need to ask the vet anymore about that(senyam senyum)

V: So what is the most difficult lesson to understand this semester?

P: For me the most difficult subject is technical drawing. Actually, I've been studying it since I was in my
vocational high school, but it's very difficult, the level has been using the application and when we tried
it, our lecturer didn't explain it straight away, he told us to study independently.

v: Oh I see, it's true that learning independently is difficult

p: yes indeed

v: what about other lessons?

P: There are difficult physics and calculus subjects too, but these subjects are available in all majors

V:oh, I see, So how do you handle it so that you can understand these lessons for one semester

P: Sometimes I choose to learn from my friends who understand quickly and sometimes I learn
independently at home
V: oh, your method is very good, So you can spill your grades for one semester

P: if that's the case then don't do it

V: ok put. thanks for the conversation this morning

P: your welcome vet

Masuk ke podcast kedua

V:morning tian

C:morning vet

V: How are you doing this semester?

C: I do a lot of things

V: whatever it is, try telling me

C: Yes, like students in general who leave in the morning to go to class and join organizations in the

V: Oh, it turns out you're a member of the organization, huh?

C: Yes, I really like connecting with lots of people

V: What are the benefits of joining that organization?

C: Of course there are lots of advantages

V: yeah, try to say anything

C: OK, the first thing is that you can get to know a lot of people. Getting to know people is also an
advantage, right?

V: What's the point of knowing lots of people?

C: When we need help or when we are in trouble, we can contact these people

V: yeah too

C: Secondly, we can train our mentality to speak in front of many people

V: If that's the case, we can also practice it by talking in front of the mirror

C: Yes, but if it's a mirror, it's not real, but in an organization it's real when you're talking in front of a lot
of people

V: oh yes you are absolutely right

C: thirdly, train our public speaking too

V: It's also actually trained independently, we also train it by speaking to ourselves

C: oh of course it's clear not, when you are occasionally asked to speak in front of a lot of people and
you stutter, surely by the third or fourth try you will be fluent.

V: Why is that

C: Yes, because I'm used to it

V: So, you've mentioned some of the benefits of organizing, Please tell me the bad side of joining an

C: Oh, there are a lot of these, but it also depends on the person

V: whatever it is

C: You may miss all the course material

V: wow that's scary too

C: Yes, if you can't manage your time well, things like that can happen, Moreover, this often happens in
organizational management

V: Oh, I know they definitely care more about their organization than their subjects, right?

C: Yes, it's true that they can be willing to give up sleep for the sake of their organization even though
the next morning they have morning classes

V: Wow, that's too much

c: Yes, there are also people who don't want to think about studying, thinking it's better to just organize

v: Well, we pay for college and it's already expensive. We pay so much that we choose an organization

C: Yes, that's strange

v: So, this semester, while you were in the organization, what was your campus assignment like? Or
maybe you were the same as those you told me about?

c: during this semester, I'm safe, because my courses are not too hard to follow, I can divide my time if I
have assignments, I prefer to do assignments at home and be absent from the organization first.

v: So there are no problems, okay?

C: Yes, so far so good

v: Can you give me some tips first so that your organization and your studies on campus are not

c: it's easy, you have to be able to manage your time well when you have a task, you have to prioritize
your task first, don't join an organization when your task is finished, then you join the organization

v: oh, I see, the point is, you have to be smart about dividing your time

c: yes, that's right

v: okay, thank you for the conversation, I hope it's useful for those who watch our podcast this time

c: ok, vet, you're welcome

podcast ketigaa

p: good morning mache

m: good morning put

p: wow, it's been a long time since we met, how are you?

M: Yes, it's been a long time since we've seen each other, I'm fine, how about you?

p: I'm always good, of course, really good

m: hahahah (laughs) I know you look strong

p: Yes, stress can't be helped

m: hahaha (laughs)

p: So what do we want to discuss, mache, oh how about this semester

m: I'm fine, I'm fine

Q: What do you mean, how are your assignments, or are you not stressed doing them during this

m: oh, it's very, very stressful, I often miss classes, especially when the lecturer explains that I'm often
late too

p: wow, why is that?

M: Yes, because I often attend football matches representing the campus too

p: wow, that's great, being able to carry the name of the campus

M: Yes, at first I entered the football team at Umrah, then I showed my talent well, so I was selected to
take part in the match representing Umrah.

p: but you dropped your course

m: yes, that was my biggest mistake, I focused on football but I didn't follow the lessons well as a result I
missed a lot of lessons

p: What do you like with football?

m: my hobby is playing football, since I was little I really liked playing football, it's normal for a boy's
hobby, I used to have dreams of becoming a successful football player

p: Who is your role model in football?

m:my role model is ronaldo

p: why are you role modeling Ronaldo?

m:Ronaldo is known for his extraordinary football skills. His ability to score goals, pass the ball and his
speed on the field makes him one of the best players in the world.

p: So you train as hard as possible so that one day you can be like Ronaldo?

M: Yes, that's right

p: but the way you want to have good soccer playing skills is wrong by being more pro at soccer than
your subject

m: yes, I have realized that mistake, so in the second semester I want to fix it, I want to focus on both so
I can divide my time better,

p: Yes, it's true, don't just focus on football. Your studies are also important. You've paid a lot of money
but you don't get anything, so what about your assignments?

m: I also had problems, I never took part in every group work so I just used my name so I often wasn't
accepted to join the group again so I didn't get a lot of marks

p: So starting in the second semester you have changed your principles

M: Yes, that's right

p: I hope you can achieve both your goals

m: I hope I can

p: okay mache, thank you for our conversation today

m: ok put, thanks again

podcast bersama

v:goodmorning guys

all: good morning

v: OK, finally we're doing a podcast together, it's a lot of fun, there's a lot of things we want to talk about

p: Yes, if we gather together, there will be lots of topics, vet

M: What do we want to talk about?

v: Most of our life during this semester, because we are children from abroad

c: very, very deep yes

p: ouch hahaha (laughs)

v: How do you think the girls have been this semester?

p: Oh, it's really hard, especially since we're studying for the first time, this is our first semester

c: yes, but if you do it, just do it, okay

M: If I agree, Tian said

v: hahaha (laughs) the rich are heavy

v: What is the toughest challenge for you this semester?

p: from me?

v: Yes, just from yourself, put

p: for me, it's a bit difficult for me to divide my time to study because every time I go back to campus I
always rest until the afternoon and evening. Sometimes I like to be lazy and don't do my assignments, so
sometimes I'm hampered by always doing my final assignments at the end of the date.

m: for me, my toughest challenge is dividing my time between playing football and studying. I have the
desire to become a successful soccer player but I don't pay attention to my studies, so that's my
toughest challenge.

c: My toughest challenge in this first semester is the same as Putri and Mache, dividing my time, but I'm
in the organization section, I'm very active in the organization, so I'm a little overwhelmed when dividing
my time, for example, sometimes in the afternoon there are meetings but there's also group work that
day too. I'm confused. I want to choose which meetings are important but group work is also more
important so I'm having a hard time there

V: Oh, I see, I just have a hard time fighting laziness because when I go back to lying down in bed, I find it
hard to get up again to do something.

v: What are the things that make you excited this semester?

m: because I've just entered the world of college, I really like it because we don't want to wear free
clothes so I can express myself better wearing outfits that suit my preferences.

c: I like it because this lecture is different from schools in general, our maturity is really needed when we
are late, we are not punished anymore, but we are given thirty minutes of tolerance, especially as we
are given a minimum of two absences, which is very enjoyable for me.

p: For me, my campus friends are really fun when studying is difficult, I always have friends who always
teach me well, I have a fun circle of people who don't get jealous when we're at the top and want to
help when we're at the bottom.

v: wow, your answer is cool, cool

c: what if you are a vet?

v: I like freedom, yes, we are children from overseas, now we live far from our parents, so we can
control ourselves, well, I like the freedom, if I want to play, just play, if I want to stay at my friend's
house, just stay, if I come home late Don't be angry at night

m: you're lost too hahahah (laughs)

p: but to be honest, yes

c: but sometimes it's hard when you come home from campus, you're tired and you're hungry, we have
to cook, usually when we get home from school we just eat without thinking about what we're going to
eat today.

m: so don't stay in a boarding house, just live with your parents (hahaha)

v: How much are you given per month, spill guys?

c: eitss, secret

m: ohh, I live with my parents so I don't get any monthly money

p: if I had a million, the vet would be enough, so I would have to divide the money for campus needs and
money for food, money for monthly shopping

c: if I had more than a million, sometimes it would be more than a hundred, sometimes it would be up
to five hundred

v: too many, tian

c: How is that what is given so that is what is received

p: how many vets do you have?

v: If I had a million, sometimes that would be more so I would use it for savings

v: Hey, I want to know what subjects you like in this first semester

c: Don't ask me again, almost everything I don't like

m: that's true, tian

c: no, I quite like technical drawing, because I quite like drawing and am a little good at designing

v: Wow, that's great

p: I only like general subjects like Indonesian and Pancasila because we used to study them at school

m: I like calculus because I like counting, especially counting money (hahaha)

p: basic currency

v: I don't have any at all, to be honest, because the lecturer doesn't teach anything right

p: nothing to like but good grades are all good, vet

v: That's just luck, put, so what do you don't like?

c: if I hate calculus, my lecturer always doesn't explain it properly every time he explains the material,
not only me, but even my classmates don't understand, he also sometimes doesn't understand.

p: I don't like chemistry courses, I have hated chemistry for a long time, what is a compound, what is a
mixture of carbon and ions, stress if you have seen that lesson

m: I actually hate technical drawing, it's very difficult to design using an application, there's no talent
there, so I don't even want to learn, I'm already lazy, I'm not interested

v: hahaha don't go to college if you don't like it

p: you're the same vet

v: Yes, what's your motivation, guys?

M: If I'm a parent, I always look at my parents when I'm too lazy to go to college. I always imagine how
hard it is for him to earn money just so he can pay for me to go to college. Every time I wake up, I always
say thanks because I'm still given good parents. really care about me

p: I'm the same as my parents, my parents are really great, they can send me to school until I go to
college to a higher level, even though they don't even go to college, I'm sometimes sad when I'm lazing
around here while my parents are up early in the morning working hard for me. looking for money to
pay for it, I give me monthly money, basically I have to be successful, I have to be able to give the best
for them

c: If you ask everyone, perhaps their motivation is their parents, because we are like this, it's all because
our parents want us to have a decent life and put effort into our work, so give them feedback by
studying seriously, not playing games during college.

v: it's all true, because their parents have put effort into us, our job is to provide appropriate feedback,
even if possible, more

p: Yes, that's true, Vet, I'm touched

v: Well, for the last session, what are your hopes?

p: starting from me, okay?

v: yes, ma'am

p: My hope is that I can pass on time, get the appropriate GPA, be able to work in the place I want,
which is the same as what I have been doing, make my parents proud with all my achievements so far.

m: my wish is that I can become a successful person, especially I have the desire to become a national
football player, I hope that can come true, I hope that I can manage my time well between my football
practice and my studies, and I can make my parents proud

c: if it were me, I hope I could return to my hometown bringing a million of my achievements and
v: I hope that what I have been praying for can come true and I hope that what I do remains in God's
way and I must always be able to rely on God

p: wow, that's really noble, vet

v: Obviously, without God, we are nothing, so we must always remember God

M: Yes, that's right, Vet, I was a little sarcastic, because I always pray in full

c: ehh mache mache

v: you really don't, tian

c: Likewise, I rarely worship

v: yeah, it means the same thing

c: Yes, I hope I can be more obedient in worship

p: I hope what we said earlier will come true, friends

all: amen

V: It seems like our conversation has been long

c: yeah, let's just end it

m: hahaha where are you going?

c: usually ce has something to do

v: OK, friends, thank you for taking the time to be on the podcast this time

all:okaii thank you again

m: finally finished

c: yeah

v: I'll help you edit later, guys, so that our channel is successful

p: OK, vet, I'll just leave, I have other things to do

m,c: we are vets too

v: okay guys, thanks

sambil keluar ke motor mau balik

v: be careful guys

all: babayy

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