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Dancing from the very start,

Was a part of everyone’s heart,

Fun, it was to do, in every way,
Objections, you have? I know there’s nay.

Considered it is a popular tradition,

In all parts of the world, and civilisation,
Man or woman, young or old,
Know how to dance, I were told.

Even the Filipinos of our own,

Since the past times, has already shown,
That we all have love for dancing,
And still shall have, for the years coming.

All over the Philippines, our nation,

Dancing is prominent, a form of recreation,
A part of our culture, dancing has been,
In every province, every region, everywhere it can be seen.
Festivals celebrated here and there,
In Cebu, Bacolod, Manila, everywhere,
Annually, they commemorate their rich history,
And they all have, their own unique story.

We need not look beyond our beaches,

In Iloilo, we have our own, and hope it reaches,
The next generations, it shall endure,
The test of time, forever be a part of our culture.

We Ilonggos have a deep love for dancing,

Dagyang, as we call it, a way of living,
That’s why we celebrate Dinagyang every year,
Imminent it is, the celebration is near.

Catholicism, the Spanish gave us this religion,

SeñiorSto. Niño, a patron saint worth exaltation,
Is the heart and soul of this celebration,
For him, we give our deepest appreciation.

Every year, a festival to watch out,

Come January, Ilonggos get busy no doubt,
Preparing for our very own festival, Dinagyang,
Practicing and rehearsing, even the young.

A dancing competition of different tribes,

Is held in an epic battle, each of them strives,
Not to win the prize or gain fame,
But to honour Señior Sto. Niño, to lift up his name.

Tourists from every part of the world,

Come here in Iloilo, eager to unfold,
World class performances and the magical sensation,
Of watching the competing tribes, in this annual competition.
More foreigners means more money,
The revenues help the people, and the economy,
Profits are generated, businesses boom,
Some stagnant industries, again bloom.

A source of pride, Dinagyang really is,

It gives us hope, it gives us bliss,
We feel rejoiced this time of the year,
Dinagyang is imminent, Oh it comes near!

A festival it is, from a bird’s eye view,

But you should look deeper, I tell you,
The hope that comes with this annual festival,
Is for every one of us to appreciate, hopefully we shall.

Everyone! Rejoice and be glad!

\For this unique celebration our ancestors had,
Been preserving until now and for the future,
Is a priceless gift without any measure!

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