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EA0930 – Sociolinguistics in English

Dominant Language Constellations (DLC): TASK 3

Figure 1: Dominant Language Constellations (DLC)

Regarding the image that can be seen at the top of the page, there are several points to consider and
that are going to be explained in detail later on. Before beginning with the analysis, it is significant to
mention some of the aspects that have been considered in order to carry out the map. These points are
the following ones: languages I am aware of in my environment (at the top of the map); languages I
know a little , but I do not consider myself a proficient on them (on the right of the map); languages I
know quite well and that are essential for my day-to-day life right now (in the middle of the white
circle); and languages I might like to return to one day or that I may use, but are non-essential (in the
outer circle).

I consider that the languages that have become essential to me are in this section because are either
my mother tongues or the language I use professionally in my daily-life. However, none of the
languages outside the DLC core have been within it before. Furthermore, the core languages
sometimes influence each other as I tend to mix them when I speak with my family and friends.
Conclusively, my DLC map has been always very similar than the one already seen in the image.

Alba Bultó Martí

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