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--------------------------------------- Day / Date : Wednesday, 13 April 2022
Subject : English for Legal Science
Class : A, B, C
Duration : 120 minutes (08.00 – 10.00 AM)
Lecturer : Dheni Budiman, S.S., M.Hum.


- Work individually. Do not discuss with your friends

- Do the test on time
- Follow the instruction in each section
- Do the test on this test paper
- Do not forget to write your name, student number and your class.

Name : Reffany Julianie

Student number: 214301081
Class : B

Analyze every single sentence or word(s) in the following text by using your own grammar
comprehension (structures, patterns, tenses, parts of speech, and other parts of grammar)


When Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and Jusuf Kalla were eventually elected president and vice
president, the public urged them to make the fight against corruption a part of their concrete agenda,
especially because during the campaign Susilo vowed personally to lead the anticorruption
campaign. To be true to this vow, Susilo launched the National Movement for the Eradication of
Corruption during a ceremony to mark the International Corruption Eradication Day on Dec. 9. The
President also instructed the entire executive branch -- from the central to regional levels -- to speed
up the elimination of corruption (Presidential Instruction No. 5/2004 on accelerating the eradication
of corruption).
Legally, war against corruption was declared when Law No. 28/1999 on the establishment of
a state free from corruption, collusion and nepotism was ratified. Support for the eradication of
corruption became stronger with the ratification of Law No. 31/1999, as amended by Law No.
20/2001 on the eradication of corruption as a criminal offense. A big leap in the effort to eliminate
corruption seemed to be envisioned with the ratification of Law No. 30/2002 on the Corruption
Eradication Commission. It seems, however, that all of these laws will not suffice to speed up the
elimination of corruption. Indonesia is notorious as the most corrupt state in Asia. Ironically, only a
very small number of corruptors have been exposed and punished. The question is, why it is so
difficult to prosecute corruption cases in Indonesia?
Many people believe the roots of corruption are difficult to expose because the legislation is
unclear and open to interpretation, and sides with the corruptors. Others say the majority of our legal
enforcers are not really committed to fighting corruption. From this point of view, it may be said that
rampant corruption is attributable to the great leniency that our laws and law enforcers show toward
corruptors. Owing, perhaps, to an awareness that a corruption eradication strategy must take a
comprehensive approach, Presidential Instruction No. 5/2004 tries to bring together law
enforcement, an improvement of public services and legal reform.
In the context of law enforcement, Susilo has asked the National Police chief to expand
corruption investigations so the perpetrators can be punished and state funds recovered. He also
asked the police chief to prevent his officers from abusing their power and to impose heavy
penalties on those officers who did abuse this power. The President also asked the police to
cooperate with prosecutors' offices, the Development Finance Comptroller, the Center for Financial
Reporting and Financial Transactions Analysis and other related state institutions to combat
corruption and to recoup all lost state funds. Similar instructions were delivered to the Attorney
General's Office and prosecutors' offices nationwide. It must be honestly admitted that all these
instructions were issued because of the negative track records of the National Police and the
prosecutors' offices in dealing with corruption cases.
In many cases, uncovering a corruption case has led to corruption among the law enforcers
themselves. One oft-cited example is the issuance of a Letter for the Termination of an Investigation
(known as an SP3). It is widely believed that the issuance of an SP3 often depends on a bribe.
Pursuant to the stipulation of Article 2, Paragraph 2 of Law No. 31/1999, which has been amended
by Law No. 20/2001, corruption committed in particular circumstances can carry the death penalty.

(structures, patterns, tenses, parts
of speech, and other parts of


Note: You can use more rows to write more analysis starting from number 11 and so on.

B. TRUE or FALSE / T or F
Decide whether the following sentences are True (T) or False (F). Put T or F on the right side
of each question.

1. Your uncle and my uncle are absorbed to play chess in the porch for the time being. 2.
Don’t drink beer children. You will be drank.
3. I was used to play in the river when I was a child.
4. Why haven’t you asked your father for money the day before yesterday, Andri? 5.
Be more diligently and don’t ever play truant, kids!
6. Sometimes I fell so confusing what she says to me.
7. I don’t like that film. It is not interested.
8. There are too much people in this room, It is very crowded
9. You must economical your money if you want to buy a new car.
10. Would you mind to close the door for me, please?
11. I had had breakfast when they came to my house yesterday morning.
12. I will go to Bali if my father permits me next week.
13. What about to go to Bali next week, Dhani?

14. My mother has bought some bananas, some eggs and some milk last week.
15. My father has already gone to his office when I got up this morning.
16. My brother Budi has already slept when I came home last night at 11.
17. I am sorry. I do not used to drink coffee.
18. I am very interested to study English.
19. The burglar had already run away when I arrived at home the day before yesterday.
20. Did you use to go to school by walk when you were in Elementary School?

Arrange the following letters to make meaningful words. Put your answer on the right side of
each question.

1. R – E – B – A – N – O – T – I – L – E – D – I =
2. P – O – L – V- E – T – E – N – M – E – D =
3. N – O – R – E – P – M- U – S – T – I – P =
4. D – A – L – A – T – N – U – F – N – E – M =
5. N – I – P – O – T – P – A – T – N – M – E =

Translate the following sentences into good English by using correct grammar!

1. Pak Dheni adalah seorang pengacara yang paling terkenal di kota Bandung. Dulu waktu masih kuliah,
dia suka, biasa belajar Bahasa Inggris dengan teman-temannya di bawah pohon rindang di belakang
2. Maaf Pak Jaksa, saya belum menemui para saksi yang kemarin diundang ke persidangan. 3. Tiap pagi
saya tidak mandi karena udaranya sangat dingin, dan saya juga tidak sarapan sebab saya kesiangan pergi
ke kampus.
4. Saya tidak mengatakan apa-apa kepada dua orang petugas polisi kemarin petang di tempat kejadian
perkara itu karena memang saya tidak tahu menahu tentang kronologi kejadiannya. 5. Hakim yang saya
temui kemarin lusa itu belum memberikan jawaban. Jadi saya masih bingung. 6. Tidakkah kamu
terbiasa/biasa berenang di sungai belakang rumahmu waktu kamu masih SD? 7. Waktu ayahmu masih
bujangan dulu, ayahmu suka, biasa memancing di sungai, bukan? 8. Ketika saya tiba di rumah kemarin
lusa itu, ibu saya sudah membeli banyak sayuran seperti kol, kentang, tomat dan banyak minyak goreng,
susu serta gula. Tapi ibu hanya membeli sedikit kopi dan sedikit roti untuk ayah.
9. Ketika saya masuk kelas ini kemarin, saya lihat Pak Budi adalah mahasiswa paling tua di kelas ini, dan
Nina dalah mahasiswa yang paling muda.
10. A: Menurut kamu, mana yang paling mahal dan paling berharga? Perhiasan mas atau persahabatan
yang abadi?
B: Menurut saya, persahabatan abadi adalah paling berharga dari semuanya.




E. Put the word(s) into the blank space in each sentence

War and Peace

A great number of soldiers together we call an (1) ………………………………
A fight between armies is a (2) ……………………………………..
The place where it all happens is the (3) ………………………………….
Here are some weapons: (4) ………………………………………….
Another word for weapons is (5) …………………………………….
Most weapons are loaded with (6) ……………………………………
Bullets and shells together are usually called (7) …………………………
In a war we can find so many (8) ………………………………….
This means that many people are (9) ……………………………..
World War I is also called (10) ……………………………………
A war between citizens of the same nation is a (11) ………………………………… When
armies stop fighting at the end of the war, we speak of an (12) …………………….
Aftertwards, the countries involved talk terms and make an agreement called a (13)
………… Freedom from war is (14) ………………………
A violent overthrow a system of government is a (15) ……………………….

Revolution Armistice (truce) Arms

Peace Casualties Bullets
Treaty Army Ammunition
Civil War Batle Killed or wounded
The Great War Battlefield Pistol, revolver, riffle, gun

F. Correcting sentences

The following text is incorrect. You will find so many mistakes in each sentence. Please correct
them to make a meaningful text. You must correct the words in the brackets. WRITE THE
(Spend) holiday with my family

Last week, exactly 6 (day) ago, I, (I) (parent) and also my two (young) sister), (go) to
Pangandaran to (visit) (I) (sick) old (grandparent). They (live) (preposition) a small village, near the

beach. It (take) (we) ten (minute) to (get) to the beach (preposition) foot. We (get) there
(preposition) car (preposition) seven o’clock (preposition) the morning. We (be) very happy because
we (can) (meet) (we) (grandparent). Last time we (meet) (they) two (year) ago. We (not) (stay) there
long. We just (stay) there (preposition) three (day). We (not) (have) much time because (I) father
(have) to get back to (work). He (work) (preposition) a private bank (preposition) Bandung. He
(have) (be) (work) there (preposition) twenty five (year).
(I) father (have) four nice (car) and two big (beauty) (house) (preposition) Puncak. One of (he)
favourite (car) (be) BMW. He (buy) it two (month) ago. (I) mother (not) (work). She (not) (have) a
job. She (be) just a house wife. She (takecare) of us every day. (She) age (be) about fourty nine
(year) old. (I) brother (arrive) there before we (get) there. He (get) there (preposition) train, exactly
(preposition) Friday. We (be) very happy. The air (be) very fresh and cool. We (get) back to
Bandung (happy). We (arrive) (preposition) home (preposition) nine o’clock (preposition) the
evening. It (take) (we) eight (hour) to (get) back home (preposition) car.

============= GOOD LUCK============


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