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Bayanay, Amielle Lance S.

English 10

It was my 10th year of being in high school, and today was hearts day, also called
valentines day. Starting my day, I woke up early while bringing up a good mood for the day.
Having an exciting and joyful feeling after waking up is the best. Breakfast came with a special
treat cooked by mom having a shake on the side for a slightly special day, though not that really
a big deal for us. Going off to school, I saw booths at the covered court filled with many students
taking pictures. Going up the stairs I met up with my friends to starts our first subject of the day
together. Classes passes through out the hours; a new intern came in unknowingly that substitute
was gonna be for our English teacher. He introduced himself and explained things we should
know about him, his name, where he came from, what course he took, rules, etc. After explaining
those, he gave us the time to enjoy ourselves this time especially it’s a special (kind of) day for
people so he told us to go down to join the booth. There was booth called jail booth & wedding
booth, though I didn’t go into any since I had no intentions of using my money in these types of
spending. As the time pass Dismissal of classes arrived, we planned a date for us friends last, last
week for us to go on a date this valentine’s day to at least treat for ourselves this time. I never
had the thought that I’d actually enjoy a day like this. This time was kind of a first time that I
actually enjoyed a valentine’s day, it was unexpectedly fun.

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