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The use of social media is replacing face-to-face interaction among many people in society.

Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

Many people demonstrate their stronger preference for social networks to
communicate with others over physical interaction. Of course, gaining ready access
to the social networks is beneficial, but I think that the disadvantages should not be

The most important benefit is that the social network is proven extremely
convenient for information exchange and relationship maintenance, and this is
particularly true when long distance is a matter. This might be necessary for
members of families who are apart because of working or studying abroad and for
companies which do businesses internationally. In such cases, face-to-face
conversations are unlikely carried on very often and are replaced by virtual
conversational exchanges via video callings or other instant messaging platforms,
for example. Thus, the constraints of geographical distance would be eliminated.
This is why many people think that social media brought people from over the
world closer together.

However, they should not ignore the negative effects of the excessive reliance on
social media to exchange socially. First, many people are more familiar to share
their feelings and thoughts with virtual friends than family members or true friends.
By doing so, they are alienating themselves from their family or social groups,
losing the sense of community. Second, the overuse of social networks to interact
with other people are reducing our social skills such as eye contacts or body
language expressions. For example, many people have become so accustomed to
resorting to telegraphic styles or emoticons on online platforms to express
emotions that they might not be able to read the mannerisms and gestures from
their counterparts in face-to-face conversations.
In conclusion, social media brought unprecedented conveniences to communicate
with other people. However, I believe that the disadvantages are stronger than the
advantages if we are over-reliant on this way of communication.
Plastic shopping bags are used widely and cause many environmental problems. Some
people say they should be banned.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
1. Negatively affect environment
+ takes many years to decompose -> toxic substances release into soil/air -> landfill
+ animal: confuse bags with food
2. Counter arg: NOT hard to find alternative
 In fact, open more opportunities for new market: reusable bag
 Famous brand; let customers feel free to design their own bag
 Generate revenue for business & raise awareness of customers
Some people think that good health is a basic human need, so the medical service should
not be run by profit-making companies.
Do you think the disadvantages of private health care outweigh the advantages?
1. Disadvantage
+ cost of treatment -> poor-rich gap
+ intricated/difficult to control treatment process
Ex: unnecessary tests
2. Advantage
+ share responsibilities/workload with state-owned
Ex: covid 19
+ competitive environment for public ones to improve
Ex: better service quality & advance their technology
Some people believe that governments should make laws about people’s nutrition and
food choice while others argue that it is their choice.
Discuss both views and give your opinion
1. Government’s responsibility
+ create healthy population -> reduce the burdens of sickness and disease place on
<- over consumption of addictive fast foods have vast ramifications of disease
2. Everyone should have freedom
+ everyone is different -> different taste
Genetic disorders -> can’t eat certain food -> government don’t know
+ right to choose food and variations
 Right to access their physical and mental demands
As computers translate quickly and accurately, learning foreign languages is a waste of
time. To what extent do you agree?

+ foreign language allow individual to connect and communicate with ppl
+ boost confidence during communication -> competitive
+ no internet


Some people think that the best way to reduce crime is to give longer prison sentences.
Others, however, believe there are better alternative ways of reducing crime.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Better alternative
1. longer prison:
+ act as deterrent <- discourage ppl from breaking the law …
+ time for inmate to regret and repent -> better when released
2. alternative
+ authorities hold more workshops educating people on legal knowledge
 raise awareness
+ install surveillance cameras & have more policemen patrolling the streets
+ ensure ex-prisoners have decent job -> they can support themselves and family ->
no reason to turn back to crime

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