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Learner's Cala Guide

Learning Area : Chemistry

Level : Form 4


Coal is turned into coke.When coal is burnt volatile matter escapes into the
atmosphere.The burning of coke also produces volatile matter into the
atmosphere.Some of the volatile products produced can be toxic to humans and

a)Outline the industrial process of manufacturing of coke
b)State the volatile products of heating coal
c)List ways in which the by-products of coke products can be useful
d)What are the effects of pollution to the atmosphere ,human brings,animal and the

Component A
a)outline the industrial process of manufacturing coke
b)State the volatile products of heating

Component B
a)What are the effects of atmospheric pollution by the by-products
b)How can the by-products be made useful

Compound C
Recommend ways of reducing pollution by by-products of burning of coal and coke

Teacher's Guide
Learning Area : Chemistry
Level : Form 4


Coal is turned into coke.When coal is burnt volatile matter escapes into the
atmosphere.The burning of coke also produces volatile matter into the
atmosphere.Some of the volatile products produced can be toxic to humans and

a)Outline the industrial process of manufacturing of coke
b)State the volatile products of heating coal
c)List ways in which the by-products of coke products can be useful
d)What are the effects of pollution to the atmosphere ,human brings,animal and the

Component A
a)outline the industrial process of manufacturing coke
b)State the volatile products of heating coal

Literature review (10)

Flow chat diagram (10)

Component B
a)What are the effects of atmospheric pollution by the by-products (10)
b)How can the by-products be made useful (10)

Compound C
Recommend ways of reducing pollution by by-products of burning of coal and coke

Presentation (5)
Pictorial (5)

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