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Birth -18 months DEVELOPMENT Puberty onwards
The baby gets their Sexual urges are
pleasure from their awakened. They
mouth. start feeling

attraction for the
Oral receptive opposite sex.
Oral agressive


18 months - 3 years 6 - puberty
The children get their 3 PHALLIC STAGE Sexual urges remain
pleasure by 3 - 6 years repressed, girls
eliminating retaining Genitals don't like being

In this stage the boy feels
sexual desire for their around boys and
Anal retentive mother and the girl for boys don't like being
Anal expulsive their father around girls.
Oedipus complex
Electra complex

During this stage the baby gets the pleasure from their mouth. This is associated with behaviors like
eating and thumb-sucking. Freud believed an infant can develop oral fixation if their oral needs aren't
met. They can have an oral receptive personality results in an obsession with eating and drinking and
curtails tension through oral activities associated with eating, drinking, smoking, and nail-biting. Or the
baby can become self-centered, demanding, sarcastic, argumentative, which is the oral agressive

The child begins to toilet train. If this stage doesn't develop well the baby can get an anal retentive
personality. Someone who is anally retentive is too worried about being organized and tidy, or being
really perfectionist. Or they can develop an anal expulsive personality. Anal expulsiveness is the state
of a person who exhibits cruelty, emotional outbursts, disorganization, self-confidence, artistic ability,
generosity, rebelliousness and general carelessness.

In this stage the discovery and manipulation of the body become a major source of pleasure. During
this stage we have the Oedipus complex. Which is when the boy is sexually attracted to his mother.
The kid sees his father as a rival for affection. And the same happens with girls with their fathers. They
see their mother as rivals for affections. Basically they have an unconscious sexual desire for the
parent of the opposite sex and wish to exclude the parent of the same sex.

Latency STAGE
Most sexual impulses are repressed during the latency stage, and sexual energy can be sublimated
towards school work, hobbies, and friendships. In this stage girls avoid being with boys because they
feel sort of uncomfortable being around them. The same happens with boys, the don't like getting
involved with girls at this stage. The children in this stage are in do not disturb mode. In this stage is
when people develop healthy social and communication skills.

genital STAGE
In this final stage sexual urges and desires are awakened. We start to get attracted to the opposite
sex. It is a time of adolescent sexual experimentation, the successful resolution of which is settling
down in a loving one-to-one relationship with another person. If this stage does not develop well,
children may develop a personality where they cannot find or maintain stable relationships with other

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