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1. Skimming:
Skimming is a technique where you read quickly to get a general idea of the
text. Skimming is useful when you want to determine if a text is relevant to
your needs or when you need to cover a lot of material in a short amount of
time. When skimming a text, you should focus on the headings, subheadings,
and the first and last sentences of each paragraph.
For example, if you are reading an article about a new technology that you are
interested in, you can skim the text by reading the title, subheadings, and the
first and last sentences of each paragraph. By doing so, you can get a general
idea of what the article is about and quickly determine if it's relevant to your
2. Scanning:
Scanning is a technique where you search for specific information within a
text. Scanning is useful when you need to find a particular piece of information
quickly. When scanning, you should identify the keywords that relate to the
information you're looking for, then scan the text for those words.
For example, if you are writing a research paper on the causes of obesity, you
can scan the text for keywords such as "obesity," "causes," "diet," and
"exercise." By scanning the text for these keywords, you can quickly find the
information you need without having to read the entire text.
3. Previewing:
Previewing is a technique where you read the introduction, conclusion, and
any headings or subheadings before reading the entire text. Previewing is
useful when you want to get an overview of the text and identify the main
points before reading in detail.
For example, if you are reading a chapter of a textbook about the history of
ancient Greece, you can preview the text by reading the introduction,
conclusion, and the headings and subheadings. By doing so, you can get an
overview of the text and understand the main points before reading in detail.

4. Active reading:
Active reading involves engaging with the text as you read. This can include
highlighting or underlining important information, making notes, or
summarizing key points. Active reading is useful when you want to better
understand the information you are reading and retain more information.
For example, if you are reading a scientific article about climate change, you
can actively read the text by highlighting key information, making notes about
important concepts, and summarizing the main points in your own words. By
doing so, you can better understand the information and retain more of it.
5. Chunking:
Chunking is a technique where you break the text into smaller, manageable
sections. This can help you avoid feeling overwhelmed by a large amount of
information and improve your focus and comprehension. When chunking, you
should break the text into sections based on subheadings, chapters, or other
organizational elements.
For example, if you are reading a novel with long chapters, you can chunk the
text by reading a chapter at a time. By doing so, you can focus on each chapter
individually and better understand the information.
6. Practice:
Finally, it's important to practice your fast reading skills and techniques
regularly. The more you practice, the better you will become at quickly
identifying important information and retaining it. You can practice by reading
academic texts regularly and trying different strategies to see what works best
for you. By practicing regularly, you can improve your reading skills and
become a more efficient reader.

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