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• Introduction
• Importance
• Types of reading
• Conclusion

Reading is the process of extracting meaning from written or printed text.

• Example: When you pick up a newspaper and understand the news articles, you are
actively engaging in the process of reading. Whether it’s a novel, academic paper, or a
simple text message, the act of deriving meaning from written words constitutes reading.

1. Skimming
2. Skimming is a reading technique used to quickly gain an overview of the main ideas
within a text without delving into every detail.
Example: Imagine you have a stack of newspapers, and you want to catch up on current
events. Skimming allows you to glance over headlines, subheadings, and the first sentences
of articles to get a rapid sense of the news topics without reading every article in depth.

2. Scanning
3. Scanning is a reading technique used to swiftly locate specific information within a text by
rapidly moving the eyes and focusing on keywords or phrases.
4. Example:
5. Historical Information Search:
Scenario: Imagine you’re working on a history assignment, and you need to find the date of a
significant event in a large history book. Instead of reading the entire chapter, you employ scanning.
Your eyes move quickly over the pages, focusing on keywords related to the specific date or event
until you pinpoint the relevant information.

3. Intensive Reading
4. Intensive Reading is a focused and thorough reading technique where the reader carefully
studies each paragraph or section of a text with the goal of in-depth understanding.
5. Example:
6. Exam Preparation:
Scenario: Picture yourself preparing for a challenging exam. Intensive reading involves dedicating
time to go through each paragraph of your textbook meticulously. This includes taking detailed notes,
actively seeking to comprehend complex concepts, and ensuring a deep understanding of the material
to perform well in the exam.

4. Extensive reading
Extensive Reading is a leisurely and unhurried reading technique where the reader
engages with a text for enjoyment and a broad understanding without delving into every
detail.Example:Leisurely Novel Reading:Scenario: Imagine you have free time, and you
decide to pick up a novel. With extensive reading, your focus is not on analyzing every
sentence but on enjoying the story as a whole. This approach allows for a relaxed reading
experience, emphasizing pleasure, relaxation, and a broad appreciation of the content.

Reading is a multifaceted skill with various purposes and techniques.

Example: From the rapid overview of skimming to the focused understanding of intensive
reading, each reading type serves distinct purposes, catering to different needs and contexts.

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