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Trishna - suffering
SPIRITUAL SELF has a cause
Spiritual is define as “relating to or iii. Nirvana - cessation
affecting the human spirit or soul as of suffering
opposed to material or physical things.” iv. The Truth of the
Religion and spirituality are both Path Leading to the
paths top God, however they are different End of Suffering.
in their approaches. d. Five
RELIGION Aggregates(skandhas):
● As a set of cultural beliefs and i. Rupa - material
practices that usually includes existence
basic characteristics. (Rebecca ii. Vedana - sensations
Stein, 2011) iii. Samjina -
1. A belief in anthropomorphic iv. Samskara - psychic
supernatural beings, such as spirit constructs
and gods. v. Vijnana -
2. A focus sacred supernatural, consciousness
where sacred refers to a feeling or 2. Christianity
reverence and awe; a. Jesus Christ
3. The presence of supernatural b. God the Father or Creator
power or energy that is found on c. God the Son (jesus) or
supernatural beings as well as redeemer, and
physical beings and objects; d. God the holy spirit or
4. The performance of ritual activities sanctifier
that involves the manipulation of 3. Hinduism
sacred object to communicate to a. Oldest major world religion
supernatural being and/or to b. 5000 years old
influence or control events; c. 3rd largest
5. The articulation of worldview and d. Religion of india
moral codes through narratives e. Indus valley (originated)
and other means; and f. 4 basic hindu beliefs
6. Provide the creation and i. Dharma
maintenance of social bonds and ii. Karma
mechanism of social control within iii. Samsara
a community; provides explanation iv. Moksha
for the unknown and a sense of g. Hidu gods:
control for individuals. i. Brahma, creator
MAJOR WORLD’S RELIGION ii. Vishnu, preserver
1. Buddhism iii. Shiva, destroyer
a. Buddhism is a religion iv. Ganapati, remover
based on the teachings of v. Saraswati, goddess
siddharta Gautama. of learning
b. The buddha - awakened vi. Lakshmi, god of
one fortune
c. Four noble truths: vii. Indra, king of
i. Dukhka - existence heaven
is suffering viii. Surya, the sun
ix. Agni, fire god x. 10.Do not envy
x. Hanuman, monkey other's possessions.
4. Islam ● Belief
a. Submission, obedience, ○ Religious beliefs are a
peace , harmony generalized system of
b. 2nd largest ideas and values that
c. Indonesia (popular muslim shape how members of a
country) religious group come from
d. India(largest number of to understand the world
muslims) around them.
e. Basic beliefs: ● Rituals
i. Allah ○ They are the repeated
ii. Angels physical gestures or
iii. Qur’an activities, such as prayers
iv. Believe in prophets and mantras used to
v. Day of judgement reinforce religious
vi. Divine decree teachings, elicit spiritual
5. Judaism feelings and connect
a. Developed among the worshippers with a higher
ancient hebrews power.
b. Characterized by a belief in ● Spiritual experience
one transcendent God ○ or feeling of immediate
c. Abraham and Moses ○ connection with a higher
d. Ten commandments: power.
i. Worship no other ● Church
God but me. ○ creating unique social
ii. 2.Do not make forms of community.
iii. Do not misuse the 1. Search your inner self.
name of God. 2. Finding meaning of your existence.
iv. Observe the 3. Hone your potentialities.
Sabbath Day 4. Nurturance.
(Saturday). Keep it 5. Be compassionate.
Holy. 6. Surround yourself with positive
v. Honor and respect people.
your father and 7. Be kind to your self.
mother. 8. Learn the art of giving.
vi. Do not murder. 9. Try to forgive and forget as well.
vii. Do not commit 10. Love even the unlovable.
adultery. 11. Be generous in whatever
viii. Do not steal. circumstance.
ix. Do not accuse 12. Treat people with kindness.
anyone falsely. Do 13. Spend time in nature.
not tell lies about 14. Read inspirational literature.
other people. 15. Offer service to community.
VALUES AND TRAIT 5. Hospitality
“Value” comes from the latin word 6. Compassionate
valere which means to be “strong and 7. Regionalism
vigorous.” 8. Friendly
Values are our ideas of right or 9. Flexibility, Adaptability, & Creativity
wrong, good and bad, to which we are 10. Religious
committed and which influence our 11. Respect to elders
everyday behavior and decisions. 12. Respectful
● The home environment ● Bahala na attitude
● The social environment ● Colonial complex or blue seal
● Culture and language mentality
● Educational system ● Crab mentality
● Religion ● Euphemism
● Mass media ● Filipino time
Filipinos have one of the best traits ● Jackpot mentality
in the world, one of you must know. ● Mañana habit
1. Bayanihan system ● Oversensitive
2. Damayan system ● Lack of sportsmanship
3. Familism or close family relations ● pakikisama
4. Fun loving trait
Mental self on a surface level is our thoughts and on the deeper level, it is the
domain of our beliefs, desires and values and goals.
Brain is an organ of soft nervous tissue contained in the skull of vertebrates,
functioning as the coordinating centre of the body.
1. Fore Brain - it is the anterior part of the brain
a. Cerebrum - divided into 2 halves called the cerebral hemisphere.
b. Thalamus - located above the brainstem and between the cerebral
cortex and midbrain. Function: it carries sensory information from the
body to cerebrum and the limbic system.
c. Limbic System - arc shaped structure between thalamus and
cerebrum. It controls hunger, fear, thirst, anger, and sexual responses.
2. Mid Brain - it is located below the cerebral cortex and above the hind brain. It
controls reflex movements of the body and hearing reflexes.
3. Hind Brain - it is present at the backside of the brain. It consists of:
a. Cerebellum - little brain
b. Pons - Bridge
c. Medulla Oblongata -
posterior part of the brain.
ATTENTION 4. Long term memory - encoding -
Attention is the cognitive process storing - recalling
of selectively concentrating on one aspect
of the environment while ignoring other INTELLIGENCE
things. ● Abstract thought, understanding,
● Overt attention is the act of self awareness, communication,
directing sense organs towards a reasoning, learning, having
stimulus source. emotional knowledge, retaining,
● Covert attention is the act of planning, and problem solving
mentally focusing on one of ● “INTELLIGERE” derives from
several possible sensory stimuli. inter-legere meaning to “pick out”
FEATURES OF ATTENTION or discern, distinguish, recognize
● Selection of the information source GARDNER’S THEORY OF
(selective attention) INTELLIGENCE(S)
● Attention span is the amount of ● Linguistic Intelligence: sensitivity
time that a person can concentrate to the sounds, rhythms and
on a task without being distracted meaning of words and the
● Attention control, individual’s functions of language
capacity to choose what they pay ● Logical - Mathematics
attention to and what they ignore Intelligence: ability in logical or
● Attentional shift is the process by numerical patterns; ability to
which information that is currently handle long chains of reasoning; a
relevant in the mind is replaced by scientific ability
other information. ● Spatial Intelligence: The ability to
● Visual search is a type of form a mental model of a spatial
perceptual task. world.
● Vigilance, ability to maintain ● Musical Intelligence: Ability to
attention and alertness over produce and appreciate pitch,
prolonged periods of time. rhythm or melody, aesthetic quality
MEMORY of the forms of music.
1. Sensory memory - considered to ● Intrapersonal Intelligence: Ability
be outside of cognitive control and to discriminate
is instead an automatic response. ● Bodily-kinesthetic Intelligence:
2. Short term memory - capacity for The ability to solve problems or to
holding a small amount of fashion products using one’s whole
information in mind in an active, body, or parts of the body; to
readily available state for a short handle objects skillfully.
period of time. ● Interpersonal Intelligence: The
3. Working memory - system which ability to see things from the
actively holds multiple pieces of perspective of others, or to
transitory information in the mind understand people in the sense of
when needed for verbal and empathy.
nonverbal tasks such as reasoning
and comprehension, and to make
them available.

● Practice the art of focusing. PERSON WITH LOW SELF ESTEEM

● Mentally repeat the information ● Feel bad about themselves
when you want to memorize. ● No confidence
● Sum up the information. ● “I can’t do it” attitude
● Organize the information you want ● Feel unhappy and miserable
to learn. ● Feel that they are not as good as
● Create acronyms. others
● Turn routine tasks into rituals. ● Have no confidence in themselves
● Use spatial and temporal ● Feel tired most of the time
landmarks when retrieving ● Do not want to do anything active
● information. ● Look at the worst side of
● Create associations. everything
● Self monitoring. ● Hard time forgiving their mistakes
● Identify basis for evaluation which ● Have no respect for themselves
aids in planning and ● Put themselves down when
● decision-making. someone is complimenting them
● Knowing the meaning of the text HOW YOU GET LOW SELF - ESTEEM
being read or concept ● By telling yourself how bad, ugly,
● being learned. stupid you are
● Reflection. Think deeply about ● By disliking yourself
what is being learned. ● By hanging around by yourself or
● Repeatedly doing a skill . with other people who tease you
● Knowing one’s limit. ● By thinking that mistakes only
SELF-ESTEEM happen to you
● How you feel about yourself ● By thinking that no one likes you
● How much you feel you are ● By thinking about all the bad things
worth that have happened in your life
● How much you feel other people ● By not doing anything you enjoy
value you doing or are good at
SELF CONCEPT ● By listening to and believing others
Self concept is your idea of who who tell you bad things about
you are based on your personal beliefs yourself
and your perceived notion of how other EFFECTS OF LOW SELF - ESTEEM
people see you. ● Distorted emotions and feelings
IMPORTANCE (SELF ESTEEM) ● Difficulty in trusting people
● Your mental health ● Fear of trying new things
● How you behave ● Panic attacks
● Your decisions ● Give up on dreams
● Your friendships ● Self-defeating behavior
● Your success ● Negative and critical about
● Your life themselves
WHAT INFLUENCES A PERSON’S SELF ● Complainers and criticizers
ESTEEM? ● Friends do not want to “hang out”
● Puberty and Development anymore
● Media images HIGH SELF - ESTEEM
● Family and friends ● Feels good about themselves
● “I think i can” attitude ● Published in the proceedings of the
PEOPLE WITH HIGH SELF - ESTEEM western training laboratory in
● Feel happy group development by UCLA
● Believe in themselves Extension office in 1955.
● Are OK with themselves as a INFLUENCE
person ● Specially relevant due to modern
● Look forward to a good future emphasis on, and influence of:
● Are energetic and hopeful ○ Soft skills
● Are confident ○ Behaviour
● Like joining in with others ○ Empathy
● Are happy with each success ○ Cooperation
● Look for ways to succeed ○ Inter-group development
● Don’t worry about how others will ○ Interpersonal development
HOW YOU GET HIGH SELF-ESTEEM ● Understanding and training self
● Like yourself and make the most of awareness
your good features ● Personal development
● Join in with others ● Improving communications
● Try something new and practice so ● Interpersonal relationships
you can feel confident in your ● Group dynamics
ability ● Team development and
● Set short-term goals and reach ● Intergroup relationships.
● Say “thank you” when getting a 1. OPEN AREA
compliment and feel PROUD of What is known by the person about
your efforts him/herself and is also known by
● Accept mistakes others.
● Be happy with who you are 2. BLIND AREA
● Be a happy person and you will What is unknown by the person
make more friends about him/herself but which others
● Hang out with positive people and know.
not those who criticize you 3. HIDDEN AREA
EFFECTS OF HIGH SELF-ESTEEM What the person knows about
● Successful him/herself that others do not
● Happy know.
● Fun to be around - have more 4. UNKNOWN AREA
friends What is unknown by the person
● Trustworthy about him/herself and is also
● Full of life unknown by others.
● A model of different degree of
openness between two people.
● Based on the degree of
self-disclosure and solicitation of
feedback when sharing information
with another person.
● Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham

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