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I. Introduction

 Absenteeism is a habit of being absent from work or school.

Absenteeism is a major problem in every school. Also, absenteeism
can affect the grades of every students. It can also cause the students
being lack of information about the lesson. Financial problem is also
the cause why the students become absent in class and it can also
affect the student & apposes social life.

According to Bartleby (2013), absenteeism means chronic

absence. In the context of the school it is the habitual or intentional
failure from going to school. It cannot be derived that every now and
then, students may miss some school activities and lessons. Chronic
absentee students are placed at a disadvantage both socially and

According to U.S. Department of Education (2016), students

who are chronically absent meaning at least 15 days of school in a
year-- are at serious risk of falling behind in second. Yet, too few states
reports information about chronic absenteeism and for too long, this
crising in our nation & apposes public elementary and secondary
school has not been fully understand.

  Moore (2008) says that the reasons associated with lecture

absenteeism among students group could shed significant light on
student motivation levels and orientations in university setting. This
study demonstrates these assertions by engaging in a critical analysis

of the evidence linking lecture attendance and academic performance,
using a qualitative analysis of students accounts of their absenteeism.

Eneza (2013) believed that absenteeism can lead to depression

and also result in poor quality of education as a result of time lost while
being away from school. Absenteeism can be remedied by providing
adequate co-curricular activities to students. Schools should strive to
have up to date learning facilities like libraries as well assporting
facilities to make students enhance student retention.

According to Goldstein (2014), the major problem faced by

schools across the country is students absenteeism. Poor students
attendance has far reaching effects on the individual, the school, and
society in general. In addition, specific is given to suggestion for future
research to help expand the current understand of the causes and
remediation of poor student attendance.

To sum up,  The researchers believe that students

absenteeism is a big problem in every school because the students
may miss a lesson that has been discussed by a teacher. And a lot of
students who are always absent in school is having a failed grade or
low grade. As describe by the experts, absenteeism can also affect
their social life, because inside the school, you could find friends. And
the experts said that experts said that school have more co-curricular
activities to enhance students retention. Experts also said that it can
cause of having a failed grade. So, in this study it will point out the
cause and effect on every students who are always absent or the
cause of absenteeism.

II.Statement of The Problem

This study the effects of students absenteeism in academic.

performance sought to answer the following
a. Demographic profile of the respondents in terms of
b. Why are students getting absent in class?
c. How does absenteeism affect the academic performance of
the students?


Affirmative: Absenteeism has an effect to academic

performance of the students.
Null: Absenteeism has no effect to academic performance of the

IV.Conceptual Framework

Input: Process Output

THE EFFECT OF A survey Affirmative:

ABSENTEEISM IN questionnaire is a Absenteeism
ACADEMIC set of questions has an effect
PERFORMANCE: used in survey. to academic
The survey performance
This study sought to of the
questionnaire is a
answer the following: students.
type of data
1. Demographic gathering method Null:
profile of the that is utilized to Absenteeism
respondents collect and has no effect
and analyze. to the
themselves academic
The suvey
-Age performance
-Grnder questionnaire was
of the
2. Why are thee modified by the students.
getting absent reserchers of this
in class? study which
3. How does
comprises of 10
affect the questions using
academic multiple choice
performance of
the students? questions.

Figure 1

Conceptual Frame Work of the Study

IV.Scope and Limitation
The scope of this study is the Effects of Student Absenteeism limited
only to the Grade 9-Narra the students of Quezon City High School of the School
Year 2018-2019.

VI. Significance of the study

Students- Students will know how students absenteeism

affect the academic performance and to be able to not do it.

Teachers- Teachers will understand how absenteeism affect

their academic performace of the students how the teacher will help
learners to the lessen their absence to be able to cope up with
missed lesson.

Future researchers- Future researchars can use this study

as their reference if in any case that they have the same study as

VII. Definition of Terms

 Absenteeism- Prolonged absence of an owner from his or her

 Chronic- Continuing or occurring again and again for a long time.
 Education- the action or process of educating or of being
educated; also : a stage of such a process the knowledge and
development resulting from process of education a person of little
 Genuine- Actually having the reputed or apparent qualities or



Absenteeism, according to Merriam- Webster dictionary means chronic

absence. In the context of the school it is the habitual or intentional failure from
going to school. It cannot be denied that every now and then, students may miss
some school activities and lessons. But it becomes a problem if the student will be
away from school for many days. Chronic absentee students are placed at a
disadvantage both socially and academically. They miss out on critical stages of
social interaction and development with their peers and at the same time impacts
negatively on their academic progress. This can result to low self-esteem, social
isolation, and dissatisfaction that could well have precipitated non-attendance in
the first place.

Absenteeism in school is the habit of staying away from school without

providing a genuine or any reason for not attending classes. Absenteeism is a
truant behavior that negatively affects the performance among students. A new
analysis of federal data shows that the problem of chronic absenteeism is both
widespread and concentrated. Of the more than 6 million students who are
chronically absent, half attend just 4 percent of the nation’s school districts and
12 percent of the nation’s schools. Nearly nine in 10 districts report chronically
absent students, based on data from the 2013-14 school year, a figure that some
experts believe is an undercount. The report defines chronic absenteeism as
missing at least 15 school days each year, which is roughly 10 percent of the
academic calendar. As stated by Zinshteyn(2016),

According to Klawunn, one motivation behind skipping class may be that

students do not find some classes stimulating enough.

Anderson said students skip class because they believe they would
benefit more from employing their time in different ways, such as learning the
course material on their own.

Kevin Yan(2017) expressed similar sentiments, saying he might skip class

if he already knew the material being taught.

As stated by Bauer(2018), Chronically absent – commonly defined as

missing 10 percent of school days over the course of the school year for any
reason, including suspensions, excused, and unexcused absences.

As stated by Portmanfriday(2018), Chronic absence is consequential:

when students are absent from school and lose instructional time, it results in
lower student achievement and predicts whether a student drops out before
completing high school. That means that absenteeism happened when have a
suspension or other excuse like illness etc. and it can cause less intelligence and
lost of achievements.

As stated by Shore(2016), A student who frequently is absent from school

demands the teacher's attention. It might be true that the student genuinely is
sick; it also might be true that he is absent for reasons other than illness.
Frequent absences can reflect school-related anxiety -- and be the precursor to a
more significant problem. Absenteeism toward the students is a major problem
that must need a solution students need a serious attention from teachers and
parents.In most cases, with teamwork by parents and teacher, a child's anxiety
about attending school can be resolved and the child quickly returned to full time
attendance. In some cases, however, the anxiety can take the form of resistance
to attending school. At its most extreme, school resistance can become school
phobia -- also called school refusal.

The problem of school refusal requires immediate attention. Prolonged

absence from school can result in significant academic and social difficulties. In

addition, the longer a student is absent from school, the greater his anxiety about
returning is likely to become -- and the harder it will be to get him back.

Some students' resistance to school is related to issues within the family.

For others, it stems from events that happen in school. Some anxiety-provoking
situations that can cause resistance to attending school include difficulties with
schoolwork, ridicule or bullying by classmates, an embarrassing incident, lack of
acceptance by peers, loss of a close friend, and fear of a strict teacher. In
identifying what is causing a child's anxiety, think about what might have
changed for him and carefully observe his interactions with his peer

As stated by Keter(2013), Absenteeism can lead to depression and also

result in poor quality of education as a result of time lost while being away from
school. It could also lead to moral degradation that leads to drug abuse, early
pregnancies and unruly behavior. Absenteeism is a start of being rebel to their
parents they becone rude addicted to drugs and many other more Absenteeism
can be remedied by providing adequate co-curricular activities to students. It
could be curbed by creating of clubs and societies to keep students busy when
they are out of class. Schools should strive to have up to date learning facilities
like libraries as well as sporting facilities to make students enhance student

As stated by Mehmood(2014),Student’s class participation becomes

affected due to absenteeism. The effects of absenteeism in class participation,
miss the chance to become a part in class participate, can’t raise questions about
any confusion regarding topics. Can’t clear the concepts, Poor participation in
tutorial discussion; miss the chance of small group discussion within the class.
They neglect much value able information which students can gain in class. It
leads to poor coordination with teachers, poor coordination with their class mates
in their group studies. Also affect the performance of students especially when
they are in a teamwork or group assignments and projects. Unable to update for
their assignments, unable to take the guideline about preparing the assignments,

Absenteeism leads the students to drop out graded activities. Poor performances
in class quiz which lead to poor GPA. Students absenteeism should have an
effect on their grades those are having poor intelligence.

As stated by Schmulian(2011)This study found a significant possitive

correlation between class attendance and academic performance; however , the
correlation is low not very meaningful. Further analysis reveals some difference
between language group s suggesting that culture and ethnicity may have an
effect on the relationship between class attendance and academic performance.
Absenteeism is an effect of the different culture of the students because
sometimes a student is a ashy type person its affect recitation shy on many
activities, and being shy even going to the school.

As stated by Stanca(2006), Panel estimators indicate that attendance has

a smaller but significant impact on performance. Lecture and classes have a
similar effect on performance individually, although their impact cannot be
identified separately. Overall, the results indicate that, after controlling for
unobservable student characteristics, attendance has a statistically significant
and quantitatively relevant effect on student learning. Attendance is a small thing
but it is very impotant thing inside the school.

As stated by Wierman(2017), But, when absences become a pattern, the

negative impacts quickly add up. It may not seem like a big deal if a student is
missing just one or two days of school a month, but over time, those days lost
learning can lead to years of academic struggles, as well as challenges beyond
the classroom.

As stated by Keany(2012), In this report from Johns Hopkins University,

Robert Balfanz and Vaughan Byrnes suggest three helpful categories for thinking
about student absenteeism:

• Students who cannot attend school due to illness, family responsibilities,
housing instability, the need to work, or involvement with the juvenile justice

• Students who will not attend school to avoid bullying, unsafe conditions,
harassment, and embarrassment;

• Students who do not attend school because they, or their parents, do not
see the value of being there, they have something else they would rather do, or
nothing stops them from skipping school.

School absenteeism is an alarming problem for administrators, teachers,

parents, society in general, and pupils in particular. Unaccepted absences have a
negative effect on peer relationships, which can cause further absences.

As stated by And(2017), The study shows that there are various social
and psychological problems/causes of absenteeism. Parents are ascertaining
school environment, course and teachers behavior responsible for students
absence and teachers and school staff are making students performance cause
of remaining absent from the school.

*academic under-achievement.

*difficulty in making friends which could lead to boredom and loss of


*prolonged absence can have deleterious effects for the child in later life.

*students who are absent from school are at the greatest risk of dropping
out of school early.

As stated by Goldsteisteven(2014), A major problem faced by schools

across the country is student absenteeism. Although the problem is pervasive in
American schools, the attention focused on this issue has been inadequate. Poor
student attendance has far reaching effects on the individual, the school, and

society in general. The intent of this paper is to document the problem,
summarize existing research on mediating factors, provide a summary of
interventions for improving student attendance rates in schools, and to offer
specific suggestions for school psychologists. In addition, specific attention is
given to suggestions for future research to help expand the current
understanding of the causes and remediation of poor student attendance.
Students abusing absenteeism they always being absent and all of those absent
having a poor grade those are didn’t have learning because they not attending
the class attentively parents and teachers also need to guide all of those
students and encourage those students to come to school attentively always.
Always join to the class activity to have more learnings and teachers and school
staff must think a positively plan to make the student always come to school and
have fun on learning.

Missing school in the early grades can have a snowball effect. It sets kids
up to fall behind in the fundamental reading skills they need in order to move on
to more complicated work.

Excessive absenteeism by students may additionally results in poor

academic achievement because students are not receiving instructions on a
consecutive basis. This problem also causes low standardized test scores
because absent students are not presents to learn key concepts and skills that
are assessed on standardized exams.

As stated by Carlsob(2016),When a student misses multiple days of

school it is called chronic absenteeism. Chronic absenteeism is defined as
missing 10% of the school year. In practical terms that translates to 6 days in a
trimester or 18 days in a school year; this includes both excused and unexcused
absences. It is a routine practice for parents/guardians to receive a cautionary
letter or phone call when their student’s absenteeism approaches 10%. Often
times these same parents/guardians question the validity of these notifications if
their student has been absent due to chronic illness, vacation, or family

emergency. However, it is not why a student is absent, but how much a student
is absent that really matters. Chronic absenteeism not only affects student
achievement, it can affect a student’s attitude and behavior at school.

When a student has attendance issues, achievement issues and behavior

issues it increases their risk of dropping out of school. Parents or guardian have
a consent for the a student to absent frequently because of illness, vacation or
family vacation that means the the student is absent and being less intelligence
and no learning at all because of that problem.

As stated by Balkis(2016), The aim of this study was to examine the direct
and indirect relationship between student school absenteeism, personal factors
(academic self- perception, attitudes towards teacher and school, goal valuation
and motivation/ self-regulation), family factors (parents’ educational level and
income), and academic achievement in structural equation model. Four hundred
and twenty three high school students participated in the study.

As stated by Kelly(2012),The findings revealed that student absenteeism

was negatively related to academic self-perception, attitudes towards teacher
and school, goal valuation, motivation/ self-regulation, and academic
performance. Results also revealed that student absenteeism differed in respect
to parents’ educational level and income. Results from SEM analyses noticed
that personal and family factors significantly predict previous and current student

SEM analyses also revealed that previous student absenteeism

significantly predict previous academic achievement. Finally, SEM analyses
noticed that previous student absenteeism and previous academic achievement
can predict current student absenteeism. Contribution and implications of these
findings were discussed in detail. Students are affected on their environment it us
negatively related to academic self-perception, attitudes towards teacher
and school, goal valuation, motivation/ self-regulation, and academic

Unable to prepare and the assignments on due dates which badly effect
the GPA of students. Poor performance during exams leads to poor GPA that’s
why they have to repeat the A session or drop out from the university.

The findings revealed that student absenteeism was negatively related to

academic self-perception, attitudes towards teacher and school, goal valuation,
motivation/ self-regulation, and academic performance. Results also revealed
that student absenteeism differed in respect to parents’ educational level and
income. Results from SEM analyses noticed that personal and family factors
significantly predict previous and current student absenteeism. SEM analyses
also revealed that previous student absenteeism significantly predict previous
academic achievement. Finally, SEM analyses noticed that previous student
absenteeism and previous academic achievement can predict current student
absenteeism. Contributing When a student misses multiple days of school it is
called chronic absenteeism.

Chronic absenteeism is defined as missing 10% of the school year. In

practical terms that translates to 6 days in a trimester or 18 days in a school year;
this includes both excused and unexcused absences. It is a routine practice for
parents/guardians to receive a cautionary letter or phone call when their
student’s absenteeism approaches 10%. Often times these same
parents/guardians question the validity of these notifications if their student has
been absent due to chronic illness, vacation, or family emergency. However, it is
not why a student is absent, but how much a student is absent that really
matters. Chronic absenteeism not only affects student achievement, it can affect
a student’s attitude and behavior at school. When a student has attendance
issues, achievement issues and behavior issues it increases their risk of
dropping out of school and implications of these findings were discussed in

As stated by Khalid(2017), The results of findings show that there are

three main factors or indicators which are badly affecting by absenteeism i.e.

class participation .coordination of students with teachers and peers and the third
is the Grades of students.

Out of 119, 82 females and 37 male participant’s opinions were recorded

and it is concluded that 84.5% agree for the effects of class participation, 68.67%
agree for the effects on student’s coordination. 69.40%.agree for poor GPA. As
shown instable (4.1, 4.2, 4.3) respectively.

It is recommended that University should take effective measures in order

to control the absenteeism. Attendance teams should recognize barriers of
absenteeism and deal with them through interventions, such as work in
partnership and find needs students. Attendance policy makers should provide
incentives or rewards to motivate the students for the good percentage of
attendance hence the academic outcomes of the students and the organization
can become outstanding

To sum up, the activities of school like clubs, spots etc. Can help students
not to cut classes. This can improve their academic performance, the activities
and all of the students must join or participate in clubs, sports and other activities
so that the students distract themselves from cutting classes. The student must
experience and enjoy joining clubs, sports and other activities.

The reasons of cutting classes are the students are bored and they have
no interest in the subject . So the students thought that the best solution is to cut
their class.

The effects of cutting classes to the students is because they have serious
problems and their grades are suffering because of the cutting classes. The
student cut their class because the don’t like the subjects.

The students must not influence the other students to cut their class
because the other students don’t want to fail and caught.

This study evaluates the effect of chronic absenteeism on both

achievement and socioemotional outcomes. The findings suggest that chronic

absenteeism reduces math and reading achievement outcomes, reduces
educational engagement, and decreases social engagement. Hence, this study
offers new evidence on how an under measured aspect of missing school
impedes students’ attainment. Implications for policy and practice are discussed.

Absence from classes among students nowadays is a global issue that is

not only occurs in Malaysia. Various researches on absenteeism only focused on
the absenteeism but lack on the relationship between students’ class attendance
and learning. cutting classes is when you don't attend a class at which your
presence is expected. It has more relevance in elementary and high schools,
when students are required to attend every class unless they have a note from a
parent or guardian. In college it's not really cutting because nobody cares
whether or not you attend. It's up to you to manage your time. Either you go or
you don't, but if you choose not to attend be prepared to accept a lower grade for
the course as a consequence. attendance is just as important as anything else.
Cambering your grade down a lot. If you are not there you won't get assignments
so they won't be done. Also participation in class is part of your grade.

Attendance is just as important as anything else. It can bring your grade

down a lot. If you are not there you won't get assignments so they won't be done.
Also participation in class is part of your grade.

This paper reports findings from a quantitative study conducted with

public high school students and guidance counsellors in the Quezon city High
school to examine how class cutting is understood and addressed. Our findings
indicate that interactions between students and guidance counsellors are similar
to negotiations. These negotiations, however, are implicit rather than explicit.
Explicit negotiations offer guidance counsellors a valuable tool for collaboratively
exploring cutting with all relevant parties, including students, teachers,
administrators, and parents. Explicit negotiations can examine underlying issues
and conflicts precipitating cutting, the social meaning that cutting has for this
student, desired outcomes, impediments to these outcomes, and the negotiation
process itself. Not only can explicit negotiations aid guidance counsellors

learning about and responding to cutting more effectively, but they also can
model effective, collaborative problem solving for students and the larger school

To sum up, The Effect of Student Absenteeism is a habit of students of

staying away from school without providing any ginuine or any its have a large
impact specially to students, it can have a negative effect on academic
performences of the stdents.



I.Research Design

Quantitative research is a structure may of collecting and analyzing

data obtained from different quantitative research involves the use of
computation, statistical and mathematical tools to derive results.

II.Respondents Quantitative

As a researchers used the fishbowl technique of choosing the

respondents the students of this study from Grade 9 Narra of Quezon City
High School of the school year 2018-2019 as picked out respondents on
this study

III.Research Instruments

Survey questionnaire is a set of questions used in a survey. The
survey questionnaire is a type of data gathering method that is utilize to
collect analysis and interpret the different views of a group of people from
a particular population.

IV.Data Gathering Procedure

The following were followed by the researchers in gathering data;

1.The researcher will asked permission from teacher.

2.The questionnaire were given to the respondents

3.Tthe questionnaires are collected

4.After collecting the questionnaire, the researcher will thank the


5.The researchers will depurate the data gathered.

V.Statistical treatment of data

Percentage is Percent simply means "per hundred" symbol used

for percentage is %. One percent (or 1%) is one hundredth of the total or
whole and is therefore calculated by dividing the total or whole number by
100. Example: 1% of 250 = (1 ÷ 100) x 250 = 2.5.

15 14 16




Figure 2

Frequency and Distribution of the Respondents Age

In the age of respondents of this study, 60% of the respondents

aged 15 years old, while 31.42% of them aged 14 years old and lastly 8.57% of
the respondents aged 16 years old.

Female Male



Figure 3

Frequency and Distribution of the Respondents Gender

In the gender of the respondents of this study, 68.57% of the

respondents is female, while 31.42% of them are male.

Chapter 4

This Chapter Showed the Analysis of Interpretations of All

Translated Data

Yes No Maybe


Figure 4

Frequency Distribution of the Respondents knew the Meaning of


In question no.1 82.85% respondents of this study knew the

meaning of absenteeism, while 11.42% respondents don’t know the meaning and
lastly 5.71 % respondents were unsure of the meaning of absenteeism.

Yes No


Figure 5

Frequency Distribution of the Respondents Have Tried to Absent

In question no.2 88.57% of the respondents of this study have tried to

absent in class while 11.42% of them haven’t tried it get.

1 2



Figure 6

Frequency Distribution of the Respondents being Absent in a Week

In question no. 3, 82.85% of the respondents of the study had tried to

absent once in a week. While 17.14% had tried twice in a week.

5.71 2.85



Sickness Getting late Lazyness Financial problem Family problem

Figure 7

Frequency Distribution of Reason Why Students are Absent

In question no.4, 74.28% of the respondents of the study cause of

being absent was due to sickness, while 11.28% because they were late to go to
school, then 5.71% said that they were too lazy and 5.71% had financial
problem, then 2.85% had family problem.

Stay at home Review all the lesson I've missed Clean our home



Figure 8

Frequency Distribution for the Respondents Reason for being


In question no. 5, 60% of the respondents of this study are at home

when they are absent, 25.71% of the respondents reviewed all the lesson that
they missed and 14.28% of the respondents answered that they clean their
house when they are absent.

I ask my classmate what was our lesson I go to library and read

I review all the lesson in the past few days Nothing

2.85 2.85 2.85


Figure 9

Frequency Distribution of What Did You Do with your Missed Lesson

If You Are Absent

In question no.6, 91.4% the respondents asked their classmate what

was their lesson when they are absent, while 2.85% said that they go to library
and read and another 2.85% of the respondents review all the lesson in the past
few days and lastly 2.85% they do nothing when they missed a lesson.

Maintained Get lower grades Don’t have any ideas
Got higher grades Don’t care



Figure 10

Frequency Distribution of What Happened To Your Grades When You

Are Absent

In question no.7, 42.85% of the respondents, said that even if they

are absent in class they still maintain their grades, however 28.57% got lower
grades, while 22.85% don’t have any idea if they got lower grades and 5.71% got
higher grades and lastly 0% answered that they don’t care.

Yes No Maybe



Figure 11

Frequency Distribution of Do You Know How To Get Make-up

Assignment of You Class If You’re Absent

In question no.8 52.42% of the respondents new how to get make-up

for the assignment that they missed, while 37.14% of the respondents don’t how
to make-up for their assignments and lastly 11.42% were unsure on how to get
make up for their assignments.

Got lower grades Didn’t know Had blank grades Maintained



Figure 12

Frequency Distribution of the Effect of Grades If The Respondents

Were Always Absent

In question no.9, 65.71% of the respondents said since they always

absent in class they got lower grades, however 17.14% of the respondents didn’t
know the results of their grades, 11.42% of them think that they got blank grades,
and lastly 5.71% maintained their grades.

Got higher grades Maintained Got lower grades Not improved

2.85 2.85



Figure 13

Frequency Distribution of The Effects Of Grades If The Grades If The

Respondents Never Had Absent

In question no.10, 65.71% of the respondents said although if they

never had any absent they can get higher grades, while 28.57% maintained their
grades, moreover 2.85% of them got lower grades and lastly 2.85% of the
respondents they never improved their grades.


Summary of Findings
More of the respondents of this study in 9- Narra have a age
of 15 year old
Most of the respondents of this study are female.
Majority of the respondents of this study knew the meaning of
absenteeism and some of them have been tried to be absent on thei classes
because of their sickness and when they are absent all of them are jest staying
at home.
When they are absent they ask their classmate what was their previous
lesson and when they are absent their grade are getting lower and they knew
how to get make-up assignment but the effect of their absenteeism are their
grades is getting lower but most of them when they are never absent their grades
are getting higher

Based on the results of survey conducted,the researchers end up
with the conclusion that absebteeism has an effect to the academic performance
of the student because when students are absent their grades are getting lower
and lack of learning to their previous lesson.

• The teacher must be monitor their student if when they are absent.
• The officer of the school must send a letter to the parents when the
students are absent.
• Students must provide a excuse letter to monitor them by the teachers.
• Students must go to school everyday to be able to not being late to their

• Parents will be push their children to go to school.

Balkis, M. (2016) The School Absenteeism among High School Students.

Retrieved from


Bartleby, K. (2013) Students Absenteeism. Retrieved from


Bauer C. and Portman B. (2018) Where Chronic Students Absence is a Problem

and Strategies to Make Progress. Retrieved from https://www-








Eneza, L. (2013) Absenteeism in School. Retrieved from

Goldstein, J. (2014) Absenteeism: A Review of the Literature and School

Psychology’s Role. Retrieved from

Gottfried, M. (2014) Chronic Absenteeism and its Effect on Students Academic

and Socioemotional Outcomes. Retrieved from


Keany, N. (2012) Three Possible Reasons Students are Absent from School.

Retrieved from


Kelly, K. (2012) The Problem of School Absenteeism. Retrieved from



Ketter, R. (2013) Students Chronic Absenteeism. Retrieved from

Mehmood, K. (2017) Effects of Absenteeism on Students Performance.

Retrieved from




Schmulian, A. (2011) Class Absenteeism: Reasons for Non-Attendance and the

Effect on Academic Performance. Retrieved from

Shore, M. (2016) Problem in Absenteeism. Retrieved from

Stanca, L. (2006) The Effects of Attendance on Academic Performance.

Retrieved from


Walters, M. (2018) The Effects of Excessive Absentees in School. Retrieved from


Wierman, K. (2017) How Chronic Absentees Affect Students Achievement.

Retrieved from


Zinshteyn, G. (2016) About Absenteeism. Retrieved from


Topic: The cause and effects of Absenteeism to academic performances ofthe


Age:______. Gender:_______________
1. Do you know the meaning of absenteeism?
a) YES. b) NO. c) Maybe
2. Have you tried to absent in class?
a) YES. b) NO
3. How many times do you absent in a week?
a) 1. b) 2. c) 3. d) 4. e) Whole week
4. Why do you absent?
a) Financial Problem
b) Family Problem
c) Getting Late
d) Sickness
e) Lazyness
5. What did you do when you are absent?
a) Stay at Home
b) Clean our house
c) Review all the lesson I’ve missed
d) Playing online games
e) Playing outdoor activities
6. What did you do with your missed lessons if you are absent?
a) I go to the library and read
b) I ask my classmates what was our lessons
c) I review all the lesson in the past few days
d) Make a research
e) Nothing

7. What happened to your grades when you are absent?
a) They getting lower
b) They getting higher
c) Maintain
d) I don’t know
e) I don’t care
8. Do you know how to get make- up assignment for your class if you are
a) YES. b) NO. c) Maybe
9. What is the effect to your grades if you always absent in school?
a) Maintain
b) Getting lower
c) Getting higher
d) Having blank grades
e) I don’t know
10. What is the effect to your grades if you never absent?
a) Maintain
b) Getting lower
c) Getting higher
d) Having blank grades
e) Nothing happened

Thank you very much for taking the time to fill out the survey. We appreciate your
help with this important research project.

- The Researchers


Thesis is not easy because you need to do same deep research, you
need to work hard to fill all the component of the research paper, you will need to
gather all data to the person you do not know, you need to face all the personal
circumstances to your groupmates and specially you will need to defend you
topic to be able to verified your whole work.

At first when our teacher announce that we need to make a research

paper, me and my fellow classmates and groupmates chitchatting about research
paper, we asked each other, what is the purpose of that ? it’s that a very
important thing? In our mind that research paper is like nothing because we
realize that research paper that we were working right, now it will benefits us to
the future, you need so much time to do a research paper you will do some trial
and error, many writings, checking of our work but, the real struggle is your other
subjects activities that always rumming and chasing us.

In our group we face a some personal issues because all of us having

some different opinion and all the mistakes that they do and many work that they
don’t do because of lazyness, but onething their my group mates shouldn’t
accept, that is the exceptionof other groups to the defence, yes that is unfair
because as a fellow group we make some effort to make our work done but we
didn’t passed it our the right time, bus as group leader I need to comfort my team
I said that its okay because this trial in this work and work that we will face
benefits us to the future.

To sum up working hard and having a open mindness is the key for you to
succeed in life you will facing some trials and failures is your key to learn
because you will learn from your failure and other will learn from your success,
just right now we succeed this research paper and defended it but now other will
learn from our success.


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