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Colegio de San Jose del Monte

Genesis Poblacion 1, City of San Jose del Monte Bulacan




Rafael Jerome O. Julio

Shain Andrei Sahagun



Students nowadays cannot be separated from absenting from classes, it has

become a phenomenon, it is very obvious and easy to observe the students that made

absenting from classes a habit for it has become a necessity in their nature. So, it is not

surprising if this habit continues to fall and proceeds to become a problem among

schools. Primary, secondary, & even at college/university level, the problem still

persists. Other than that, the field of corporations and the field of employment faces the

same problems for their employees.

The number of absences of students in classes are getting worse each year.

There are a few students that sometimes attend a class for just a few days, other than

that the attendances of students in classes based on the subject that they like. These

scenarios actually should not happen, because as a student they already know how to

differentiate between morality of right & wrong. Besides that, they also know very well

the impact & affect while they are absent from a class, they may miss the opportunity of

learning other techniques.

Therefore, we feel that this problem is very serious. As such we take

responsibility to investigate & find a solution to this problem from continuing to happen.

Sometimes, we know the accurate information about these problems & we will be able

to cope with this problem from it’s roots.

A. Background of Study

Absenteeism is a habitual pattern of absence from a duty or obligation.

Traditionally, absenteeism has been viewed as an indicator of poor individual

performance, as well as a breach of an implicit contract between employee and

employer; it was seen as a management problem, and framed in economic or quasi-

economic terms.

More recent research seeks to understand absenteeism as an indicator of

psychological, medical, or social adjustment to work. Teacher absenteeism had a

negative impact on the financial resources of a school system, more importantly; it had

a detrimental and disruptive effect on student achievement. The problem of

absenteeism among teachers comes as an area of concern among all stakeholders in

education and authorities of education.

Absenteeism affects performance of students, and it is in view of this that, this

research was conducted to reveal how poor remuneration, low qualification of teachers

and teachers furthering education on distance learning contribute to it. The development

of effective measures that will help to curtail the problem of absenteeism among

teachers will also be considered in this research study so as to aid not most of the

schools facing such problem of teacher absenteeism during lesson periods. Education is

not only the transfer of information, knowledge and skills from the teachers to students

but the actual transformation of a person to become educated.

Being educated mean one has access to prime states of mind no matter what kind

of situation one is facing. One is able to act efficiently, perceive exactly, and think clearly
to accomplish one’s goals and aspirations. The study of absenteeism is very important for

any college. The word absenteeism means the absence of a student from class when he

is expected to be present at school/college. When teacher has no information in advance,

that the student will not report for class if he has taken leave to which he is entitled or on

ground of sickness or in case of accident.

Thus, absence may authorize or unauthorized willful or caused by circumstance

beyond teacher's control. An important factor to the success in school among children

and youth is attendance. For children, particularly to those with lower socio-economic

status, better attendance is related to higher academic achievement according to results

of studies. From kindergarten, those who always attend school gains higher scores on

tests than their classmates who are always absent.

B. Statement of the Problem

Purpose of this study is to find the effects of absenteeism to students, to determine the

impact of it in academics. There are problem statements below:

1. What are the demographic profile of Grade 9 Students in terms of:

a. Age
b. Sex
c. Section

2. What are the effects of absenteeism to students’ academic performances in terms of:

a. school activities
b. extracurricular activities
c. class performance
d. passing examinations
3. What are the impacts of being absent in lessons & topics in class? in terms of:

a. school activities
b. class participation
c. extracurricular activities

4. What are the factors that causes absenteeism in class?

C. Significance of the Study

Our study would benefit the people below:

Students: They would have an idea & be aware of the effects of

absenteeism to their academic performance.

Teachers: They would have an idea in how to prevent absenteeism,

& they would be aware of the effects of it.

Parents: Parents would have an idea when giving an advice to their children in the

effects of being absent in school, & they would know

how to prevent this situation.

School: This study would provide information in the school’s

teachers, & principals so that they would have an idea on how to

prevent student’s from failing in examinations, &

encourage students to study even more.

Researchers: Our study would provide enough information to other researchers that

are experiencing the same problem.

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