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De Leon, Princess Marielle R.

Reflection Paper Week

Occupational Medicine January 21,


For the past week, multiple laws were discussed, most were focused on the
different health and safety hazards, the rights of employees, and the roles and
responsibilities of employers. Overall, it’s good that we have these laws to protect
workers from different occupational hazards. Moreover, it’s also commendable that our
laws took into consideration the different social aspects of health like discrimination and
confidentiality that protects workers from the stigma of the disease. While these laws
are good and aims to protect the rights of workers, I feel like this is easier said than
done. The stigma of diseases including HIV, Hepatitis B, and Tuberculosis needs to be
addressed first to assure that the implementation of these laws will be smooth.
However, there is still an apparent lack of education among Filipinos regarding these
topics. Our fight against ignorance plays a role in these laws as well.

Overall, I enjoyed learning about these things and I look to forward to learn more
and hear other people’s perspectives on these topics.

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