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Rewiring Your Brain Through Affirmations 

● I am always thinking and acting as if there are no limits to my abilities because there 
are none. I have unlimited power because I don't care what others think or say 
about me as the only opinion that matters is my own.  
● I always assume and visualize abundance, security and success because it is my 
● Everyday I begin to think MORE clearly, concentrate MORE easily, learn new skills 
and material MORE easily, and my memory improves as I see things in their true 
perspective, without allowing them to get out of proportion. 
● I am a high performer because I do everything with precision, decisiveness and 
absolute faith and conviction. I listen to my intuition and keep my eye on my vision 
and focus on the necessary steps to accomplish my goals. I easily break down my 
outcomes into small chunk goals that lead to actualizing my vision. I always do what 
I say because it’s important to me. 
● I am free of the fear of rejection. I act without fear of rejection and feel confident, 
strong minded and energized. I am free of the fear of mistakes and failure as they 
are necessary to achieve success. I act without fear of failure and feel excited, 
heroic and unstoppable. 
● I am very proud to be free of judging other people and comparing them to myself. I 
am unique, special, and powerful as I was put on this earth to create massive 
positive impact. There is no one like me and I am like nobody else.  
● I love to close the deal. When a deal is closed one way or another I am content 
knowing that my time has been well spent and I feel confident and excited about 
moving onto a new opportunity without any wasted time.  
● Everyday I begin to discover my self-esteem increasing and I also notice much more 
confidence in myself, MUCH MORE confidence in my ability to do, not only what I 
must do each day, but MUCH MORE confidence in my ability to do whatever I ought 
to be able to do, and to do it easily, optimistically, and happily. 
● My focus is increasing more and more and I’m noticing how I see the positive in 
every situation no matter how difficult or trying things may be. And, because all 
these things are beginning to happen not because of some wonderful words I know 
how to say, but simply because it’s the nature of who I am. I begin to feel much 
happier, much more content. Much more cheerful, secure and much more 
optimistic, and it really is true, every day in every way I will do better and better. 
● I am easily constantly improving myself personally and professionally everyday. My 
positive affirmations, goal setting and constant action make me an incredibly 
successful businessman. I feel incredibly positive and strong-minded.   
● I am a healthy athletic individual. I am in perfect health and have an amazing body. 
Exercising makes me feel energized and accomplished and the benefits I receive 
from exercise are incredible.  
● I am always seeing opportunity everywhere I look. Opportunity is everywhere. I feel 
overwhelmingly confident and positive everyday with the abundance of opportunity.  
● I am always feeling amazing every morning I wake up. I easily get up knowing that 
the day has a huge opportunity waiting for me. I feel excited, confident and 
exhilarated each morning as soon as I open my eyes.  
● I have a mindset of wealth and abundance, I can easily achieve anything that I want 
to and I feel so powerful and unstoppable. I am wildly overwhelmed and filled with 
joy as no matter how much money I spend I always have more than enough. I have 
no fears about money.  
● The world is a better place because of me and what I do with my large amounts of 
● My authority over words is absolute. I am an exceptional linguist and master of 
words because I know how their meanings and melodies affect others. My clear, 
precise and eloquent vocabulary is under my complete conscious control. No other 
in the world has a finer vocabulary. I cannot forget words as it is impossible because 
I have them at my conscious command. 
● I have complete control over my thoughts, feelings and my emotions because I am 
constantly increasing my awareness since I know that I am the cause and not the 
● I am proud of myself and my success, I have achieved a great deal and this is just 
the beginning, I feel humbled and honored 
● I easily forget all derogatory criticism I have ever received because it does not serve 
me and I know it is only a representation of how others feel about themselves.  
● I always easily keep a clean and organized workspace. This allows me to be 
extremely productive. 
● I never speak negatively about another because I am too powerful and I love 
everyone. I have no hate or jealousy in me because I am not in a contest with 
● My income is constantly increasing and I deserve it because I take the necessary 
steps to make it so.  
● Creative ideas for money and success easily flow from me, I feel powerful and gifted. 
I feel gifted and deserving of my good fortune and prosperity because I do what 
needs to be done to make it so.  
● I have the courage to take action even when I feel fear because I know that 
everything I want is on the other side of fear.  
● I take action easily because I know I am resourceful enough to figure it out. This 
means that I’m not always right but I’m NEVER IN DOUBT. 
● Money comes to me in expected and unexpected ways and it’s attracted to me from 
every different angle possible.  
● I love and respect myself and that allows me to have enriching relationships. I am an 
amazing person and I am proud of who I am and who I am becoming. I possess the 
wisdom, power, motivation, inspiration, and the passion to accomplish anything and 
everything I choose. 
● I am happily and easily and quickly learning the lessons life presents me with, a 
setback, struggle or failure to me is still a win and a step forward because I know I 
will always learn something valuable.  
● I have absolute certainty in my ability to generate any amount of income I choose 
because I am the creator and cause of my reality.  

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